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WorkBot 회사 이름: WorkHub Platform Inc. .
WorkBot 회사 주소: c/o Raie & co, 1875 S. Bascom Ave, Suite 2400, Campbell, CA 95008.
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WorkHub TASKS - AI-powered Ticketing Software for Impeccable Customer Support
WorkHub TASKS is a cutting edge platform designed for diverse businesses, allowing them to streamline team tasks and customer queriers in one place. To get started with Smartest AI-Powered Helpdesk Ticketing Software, visit our website now: https://www.workhub.ai/tasks/
Meta USES YOU to train their AI (we can't really do anything about it) | Artists leaving Instagram
🌿 Hello Bean! Since the news over at Meta I wanted to do another video on the AI topic - this time it's also about our personal images, not our artworks only. I will also show you some examples what companies have used AI Art in the past, if it wasn't so sad I would say it's kinda funny, really. Have fun watching and please tell me what you think about this topic down in the comments. ➠ SOURCES [V1] https://www.instagram.com/p/C7d96YnK_00/?hl=de [S1] https://www.facebook.com/privacy/genai [S2] https://www.facebook.com/help/contact/6359191084165019 [S3] https://ai.meta.com/blog/facebooks-five-pillars-of-responsible-ai/ [S4] https://about.fb.com/news/2024/04/meta-ai-assistant-built-with-llama-3/ [S5] https://workhub.ai/metas-new-ai-tools/ [S6] https://80.lv/articles/wacom-explained-its-ai-generated-images-after-backlash/ [S7] https://www.polygon.com/24029754/wizards-coast-magic-the-gathering-ai-art-marketing-image [S8] https://www.polygon.com/23823516/dnd-dungeons-dragons-wizards-ai-art-controversy-bigby-presents-glory-of-the-giants [S9] https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/announcements/an-update-on-generative-ai-tools-and-magic [S10] https://www.coca-colacompany.com/media-center/coca-cola-invites-digital-artists-to-create-real-magic-using-new-ai-platform [S11] https://www.akqa.com/work/nike/never-done-evolving/ [S12] datafeedwatch.com/blog/best-ai-advertising-examples?hs_amp=true [S13] https://artificialintelligenceact.eu/ ➠ LINKS My Portrait Course on Gumroad: https://bizziebou.gumroad.com/l/how_t... My own references in complex perspectives: https://bizziebou.gumroad.com/l/portr... ➠ CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - What Data does Meta use to train their AI? 00:45 - How to object to Meta AI 01:36 - About "Privacy, Safety, Fairness & Transparency" 03:28 - What does Meta plan for their AI? 05:50 - Big companies that used AI Art ➠ YOU CAN FIND ME HERE ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bizziebou ► Website: https://bizziebou.wixsite.com/bizziebou ► Gumroad Shop: https://bizziebou.gumroad.com ► E-Mail: business@bizziebou.com ➠ EQUIPMENT & SOFTWARE ► Recording: Canon EOS 200D ► Microphone: Fifine USB Microphone ► Editing: PremierePro, Adobe Audition ► MacBook Air M2 2023 (16GB Ram, 1TB SSD) ➠ MUSIC All songs are from artlist.io Become a Bean by subscribean to my channel ✩ Have a nice one!
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