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Revisar, editar e melhorar sua escrita
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Nov 05 2024
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O que é editGPT?

editGPT é um editor apoiado por IA que aprimora a escrita com revisão, edição e rastreamento de mudanças em tempo real. A plataforma suporta múltiplos idiomas e oferece sugestões de gramática e estilo, modificações de tom e adaptação específica para o público. Também funciona com documentos do Microsoft Word, importando e exportando enquanto mantém as alterações rastreadas.

Principais recursos da editGPT

Rastrear as mudanças feitas pela IA

Usar prompts personalizados para edição

Rastreamento de mudanças no Word

Suporte a múltiplos idiomas

Edição de longa duração (editar um livro inteiro)

Casos de uso da editGPT


Edição de tese de mestrado


Edição de romance


Edição de manuscritos

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ChatGPT puede ser tu TUTOR PERSONAL y ayudarte a ESTUDIAR CUALQUIER COSA: DEFINIR UN CURRICULUM, crear MAPAS MENTALES, CORREGIR TEXTOS. Y todo ello: completamente GRATIS DESCARGA MI GUÍA PARA CREAR CONTENIDO CON IA 👉 https://snip.ly/guia-IA ENLACES DEL VÍDEO: 👉 Prompts del vídeo: https://iaenaccion.com/aprende-con-chatgpt-tutor-personal/ 👉 Xmind: https://xmind.app/ 👉 EditGPT: https://www.editgpt.app/ Maximiza tu aprendizaje con ChatGPT, tu tutor personal. Descubre cómo esta herramienta gratuita puede ayudarte a planificar, practicar y evaluar cualquier tema que desees aprender. En este vídeo, te mostramos cómo utilizar ChatGPT para aprender inglés, desde la planificación del currículum hasta la práctica de ejercicios y la corrección de redacciones. Aprovecha al máximo ChatGPT y transforma tu proceso de aprendizaje. --- MARCAS DE TIEMPO 00:00 Convierte a ChatGPT en tu tutor personal 00:41 Cómo aprender cualquier cosa con ChatGPT 01:15 Define el currículum 03:50 Identifica tus recursos de estudio 04:33 Crea mapas mentales con ChatGPT 05:48 Crea ejercicios prácticos con ChatGPT 07:30 Corrección de textos con ChatGPT --- ✅ SUCRÍBETE A MI CANAL: http://bit.ly/suscribirse_XM​​​​ 📕 Descarga mi guía gratuita para Stable Diffusion: 👉 https://snip.ly/guia-IA --- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xavier_mitjana/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/xavier_mitjana Contacto comercial: xavmit.yt@gmail.com *Al realizar una compra a través de cualquiera de estos enlaces de afiliado, recibimos una comisión muy pequeña sin costo adicional para ti. Esto me ayuda a hacer el canal sostenible y seguir ofreciendo contenido de calidad. #inteligenciaartificial

Xavier Mitjana
May 21 2023

ChatGPT SEO Extensions to Supercharge ⚡️ the AI

Let's cover 5 ChatGPT SEO extensions that can power up your use of ChatGPT. 1. AIPRM So once you guys have added the extension - youll have a pretty large list of pre-built prompts that you guys can use, to help speed up your outputs on ChatGPT- Theres A LOT more options now and this is because there’s now a really cool community feature where you can vote on prompts, see how often people have used them, you can even create your own prompts which ill get into in a minute Lets talk about the SILO structure prompt based off of 1 keyword - let me show you guys how this works, again only using one keyword, we’ll let it generate the answer here, it basically creates a recommended structure for the different pages you should be building as a website owner, even though this wont be perfect, and i’d also recommend always checking keyword data before starting off on any content this can actually be a great start for someone that isn’t sure what content to tackle first with a brand new website - so thats pretty neat you can do that with only one keyword. So theres hundreds of prompts now, that i’ll let you guys explore on your own time, but the extra cool thing that you can do now with this extension is generate your own prompts, and save them on the app. This is especially neat if you find that none of the other available prompts are helping out. Its quite simple, you might need to look a little into prompt generation, what I recommend is checking the existing prompts - and remember we can see that by basically clicking off the chat, and clicking back in - you’ll be able to see exactly that prompt looked like Some basic guidelines for prompt generation are: 1. Define ChatGPT’s role - so is it a tourist guide? Is it a content writer? A philosopher? Help give it as much context as possible 2. Be as descriptive as possible 3. Give it formatting guidelines Now a second extension that i’ve been using quite a bit, is this the editGPT: (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/editgpt/mognjodfeldknhobgbnkoomipkmlnnhk) extension - it basically brings a grammarly equivalent into ChatGPT [https://www.editgpt.app/](https://www.editgpt.app/) - theres a variety of different things we can do with it, but i’ve just been using to proofread text that chatGPT might generate - now it is still in Beta, so its slightly buggy, so i recommend always opening up a new chat, with every text that you try to proofread - here’s an example of how it works: We need to make sure that we’re taking a look at the prompts: https://www.editgpt.app/how-to I do want to quickly mention another extension that I spoke about in a previous video, incase you guys didn’t watch it - and thats the WebChatGPT:(https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/webchatgpt-chatgpt-with-i/lpfemeioodjbpieminkklglpmhlngfcn) extension, which basically helps ChatGPT pull live info from search results, so instead of getting a result like this: This next one is ChatGPT Writer: (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chatgpt-writer-write-mail/pdnenlnelpdomajfejgapbdpmjkfpjkp) - also free, and it basically helps you generate email answers very quickly. So lots of emailing in SEO, and I think one of the most relevant examples is in link building, lots of back and forths there, here’s an example where I could use it - im gonna have it generate a reply to this email I got in 2019 for a guest post so I reached out to this website owner a couple years back, and he replied with the requirements he had for me to get posted on his website - so lets Might not be perfect, but if you’re sending a lot of emails thsi could be a lifesaver! This last chrome extension I want to talk to you guys about is Merlin - this one is quite cool because its almost like you have a CHATGPT assistant everywhere you go - it is a paid extension which is unfortunate (they have a really basic free trial), but theres a bunch you can do also outside of SEO, so if it makes sense for you it might be a good fit to pay for it, anyway let me give you guys a quick example of how i’d use this: a great example would be if you’re checking out your competitor content, you can easily highlight over a competitor title - and get Merlin to give me some improved results Timestamps: 0:00 AIPRM - The Best SEO Extension for ChatGPT 1:55 Creating your own Prompt inside of AIPRM 5:00 EditGPT - Grammarly(like) inside of Chat 6:08 WebChat - Pull Live Data 6:46 ChatGPT Writer - Email Power Up 7:55 ChatGPT Assistant 8:45 What Extensions did I miss? Let me know! 🫡 Checkout My SEO Course (SEO Mastery) https://courses.jaume.io/ 🚀 My Favorite SEO tool: https://get.surferseo.com/iat8z3s0gj46 🎯 Try PageOptymizer Pro https://app.pageoptimizer.pro/#/register?affiliateCode=SUDZV54V 🤝 My website: https://jaume.io/ 🌎 Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/jaumeros6 👨‍💻 Connect with me https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaume-ros-salvador/

Jaume Ros
Feb 20 2023

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