아이가 어떤 것이든 배울 수 있다는 것을 보여주세요. 합성 튜터는 실제로 작동하는 교육용 인공 지능입니다. 스스로 발견하세요.
아이들에게 스스로 생각하는 법을 가르치세요. 수학을 마스터하세요. 우리는 DARPA 연구원들과 협력하여 실제로 작동하는 초인간 수학 튜터를 개발했습니다. 아이가 초능력을 발전시키는 것을 지켜보세요.
다음은 고객 서비스를 위한 Synthesis 지원 이메일입니다: questions@synthesis.com .
Synthesis 회사 이름: Synthesis .
Synthesis에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 회사 소개 페이지(https://www.synthesis.com/)를 방문하세요. .
Synthesis Youtube 링크: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hfKovjm2q9J99ytt8fb5g
Synthesis Linkedin 링크: https://www.linkedin.com/company/synthesis-school
Synthesis Twitter 링크: https://twitter.com/synthesischool
Synthesis Instagram 링크: https://www.instagram.com/synthesis.is/
소셜 리스닝
The best way to learn is with a personal tutor. We have known this since the time when Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great. But who can find and afford their own personal Aristotle? A team funded by DARPA (the agency that created GPS, the internet, and early self-driving cars) set out to make an AI version of Aristotle. They succeeded in creating an AI tutor that is far better than the best human tutors. It is infinitely knowledgeable, patient, and empathetic. It never gets tired or frustrated. That team now works for @synthesis.is and we are creating our own AI tutor, starting with mathematics. The project is led by James Tanton. James holds a PhD in mathematics from Princeton and has taught math in the classroom and on YouTube for over a decade. If you could have any math tutor in the world for your kids, it would be James Tanton. Imagine if every kid in the world could have their own personal tutor? How much more could they learn? How much more free time would they have to actually be kids and enjoy childhood? We are working hard to make this a reality. #fyp