우리의 플랫폼은 인재 획득 업체와 인재 스트리밍으로부터 최종 선택까지 전체 비즈니스를 최적화할 수 있습니다.
인공지능으로 구동되는 인재채용은 채용 담당자가 가장 우수한 인재를 손쉽게 찾아 참여시키고 입사시키는데 도움을 주는 지원 추적 시스템 (ATS) 소프트웨어입니다. 멀티채널 소싱, AI 기반 후보자 평가, 제안 관리 및 온보딩과 같은 기능을 제공합니다.
다음은 고객 서비스를 위한 인재채용 지원 이메일입니다: contact@talentrecruit.com . 더 많은 문의사항이 있으면 문의하기 페이지(https://www.talentrecruit.com/request-a-demo)를 방문하세요.
인재채용 회사 이름: TalentRecruit .
인재채용 회사 주소: No 163, 2nd & 3rd Floor, Amar Jyothi Layout Intermediate Ring Road, Domlur, Bangalore - 560 071..
인재채용에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 회사 소개 페이지(https://www.talentrecruit.com/about-us)를 방문하세요. .
인재채용 가입 링크: https://www.talentrecruit.com/request-a-demo
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소셜 리스닝
Alok Nidhi Gupta - Co-founder & CEO - TalentRecruit
Company Name : TalentRecruit Headquartered : Bangalore Category : HRTech One line pitch: TalentRecruit is an AI-powered platform that is highly configurable & scalable with end-to-end recruitment capabilities. Website: www.talentrecruit.com Employees: 100+ Contact Alok Nidhi on Email: alok@talentrecruit.com
Episode 4: HR Trends and Challenges in the Global and Indian Contexts (with Ashish Banka)
Dive into the dynamic world of HR with the fourth episode of #Transcend! Join us on this insightful journey where industry leaders unravel the mysteries of technology and talent. In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting Mr. Ashish Banka, the Head of Human Capital at Cradlewise. With over 15+ years of experience in HR, Ashish brings invaluable insights into the ever-evolving landscape of human resources. 🎧 Episode 4 - Adapting to Change: HR Trends and Challenges in the Global and Indian Contexts 🎧 Explore key topics such as: The impact of technological advancements on HR practices. Strategies for adapting to global and regional HR challenges. Insights into effective talent management and employee engagement. Plus, don't miss out on learning about TalentRecruit - an AI-powered recruiting and onboarding platform. Discover how this innovative tool can empower you to engage effectively with candidates while conveying your company culture to attract the best talent in the market. Tune in to gain a wealth of knowledge and stay ahead in the world of HR! For more information, reach out to us at contact@talentrecruit.com or visit our website at www.talentrecruit.com.