Defend Against Hordes in 7D2D Alpha 17 with Epic Tower Base

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Defend Against Hordes in 7D2D Alpha 17 with Epic Tower Base

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Gathering Resources
  3. Hunting Down the Bear
  4. Upgrading Intellect Level
  5. Unlocking Master Chef Perk
  6. Advancing to Intellect Level 4
  7. Building with Forged Iron
  8. Cooking Bacon and Eggs
  9. Managing Water Supply
  10. Repairing and Upgrading Base
  11. Preparing for Day 7


In this article, we will be discussing the latest updates in the game account "Bad Game Account." We will cover various aspects, including gathering resources, hunting down a bear, upgrading intellect level, unlocking the master chef perk, advancing to intellect level 4, building with forged iron, cooking bacon and eggs, managing the water supply, repairing and upgrading the base, and preparing for Day 7. So, let's dive right in and explore the exciting world of "Bad Game Account"!

Gathering Resources

One of the essential tasks in "Bad Game Account" is gathering resources. Whether it's for building materials or crafting items, resources are crucial for survival. In the last episode, we focused on gathering as many resources as possible. We managed to Collect 49 pieces of raw meat and 17 eggs, which will allow us to Create a substantial amount of bacon and eggs. However, before we can do that, we need to reach intellect level 3.

Hunting Down the Bear

To Gather more resources, we embarked on a mission to hunt down a bear. Luckily, we were able to successfully sneak up on it and kill it. However, to ensure our safety, we lured the bear towards the trader and took the shot from a secure position. This strategy not only protected us from harm but also allowed us to amass a considerable amount of raw meat. With 49 pieces of raw meat in our possession, we were well on our way to a hearty meal.

Upgrading Intellect Level

In order to progress in "Bad Game Account," it is essential to upgrade our intellect level. Currently, We Are at level 2, but we need to reach level 3 to unlock the next set of Perks. By investing our perk points wisely, we can unlock the master chef perk, which will enhance our cooking abilities and allow us to create even more delicious food. Therefore, our next task is to purchase the intellect level 3 perk.

Unlocking Master Chef Perk

Once we have achieved intellect level 3, we can finally unlock the master chef perk. This perk is crucial for our culinary adventures as it enables us to create superior quality dishes. With the master chef perk, we will be able to experiment with various ingredients and concoct meals that provide additional benefits and bonuses. So, let's focus on acquiring the intellect level 3 perk and unlock our path to becoming a master chef.

Advancing to Intellect Level 4

Although the master chef perk is essential, we should not overlook the importance of advancing to intellect level 4. With intellect level 4, we can unlock the coveted courage attribute, which will allow us to start building with forged iron. This is a significant milestone as forged iron is a strong and Durable material that can greatly enhance the structural integrity of our base. So, let's work towards achieving intellect level 4 and take our building capabilities to the next level.

Building with Forged Iron

With intellect level 4 attained, we can finally start building with forged iron. This opens up a whole range of possibilities for reinforcing our base and crafting advanced tools and weapons. By utilizing forged iron, we can fortify our defenses and withstand attacks from the relentless hordes of zombies. So, let's gather the necessary resources and start constructing with this superior material.

Cooking Bacon and Eggs

Now that we have upgraded our cooking abilities, it's time to put them to good use. With the master chef perk and an abundance of raw meat and eggs, we can create delicious bacon and eggs. These nutrient-rich meals will not only satisfy our hunger but also provide us with various boosts and benefits. So, let's gather the remaining ingredients, fire up the stove, and get cooking!

Managing Water Supply

In "Bad Game Account," water is a vital resource that plays a crucial role in our survival. In the previous episode, we consumed five glasses of red tea, which not only quenched our thirst but also provided stamina boosts. However, we need to ensure a steady water supply to meet our hydration needs. Let's assess our Current water reserves, plan a run to gather more empty jars, and strategize how to manage our water supply effectively.

Repairing and Upgrading Base

As the days progress, it becomes increasingly important to fortify our base and ensure its structural integrity. In the last episode, we noticed some damage caused by zombies. We need to repair the damage and reinforce weak areas to ensure our safety. Let's gather the necessary resources, such as cobblestone and wood, and get to work on repairing and upgrading our base.

Preparing for Day 7

Day 7 is fast approaching, and with it comes a horde of zombies that are more aggressive and relentless than ever. To survive this onslaught, we need to be fully prepared. Let's assess our current defenses, stock up on ammunition and medical supplies, and devise a strategic plan to fend off the incoming hordes. With careful planning and execution, we will overcome the challenges of Day 7 and emerge victorious.

The exhilarating world of "Bad Game Account" offers endless opportunities for resource gathering, base building, and survival. With each episode, we face new challenges and overcome them with our wit, skills, and perseverance. So, join us on this thrilling Journey and witness the evolution of our character's survival instincts in this action-packed game.


  • Gathering resources for survival
  • Hunting down dangerous wildlife
  • Upgrading intellect level for perks
  • Unlocking the master chef perk for better cooking skills
  • Advancing to intellect level 4 for building with forged iron
  • Building a fortified base for protection
  • Cooking delicious and nutritious meals
  • Managing water supply for hydration
  • Repairing and upgrading the base for added defense
  • Preparing for the intense Day 7 horde attack


Q: Can we harvest resources from other sources besides animals? A: Absolutely! In addition to hunting animals, we can gather resources from various sources such as vegetation, rocks, and even abandoned buildings.

Q: How often do we need to upgrade our intellect level? A: Upgrading intellect level depends on our desired perks and the availability of perk points. It's essential to strategize and prioritize our upgrades based on our gameplay style and objectives.

Q: Is building with forged iron necessary for survival? A: Building with forged iron provides significant advantages in terms of durability and overall strength. It is highly recommended for fortifying our base against the relentless zombie hordes.

Q: What are the benefits of cooking bacon and eggs? A: Bacon and eggs provide a satisfying and nutritious meal that boosts both hunger and health. The recipe also offers additional benefits such as increased stamina and resistance to certain ailments.

Q: How can we effectively manage our water supply? A: To manage our water supply, we can collect empty jars and fill them with water from nearby sources such as rivers, lakes, or even rainwater. Additionally, we can store water in barrels or other containers for future use.

Q: Do we need to reinforce our base before Day 7? A: Yes, reinforcing our base before Day 7 is crucial to withstand the intense horde attack. It's essential to repair any damages, fortify weak areas, and stock up on defensive measures such as traps and turrets.

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