Survive the Horde Day!

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Survive the Horde Day!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Ready for the Journey
  3. Sorting and Organizing Supplies
  4. Exploring the Nearby Area
  5. Looting the Funeral Home
  6. Dealing with Infected Zombies
  7. Searching Coffins for Loot
  8. A Surprising Find - Ammo and Coffins
  9. Contending with Sleeping Zombies
  10. Back to the Safehouse, Preparing for the Traitor
  11. Weapons and Armor Upgrades
  12. A Chain Saw and a Sealed Shipping Crate
  13. Another Crack-a-Book Store
  14. Unlocking the Forge and Making Weapons
  15. Shipment Drops and Valuable Loot
  16. Death and Respawn
  17. Making Storage Pocket Mod for Inventory Expansion
  18. Using the Forge to Smelt Iron
  19. Crafting Repair Kits and Preparing for Day 7
  20. Selling Loot, Starting New Quests, and Preparing for the Horde

"Surviving and Thriving in 7 Days to Die"

In the post-apocalyptic world of "7 Days to Die," we find ourselves struggling to survive against hordes of undead zombies. In this article, we will discuss our journey as we scavenge for supplies, fortify our safehouse, and prepare for the inevitable horde that comes every seventh day.


"7 Days to Die" is a survival horror game set in a zombie-infested wasteland. Our goal is to survive as long as possible against the constant threat of the undead. In this article, we will share our experiences, tips, and strategies for staying alive and thriving in this harsh environment.

Getting Ready for the Journey

Before venturing into the dangerous world outside, preparation is essential. We begin by gathering essential supplies, such as food, Water, and weapons. It is crucial to ensure that we have enough provisions to sustain us on our journey.

Sorting and Organizing Supplies

Once safely back at our base, we sort through our loot and organize our supplies. We discard unnecessary items and store valuable resources for later use. This process allows us to maximize our inventory space and ensures that we have access to essential items when needed.

Exploring the Nearby Area

With our supplies sorted and our base secure, we set out to explore the nearby area. We scavenge for resources, search abandoned buildings for loot, and encounter various challenges along the way. Our goal is to Gather valuable items and increase our chances of survival.

Looting the Funeral Home

One of the areas we choose to explore is a nearby funeral home. Despite its creepy atmosphere, We Are rewarded with an abundance of ammo and the unexpected find of coffins filled with valuable loot. We take AdVantage of this opportunity to stock up on supplies and improve our chances against the undead.

Dealing with Infected Zombies

During our exploration, we encounter several infected zombies. These formidable enemies require careful strategy and precise aiming to defeat. We learn from our mistakes and adapt our tactics to take them down more efficiently, preventing unnecessary injuries.

Searching Coffins for Loot

The coffins found in the funeral home prove to be a goldmine of resources. We open each one, finding ammo, lockpicks, and duct tape. We reflect on the irony of burying the dead with their precious belongings and make the most of the loot we discover.

A Surprising Find - Ammo and Coffins

As we progress deeper into the funeral home, we stumble upon a Hidden room. The room contains even more ammo and coffins to search. We are grateful for the abundance of supplies and marvel at our luck in finding such a well-stocked location.

Contending with Sleeping Zombies

In the course of our looting, we come across sleeping zombies hidden inside the funeral home. We must be cautious not to wake them as their slumbering state makes them vulnerable to a sneak attack. Careful and precise movements allow us to dispatch them with minimal effort.

Back to the Safehouse, Preparing for the Traitor

Returning to our safehouse, we prepare ourselves for the trader's arrival the next day. We strategize on what supplies to sell, what items to keep, and how to make the most of our trading opportunity. It is essential to stock up on useful gear and equipment before we face the horde.

Weapons and Armor Upgrades

As we trade with the trader, we take the opportunity to upgrade our weapons and armor. This allows us to withstand the impending onslaught of the horde and increases our chances of survival. With better gear at our disposal, we feel more confident in our ability to defend ourselves.

A Chain Saw and a Sealed Shipping Crate

During our travels, we stumble upon a working stiffs store and discover a rare find – a chainsaw. This powerful tool will be invaluable in our future endeavors. Additionally, we come across a sealed shipping crate, the Contents of which hold great potential for our survival.

Another Crack-a-Book Store

We encounter another crack-a-book store on our journey, smaller in Scale than the previous one. But, nevertheless, we decide to explore it for any valuable schematics or loot. We find helpful items such as glue, cloth, and nitrate powder.

Unlocking the Forge and Making Weapons

Back at the safehouse, we unlock the ability to craft a forge. This valuable crafting station allows us to smelt iron and Create essential tools and weapons. With the forge operational, we can begin to level up our crafting skills and improve our chances of survival.

Shipment Drops and Valuable Loot

We Continue our looting adventures, stumbling upon shipment drops scattered throughout the wasteland. These drops often contain valuable resources, such as ammo, food, and medical supplies. We realize the importance of staying alert and taking advantage of these opportunities.

Death and Respawn

Unfortunately, our luck runs out, and we succumb to the dangers of the wasteland. However, we quickly respawn back at our safehouse, ready to continue our fight for survival. Reflecting on our mistakes, we vow to improve our combat skills and be more cautious in our future endeavors.

Making Storage Pocket Mod for Inventory Expansion

To expand our inventory space, We Craft storage pocket Mods for our clothing. These modifications allow us to carry more items, making looting trips more efficient and reducing the risk of becoming encumbered. Our increased inventory space gives us greater flexibility and survivability in the harsh world.

Using the Forge to Smelt Iron

With our newly operational forge, we start smelting iron to replenish our stockpile of resources. Iron is a vital material for crafting weapons, tool upgrades, and fortifications. We focus on optimizing our smelting process to ensure a steady supply of iron for future projects.

Crafting Repair Kits and Preparing for Day 7

To maintain our weapons' durability, we craft repair kits using the resources we have collected. This ensures that our firearms and tools remain in excellent condition for the upcoming horde. We take advantage of this lull to fortify our defenses and gather valuable resources to aid in the fight.

Selling Loot, Starting New Quests, and Preparing for the Horde

With our inventory brimming with valuable loot, we make a trip to the trader to sell our goods and restock on essential supplies. We also start new quests to earn rewards and further strengthen our survivability. As day 7 approaches, we prepare ourselves mentally and physically for the horde, ensuring that our base is fortified and our weapons are ready.


  • Scavenging for supplies and fortifying our safehouse
  • Encountering challenges and facing off against infected zombies
  • Discovering valuable loot while exploring the funeral home
  • Upgrading weapons and armor to increase our chances of survival
  • Crafting storage pocket mods to expand our inventory space
  • Utilizing the forge to smelt iron and create essential tools
  • Preparing for the horde and strategizing our defense plans

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I improve my combat skills in 7 Days to Die? A: Practice makes perfect! Familiarize yourself with different weapon types and experiment with different strategies to find what works best for you. Focus on accuracy, timing, and critical hits to maximize your effectiveness in combat.

Q: Are there any tips for surviving the horde on day 7? A: Prioritize fortifying your base with traps, barbed wire, and reinforced walls. Stock up on ammunition, medical supplies, and food beforehand. Coordinate with other players if playing in multiplayer mode and strategize your defense plans.

Q: What are the advantages of using storage pocket mods? A: Storage pocket mods provide additional inventory space, allowing you to carry more loot and supplies. This helps you stay organized during looting runs and reduces the risk of becoming encumbered, allowing for increased mobility and survivability.

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