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워터릴리 프로젝트를 통해 예술가들에게 윤리적인 AI 예술 생성을 제공합니다.
5월 13 2023
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워터릴리 제품 정보

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워터릴리는 인공지능 예술 생성의 핵심속성 프로젝트입니다. 그들을 하는 철저한 AI 예술 플랫폼 생성으로 인해 예술가는 워터릴리의 가치를 얻을 수 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 자신의 작품을 합법보안을 얻을 수 있도록 보장합니다.

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워터릴리를 사용하려면 예술가는 워터릴리 지갑을 설치해야 합니다. 이 지갑은 그들이 자신의 AI 생성 예술을 만들고 소유할 수 있도록 해줍니다. 예술가는 이름, 카테고리 또는 스타일로 예술가 또는 특색 예술가를 검색 할 수 있습니다. 그들은 자신의 예술품을 플랫폼에 공개 할 수도 있습니다.

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워터릴리의 핵심기능은: 1. 지갑 설치: 예술가는 워터릴리 지갑을 설치하여 플랫폼에 액세스 할 수 있습니다. 2. 특색 예술가: 발견과 탐색 특색 예술가의 작품. 3. 검색: 이름, 카테고리 또는 스타일로 예술가 또는 예술 작품을 쉽게 검색할 수 있습니다.

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예술가는 워터릴리에서 인공지능 예술 작품을 생성하고 플랫폼에 표시할 수 있습니다. 그들은 인정 받을 수 있으며, 다른 예술가들과의 관계를 구축하며 자신의 작품에서 수입을 얻을 수 있습니다.

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검색 기록

Filecoin & IPFS Ecosystem Roundup: May 2023 Full Presentation

May 2023 Filecoin & IPFS Community Roundup The Filecoin & IPFS Community Roundup is a great way to stay connected and engaged with the Filecoin & IPFS ecosystems. It provides you with the latest updates, developments, and insights straight from the community, keeping you informed about the progress and evolution of the network. It's also an excellent opportunity to understand more deeply the decentralized storage landscape and the revolutionary technology behind Web3. Timestamps 00:00 - Intro 02:43 - State of IPFS, Filecoin, & Web3 18:20 - Wins of the Month 28:39 - App of the Month 49:24 - #FILMVP 50:13 - What's Next? Recap Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpxF8j3PYI8 ____________________ 🧭State of Filecoin & IPFS/Filecoin & IPFS Ecosystem in the News (15 mins) Kyle Samani (Multicoin Capital) on their Filecoin Thesis: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qQRUFRAWCEw Electric Capital on Ecosystems Ranked by Active Developers (Filecoin ranked #16): https://www.developerreport.com Messari’s “State of Filecoin Q1 2023” Report is out: https://twitter.com/FilecoinTLDR/status/1646908649082703876 Bluesky is adopting IPLD as part of its stack: https://blog.ipfs.tech/2023-ipfs-on-bluesky/ ____________________ 🏆Wins of the Month (10 mins) (1) The first Filecoin DeFi Showcase in Hong Kong: https://twitter.com/colinevran/status/1646579458013552640 (2) The Launch of Filecoin Data Tools to onboard clients to Filecoin: https://filecoindata.tools/ (3) Waterlily.ai launches on FVM with a first-of-its-kind ethical AI Art platform: https://twitter.com/DeveloperAlly/status/1651933012253351936?s=20 (4) 800+ hackers join the IPFS & Filecoin community at ETH Tokyo: https://twitter.com/Noirkat76/status/1652226786313502723 (5) The FIL.VC demo day attracts 25 startups and 800+ Investors at FILVC: https://twitter.com/filecoin/status/1644007812584943616?s=46&t=aU9fFKrNAUznn7NAeZ3MKg (6) Axelar’s token bridging solution goes live: https://twitter.com/lksbrssr/status/1651872264021856256 (7) The ESPA 6th Storage Provider Accelerator Cohort in Las Vegas was a huge success: https://twitter.com/web3ESPA/status/1646234695284436992?s=20 (8) GLIF Infinity Pool Deposits Reach 500,000 FIL prior to launching their Filecoin DeFi Leasing Solution: https://twitter.com/glifio/status/1653538713345859586?s=20 ____________________ 🌟App of the Month: Huddle01 Huddle01 is building infrastructure in the Filecoin & IPFS ecosystem to enable cross-chain audio and video communication. On today’s call, Mizan, one of the developers on the Huddle01 team, presents their product and runs us through a quick demo. Susmit, Huddle01’s cofounder and CTO, then discusses how the team leverages the unique properties of web3 tech to successfully attract ever more users. Investors are noticing, too: Huddle01 recently raised millions of dollars in their April ‘23 funding round. Test Huddle01 at https://www.huddle01.com/product ____________________ 🤝#FILMVP Shout out to the Glif team who launched the infinity staking pool and reached the incredible milestone of 500,000k FIL deposited https://twitter.com/glifio/status/1653538713345859586 Congratulations to the team from Tsinghua University blockchain association who won the FVM top prize at the EthGlobal Tokyo Hackathon https://twitter.com/dvzhangtz/status/1653538631821426688 Well done to the the SFT Protocol team for reaching 140k Filecoin staked https://twitter.com/SFTProtocol/status/1651978320261820416 Huge kudos to the Brave team for launching automatic NFT backups to the brave wallet using Filecoin and IPFS. https://twitter.com/brave/status/1653864955333029889 To nominate for June’s roundup, send a tweet tagging the project or person and reason for nominating with the hashtag #FILMVP ____________________ 📢Upcoming Events https://events.plnetwork.io/ The next roundup will take place on June 1st, if you’d like to share your wins and updates then email events@protocol.ai or tweet with the hashtag #FilecoinRoundup ___________________ Join our Filecoin Slack community and our IPFS Discord! https://filecoin.io/slack https://discord.gg/5qCT7BzT View this month's slides here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Rl9PN3p_2t5jTZ-BtzVAVDgZ8YPXCg9xaq_UNDAoMo4/edit?usp=sharing Follow Filecoin! Website: https://bit.ly/3ndAg44 Twitter: https://bit.ly/3ObND0x Slack: https://bit.ly/3HKfFy7 Blog: https://bit.ly/3HFZFNv Reddit: https://bit.ly/39N4Jmv Telegram: https://bit.ly/3bkP8Ly Subscribe to our newsletter! https://bit.ly/3Oy8J9j

5월 12 2023

4개의 소셜 미디어 데이터를 보려면 잠금을 해제해야 합니다

워터릴리 삽입 실행

웹사이트 배지를 사용하여 커뮤니티에서 Toolify Launch에 대한 지원을 유도하세요. 홈페이지나 바닥글에 쉽게 삽입할 수 있습니다.

워터릴리: 워터릴리 프로젝트를 통해 예술가들에게 윤리적인 AI 예술 생성을 제공합니다.
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