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3월 07 2023
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서브텍스트는 인공지능 아웃라이너 및 글쓰기 도구로, 이야기꾼이 완결성과 매력적인 내러티브를 구성하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 창작 과정에서 안내와 지원을 제공하면서 내러티브 구조와 이론에 대한 지혜를 전달합니다.

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서브텍스트를 사용하려면 간단히 가입하고 플랜을 선택하면 됩니다. 기본 예제와 분석에 접속하거나 퀀텀 플랜으로 전체 기능을 잠금 해제하세요. 32,000개 이상의 독특한 스토리 구조와 AI 기반의 디지털 멘토 '서브텍스트 뮤즈'의 도움을 받아 이야기꾼 기술을 향상시키고 매력적인 내러티브를 만들 수 있습니다.

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인공지능 아웃라이너 및 글쓰기 도구

AI 기반의 디지털 멘토 '서브텍스트 뮤즈'

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9월 12 2024

Build a Better Story with Subtxt

🎥💡 "Build a Better Story with Subtxt" 💡🎥 Calling all storytellers, writers, and creators! Discover the revolutionary way to elevate your writing process with Subtxt. In this video, we introduce you to the powerful capabilities of our app and its groundbreaking feature: the Subtxt Muse, a digital chatbot story consultant. Starting with a spontaneous story idea, watch as we transform it into a compelling narrative structure that's rich in depth and detail. The Subtxt app provides a streamlined process to hone your writing and infuse your stories with meaningful structure, bringing them to life like never before. 💻 Subtxt, your personal writing assistant, is here to help you: 1️⃣ Develop a random story idea into a complex narrative 2️⃣ Discover how to apply meaningful structure to your storytelling 3️⃣ Experience real-time guidance from Subtxt Muse, your digital chatbot story consultant 4️⃣ Follow the journey from a simple idea to a captivating, well-structured story If you've ever struggled with organizing your ideas, fleshing out your stories, or just need a fresh perspective, Subtxt and Subtxt Muse are here to transform the way you approach writing. Join us on this journey as we break down the story-building process step-by-step using the power of Subtxt. Learn how to streamline your writing process, optimize your storytelling, and get your ideas onto the page in a structured, engaging way. 👉 Register for Subtxt today (https://subtxt.app) and start writing the stories you've always dreamed of! Don't forget to Like, Share, and Subscribe for more helpful tips on enhancing your writing with Subtxt. #Subtxt #Storytelling #WritingTips #CreativeWriting #DigitalChatbot --- Most of us probably have no idea what we should be writing about. Have you ever tried to sit down and just write, only to find that the only thing your brain wants to do is ramble? Or worse, we freeze, staring at the screen with a shaky cursor and unsure what to write next. Subtxt is a new way to write that starts you off with momentum: by defining the argument your story seeks to make, before you even sit down to write. By focusing on the argument, rather than on plot or action, you'll be able to discover the specific scenes that form the core of your story, and you'll be able to test whether your argument is as strong as it can be--making sure that your story is as strong and compelling as possible. This matters because it gives you a clear purpose for your writing and helps you stay focused on what is most important to communicate to your audience. It also allows you to more easily identify areas where your story may be weaker and needs improvement. Overall, this approach can help you create a stronger, more effective piece of writing. Now that you know the basics of Subtxt, try it out for yourself and see how it can help improve your writing! https://subtxt.app

6월 16 2023

Three Body Problem's Problem

Understanding Storytelling Through the Flaws of Three Body Problem In this episode of Building Subtxt, host Jim Hull discusses the storytelling issues in the series 'Three Body Problem,' highlighting its failure to engage audiences due to lacking three out of four essential Throughlines: Main Character, Obstacle Character, and Relationship Story (though, they did manage to squeak in an Objective Story Throughline). Jim explains the importance of these perspectives, derived from psychological viewpoints on conflict, in creating a complete and engaging narrative. Using 'Three Body Problem' as a key example, he articulates how its focus on only the Objective Story Throughline makes it less engaging and meaningful. The discussion extends to the significance of complete narratives in storytelling, offering examples of successful narratives from other series and emphasizing the role of diverse perspectives in storytelling for a richer audience experience. 00:00 Introduction to Building Subtxt and the Three Body Problem 01:02 The Universal Problem in Storytelling: Missing Throughlines 02:07 Breaking Down the Four Throughlines in Storytelling 03:35 The Impact of Missing Throughlines in Three Body Problem 04:38 The Importance of Complete Narratives in TV Series 06:38 Why Stories Matter: Providing Perspectives We Can't Experience Alone 07:30 Conclusion and Invitation for Discussion Make your stories unforgettable with Subtxt. Elevate your writing with tools designed to enhance your narrative’s depth and engagement. Start your journey to storytelling mastery today at Subtxt: https://subtxt.app If you want to join the next AI Storytelling Foundations cohort, you can read all about it through Subtxt University where you can connect with a community of writers and learn the secrets to crafting stories that resonate. (https://narrativefirst.com/subtxt-university) #writingcommunity #screenwriting #narrativedesign #subtxt #creativewriting

4월 12 2024

30개의 소셜 미디어 데이터를 보려면 잠금을 해제해야 합니다

Subtxt 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

Subtxt: 서브텍스트는 이야기꾼이 매력적인 내러티브를 만들 수 있는 인공지능 글쓰기 도구입니다.
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