Discover the Future of AI Art NFTs on Filecoin with Bacalhau Stable Diffusion

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Discover the Future of AI Art NFTs on Filecoin with Bacalhau Stable Diffusion

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Bridging Compute over State and Compute over Data
  3. The Importance of Data Access and Storage
  4. The Mission of the Filecoin Ecosystem
  5. The Role of FBm and Baklia in Filecoin
  6. Exploring FBm: Computation over State
  7. Exploring Baklia: Compute over Data
  8. Examples of Use Cases for FBm and Baklia Integration
  9. Leveraging Baklia and FBm for AI Generated NFTs
  10. Deploying an NFT Contract with Baklia and FBm
  11. Possibilities and Future Developments of FBm and Baklia
  12. Conclusion

Understanding Bridging Compute over State and Compute over Data

The talk pertains to the concept of bridging compute over state and compute over data. The speaker begins by expressing excitement about learning and discussing this topic. The term "bridging compute over state and compute over data" refers to the implementation of technology that enables open, scalable, and distributed data systems. The speaker mentions the importance of data access and storage in today's society and emphasizes the need for considering data ownership and data processing. The talk highlights the role of FBm and Baklia in enabling computation over state and computation over data respectively in the Filecoin ecosystem.

The Importance of Data Access and Storage

Data access and storage play a crucial role in our daily lives. From personal tasks such as listening to our favorite songs to professional activities like managing meetings and writing blogs, data is an integral part of our routines. However, it is essential to consider how our data is stored, who it belongs to, and what is done with it. The talk emphasizes that the Filecoin ecosystem is committed to building the technology necessary for open, scalable, and distributed data systems. This includes developing a distributed storage and retrieval network that ensures data sovereignty, censorship resistance, and trustlessness.

The Mission of the Filecoin Ecosystem

The Filecoin ecosystem aims to Create a foundation for the open web by establishing a decentralized storage and retrieval network. The speaker highlights the significance of building the infrastructure required for a truly open and scalable web. This infrastructure consists of two key components: the storage layer and the ability to perform computation over data. The storage layer provides a decentralized network of servers that store data, ensuring open collaboration and accessibility. On the other HAND, computation over data enables the processing and analysis of stored data, opening up possibilities for innovative applications.

The Role of FBm and Baklia in Filecoin

FBm and Baklia are integral to the Filecoin ecosystem, contributing to the computation side of the network. FBm focuses on computation over state, bringing programmable applications and logic to the Filecoin ecosystem. It enables user-friendly developer opportunities and supports various use cases, including those already present in the Ethereum ecosystem. Baklia, on the other hand, enables compute over data, allowing for off-chain verifiable compute loads on large datasets within the Filecoin network. This combination of FBm and Baklia provides developers with powerful tools to create innovative applications and leverage decentralized data processing capabilities.

Exploring FBm: Computation over State

FBm enables computation over state for Filecoin, bringing programmable applications and logic to the network. This capability enhances the developer experience and enables various use cases within the Ethereum ecosystem and the broader web3 community. FBm supports data markets, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and programmable storage automation. It offers opportunities for collaboration on climate data, academic research sharing, and the creation of open education libraries. By enabling computation over state, FBm opens doors for creative and user-friendly applications that leverage the power of blockchain technology.

Exploring Baklia: Compute over Data

Baklia plays a crucial role in enabling compute over data within the Filecoin network. By bringing additional capabilities to the storage and retrieval layer, Baklia allows for off-chain verifiable compute loads on large datasets. It supports the processing of data in a decentralized manner, ensuring the preservation of blockchain qualities such as trustlessness and censorship resistance. Baklia can handle tasks such as machine learning, IoT data integration, batch processing, and image and video processing. Its versatility makes it a valuable tool for developers and researchers looking to leverage the power of compute over data in their applications.

Examples of Use Cases for FBm and Baklia Integration

The integration of FBm and Baklia opens up countless possibilities for innovative applications. Some examples include onboarding and offboarding of Filecoin data, building reputation and quality of service layers, enabling computation for market and payment data, and automating creative endeavors such as video and image processing. FBm and Baklia can empower decentralized science, collaborative data sharing, and the creation of open education libraries. The combination of computation over state and compute over data provides developers with a wide range of tools to solve complex challenges and create impactful applications.

Leveraging Baklia and FBm for AI Generated NFTs

One exciting application of FBm and Baklia is the generation of AI-powered non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The speaker provides a live demonstration of how Baklia and FBm can be used to generate unique NFTs Based on user Prompts. This process involves running a Stable Diffusion script, which uses machine learning models to generate images based on text input. The resulting images can be used as the visual components of NFTs. This combination of AI and blockchain technology allows for the creation of dynamic and visually appealing NFTs, opening up new possibilities for digital art and collectibles.

Deploying an NFT Contract with Baklia and FBm

The speaker explains the process of deploying an NFT contract that leverages Baklia and FBm. The contract is based on the ERC-721 standard and utilizes open-source libraries like OpenZeppelin. The contract includes functions for minting NFTs and storing ownership details. The contract is deployed using Hardhat and interacted with using a connected wallet such as MetaMask. The integration of Baklia and FBm adds a unique element to the NFT generation process, enabling dynamic and AI-generated visual components for the NFTs.

Possibilities and Future Developments of FBm and Baklia

The talk concludes by highlighting the numerous possibilities and future developments of FBm and Baklia. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize data processing, AI integration, IoT data integration, and simulations. FBm and Baklia can empower developers to leverage the decentralized nature of blockchain technology while enabling advanced data analysis and computation capabilities. The integration of FBm and Baklia expands the scope of possibilities within the Filecoin ecosystem and the broader web3 community.


In conclusion, the discussion on bridging compute over state and compute over data provides valuable insights into the Filecoin ecosystem. FBm and Baklia play significant roles in enabling computation and computation over data within the network. The integration of these technologies opens up a world of possibilities for developers, researchers, and creative individuals. By combining the power of AI-generated NFTs with decentralized data processing, FBm and Baklia pave the way for innovative applications and solutions that leverage the benefits of blockchain technology. With continuous advancements and future developments, FBm and Baklia have the potential to reshape the landscape of data processing and decentralization.

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