Talking Calendar Reminder - Chrome Extension

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An A.I based Chrome Extension that utilizes voice to remind you of upcoming meetings, events, and to-do lists.
Updated Time
May 18 2023
Active Users
Talking Calendar Reminder AI Chrome Extension Information

What is Talking Calendar Reminder ai chrome extension?

An A.I based Chrome Extension that utilizes voice to remind you of upcoming meetings, events, and to-do lists.

How to use Talking Calendar Reminder ai chrome extension?

Install the extension and it will read info from Google and Microsoft Calendars, reminding you as per settings.

Talking Calendar Reminder ai chrome extension's Core Features

Voice reminders for events

Integration with Google and Microsoft Calendars

Talking Calendar Reminder ai chrome extension's Use Cases


Not missing important meetings


Enhanced productivity for professionals

FAQ from Talking Calendar Reminder

What calendars does it support?

Analytic of Talking Calendar Reminder AI Chrome Extension

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