Survive the Horde in 7 Days to Die!

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Survive the Horde in 7 Days to Die!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Gathering Resources
  3. Building the Base
  4. Exploring the Traders
  5. Preparing for the Horde Night
  6. Upgrading the Base
  7. Dealing with Unexpected Attacks
  8. Surviving the Cold
  9. Obtaining Better Weapons
  10. Conclusion


Welcome back to another episode of Seven Days to Die! In today's gameplay, we Continue our survival Journey on day six. Our main focus for this day is to Gather resources, build a strong base, and prepare for the upcoming Horde night. Let's dive right into the action!

1. Gathering Resources

To start off, I decided to venture into a nearby biome that offers warmer temperatures and Clay soil. Clay is essential for crafting flagstones, which will be used to reinforce our base. As I gathered resources, I also made sure to keep an eye out for any potential threats and to warm up whenever possible.

2. Building the Base

With a good amount of flagstones in HAND, I made my way back to our base and started constructing the foundation. The bottom part of the base was already built, but I needed to complete the top and Create ramps for easy access. As the day progressed, I worked diligently to finish the base before nightfall.

3. Exploring the Traders

In order to improve our chances of survival, I took a quick trip to the traders. I checked if they had any new items or resources that could be of use to us. I also sold some excess materials and bought essential items like mechanical parts and food. Additionally, I picked up a job from the trader to complete in the future.

4. Preparing for the Horde Night

As the days are passing quickly, I needed to ensure that our base was ready for the upcoming Horde night. I continued to work on the base, building spikes and reinforcing the structure. I also crafted a compound bow to improve our combat abilities. Although progress was going well, time was running out, and the pressure was on to finish before nightfall.

5. Upgrading the Base

With the base construction underway, I focused on upgrading the defenses. I added an additional layer of spikes and reinforced the ramp's structure. I made sure to remove any potential weak points and patched up any unintended gaps in the base's construction. The base was starting to take Shape, and I couldn't help but feel a Sense of pride.

6. Dealing with Unexpected Attacks

While working on the base, I encountered a wandering horde and had to defend myself. It was a challenging situation, especially considering the base was not yet fully fortified. However, I managed to fend off the attackers without significant damage to the base. It was a reminder that I needed to be prepared for unexpected attacks at all times.

7. Surviving the Cold

One of the challenges I faced during this playthrough was the extreme cold. I struggled to find a trader in a warmer climate or acquire better insulation. The cold was a constant hindrance, forcing me to take breaks and warm up as frequently as possible. Finding a solution to this problem became a priority for future survival endeavors.

8. Obtaining Better Weapons

To improve our chances against the impending Horde night, I worked on acquiring better weapons. I invested some skill points into crafting abilities, allowing me to make more advanced weapons. Although progress was slow, every improvement was a step closer to increasing our chances of survival.

9. Conclusion

As the day came to an end, I reflected on the progress made so far. The base was nearing completion, and our resources were better stocked. However, there were still challenges to face and improvements to be made. With each passing day, the stakes grew higher, and survival became more demanding. Join me in the next episode as we unravel the mysteries and dangers of Seven Days to Die.


  • Gathering essential resources, including clay soil for flagstone crafting.
  • Building a solid base to withstand the Horde night.
  • Exploring the traders for valuable items and completing jobs.
  • Preparing for the upcoming Horde night by reinforcing defenses and upgrading weapons.
  • Overcoming unexpected attacks and defending the base.
  • Managing the challenges of extreme cold and seeking better insulation.
  • Improving combat abilities by crafting advanced weapons.


Q: How can I gather clay in Seven Days to Die?
A: Clay can be found in certain biomes and can be picked up by directly digging or using a shovel to gather clay soil.

Q: Can I engage with traders in trading activities?
A: Yes, traders offer a variety of items for sale and buy excess resources from players. They can also give You jobs to complete.

Q: How can I keep warm in the game's cold environments?
A: To stay warm, you can find better clothing or insulation items. Seeking out a trader in a warmer climate is another option.

Q: What are the best weapons to use for the Horde night?
A: It is recommended to craft or acquire weapons with high damage output, such as compound bows, firearms, or melee weapons like sledgehammers.

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