1st Class User Auth for Reflex WITHOUT WRAPPING React (Kinde Auth)
In this 20-minute tutorial, Paul from DentroAI takes you through the Reflex Kinde Showcase, demonstrating how to integrate Kinde authentication into a Reflex web application using Python. Learn how to set up Kinde on the web and understand the key components of the showcase.
🔍 What You'll Learn:
- Step-by-step configuration of Kinde authentication
- Implementing login and logout functionality
- Retrieving and handling user details securely
- Understanding the project structure and key components
📌 Timestamps:
0:00 - Introduction
1:45 - Set Up Reflex App
2:44 - Set Up Kinde
5:19 - Add Kinde to Reflex
9:13 - Auto Login Setup
14:00 - Test It Out
17:26 - Kinde Admin Dashboard
19:10 - Conclusion
🔗 Links and Resources:
➡️ Github repo with the code: https://github.com/dentro-innovation/reflex_kinde_showcase
Kinde Ref Link with 50$ welcome bonus: https://kinde.com/r?kinde_ref=afc49da00f2b5518
Dentro AI Integration and Implementation: https://dentroai.com
Follow Paul on X: https://x.com/paul_dentro
DentroChat: https://dentro.chat
lmChatGPTtfy: https://let-me-chatgpt-that.com/
NoteThisDown: https://note-this-down.com
Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tutorials!
#reflex #Kinde #python #webapp #authentication #oauth #userauthentication #kindeauth #tutorials
Extracting Text from PDFs for Large Language Models and RAG (PyMuPDF4llm 💚)
To use PDFs with LLMs and other GenAI use cases, the first step is to extract the text from the PDFs. The free and easy to use python library PyMuPDF4LLM allows doing this with ease! Paul shows you how to use the library, and he has a special treat up his sleeve: how to extract images from PDFs as well! Like and Subscribe to stay up to date on building kickass AI apps faster than you can say 'ChatGPT' ! 🔗 Links and Resources: ➡️ Github repo of PyMuPDF4llm: https://github.com/pymupdf/RAG Dentro AI Integration and Implementation: https://dentroai.com Follow Paul on X: https://x.com/paul_dentro DentroChat: https://dentro.chat lmChatGPTtfy: https://let-me-chatgpt-that.com/ NoteThisDown: https://note-this-down.com 📌 Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction 1:11 - Run It 2:39 - Evaluate Performance 5:57 - Extract Images 8:48 - Conclusion #extracttext #pymupdf #pymupdf4llm #airag #ragchatbot #largelanguagemodels #dataextraction #developerskills #pythonlibrary
1st Class User Auth for Reflex WITHOUT WRAPPING React (Kinde Auth)
In this 20-minute tutorial, Paul from DentroAI takes you through the Reflex Kinde Showcase, demonstrating how to integrate Kinde authentication into a Reflex web application using Python. Learn how to set up Kinde on the web and understand the key components of the showcase. 🔍 What You'll Learn: - Step-by-step configuration of Kinde authentication - Implementing login and logout functionality - Retrieving and handling user details securely - Understanding the project structure and key components 📌 Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction 1:45 - Set Up Reflex App 2:44 - Set Up Kinde 5:19 - Add Kinde to Reflex 9:13 - Auto Login Setup 14:00 - Test It Out 17:26 - Kinde Admin Dashboard 19:10 - Conclusion 🔗 Links and Resources: ➡️ Github repo with the code: https://github.com/dentro-innovation/reflex_kinde_showcase Kinde Ref Link with 50$ welcome bonus: https://kinde.com/r?kinde_ref=afc49da00f2b5518 Dentro AI Integration and Implementation: https://dentroai.com Follow Paul on X: https://x.com/paul_dentro DentroChat: https://dentro.chat lmChatGPTtfy: https://let-me-chatgpt-that.com/ NoteThisDown: https://note-this-down.com Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more tutorials! #reflex #Kinde #python #webapp #authentication #oauth #userauthentication #kindeauth #tutorials
Turn Your Reflex App Into a Progressive Web App 🚀
In this developer showcase Paul shows how easy it is to turn your python based reflex webapp into a progressive web app! PWA's are excellent for webapps that are mainly used on the phone. Like and subscribe to learn how to build kickass AI Apps faster than you can say 'ChatGPT' ! 🔗 Links and Resources: ➡️ Reflex Discussion with code: https://github.com/orgs/reflex-dev/discussions/3553 Dentro AI Integration and Implementation: https://dentroai.com Follow Paul on X: https://x.com/paul_dentro DentroChat: https://dentro.chat lmChatGPTtfy: https://let-me-chatgpt-that.com/ NoteThisDown: https://note-this-down.com #getreflex #reflexpython #reflex #pythonframework #progressivewebapps #pwa #codingtutorial #pythondeveloper #mobileapp
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