Genius.AI 是一個設計來幫助您提升社交媒體銷售和營銷的 AI 平台。它會學習有關於您、您的品牌和您銷售的產品的所有資訊。它可以與 Instagram 和 Facebook 等平台整合。此外,它還提供了瀏覽器擴展功能,可為您的產品提供建議,以進行直接訊息的一對一對話。 該平台的其他功能包括: * 自動回覆 - 使用關鍵字和AI與參與的觀眾在評論或直接訊息中互動的功能 * 趨勢 - AI 趨勢間諜工具,找到您可輕鬆讓 AI 重新製作的病毒性內容,並展示您的品牌和產品 * AI 檔案分析 - 讓 Genius.AI 分析您的檔案,為您提供正在做對和需要改進之處的詳細分析。讓 Genius.AI 為您提供針對您的觀眾和品牌量身定制的內容行事曆。 * 通過 URL、PDF/Word 檔案和文本說明了解您的產品。 * 具備適用於社交媒體內容分享的副駕駛功能 * 創建令人驚豔的生活方式圖像或展示您產品的圖像 * 與您的團隊成員分享產品和腳本,優化銷售團隊
要使用 Genius.AI,提供 PDF、Word 文件或您的產品網站。然後,進行深入的人格/品牌測試,以幫助 AI 了解您的品牌以及您的說話方式。Genius.AI 隨後將生成量身定制的品牌建設帖子,處理異議並提供個性化的營銷素材。
有關Genius.AI 的更多信息,請訪問關於我們頁面( 。
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副駕駛、個性化 AI、訓練 AI 用於 2 個產品、有限的圖像和視頻生成、內容行事曆、AI 檔案分析、社交媒體整合、瀏覽器擴展功能
包含入門版所有功能:自動回覆、AI 評論、CRM、更高的圖像和視頻限制、VSL 模式、無限產品
ClickBank Summit 2025 - Own Your Income
ClickBank Summit 2025 is here! Learn tips, tricks, hacks, and tactics to make money online and supercharge your affiliate marketing game from five industry experts, whose presentations cover everything from tax strategy to using AI tools to create authentic content that converts. Discover Ember AI - Spark Education Platform - ClickBank Partners - ClickBank Events - Text "PROFIT" to 385-213-1984 for your FREE copy of "From Vision to Venture" 💥 OUR SPONSORS 💥 ShipOffers - Prime Corporate Services - Genius AI - 🎥 OUR GUESTS 🎥 Prime Corporate Services - The Affiliate Marketing Dude - Creator Co - Kahlea Nicole Wade - Chris Kubby - Genius AI - 🎙️ PODCASTS WITH OUR GUESTS 🎙️ Tommy Thornburgh with Prime Corporate Services - Marcus Campbell aka The Affiliate Marketing Dude - 📘 CHAPTERS 📘 00:00:00 Introduction 00:02:57 Session 1 - Tommy Thornburgh 00:42:41 Tommy Q&A 00:54:54 Session 2 - Marcus Campbell 01:53:31 Marcus Q&A 02:05:32 Our Sponsors 02:07:02 Session 3 - Creator Co 02:53:30 Session 4 - Chris Kubby 03:26:35 Chris Q&A 03:31:18 Session 5 - Peter Kell 04:14:41 Outro #clickbank #clickbanksummit #affiliatemarketing
MaxWebinar: Peter Kell & The Story of Genius.AI
💬 Ready to be a next-level affiliate marketer using Genius.AI and MaxWeb VSL's? 🔥 Join MaxWeb VP of Sales, Joey Hinkle, as he hosts Founder of Genius.AI, Peter Kell as they discuss Peter's unique story of how he conquered his first $100M, dominated in the VSL domain and became creator of a unique and ground-breaking AI tool: Genius.AI! Check out Genius.AI today, and take your MaxWeb offer campaigns to the next level! 🔻 🔻 🔻 🎓 Learn all about Genius.AI in the MaxWeb Academy: What is Genius.AI? 🤔 Create seamless VSLs and creative ad campaigns like never before with the power of AI to drive sales through the roof. No more will you have to lack a creative edge with this incredible tool! Some of the key features are: ✅ Pre-loaded MaxWeb Offers ✅ AI-Powered Content Creation ✅ Teleprompter with AI Feedback ✅ AI Trend Spy Feature ✅ Automated Content Calendar And Tons more! What's more, MaxWeb affiliates are receiving an exclusive, special discount if they sign-up through the link below! Save BIG on sign-up and haul in the benefits! 🔻 🔻 🔻 Genius.AI & MaxWeb Special Discount: Don’t miss your chance to simplify your affiliate marketing and start boosting your sales. 📈 💰 We can’t wait to see what you achieve! As always, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions. We're always happy to help you towards success! 💬 Skype: ✉️ Email: Don't forget to check out MaxWeb CEO, Anca Gita's new book, 'Affiliate Insider: The Secrets of Top Affiliate Marketers, Offer Owners, and Affiliate Managers in the Online Marketing Space'! It's the ultimate and in-depth guide to take your affiliate marketing efforts to the top! Available in digital and hardcopy: 📖 Affiliate Insider: And check out Peter Kell's new guidebook, 'Something Amazing Is About to Happen'! A manifestation journal to help you navigate life struggles and overcome obstacles, guiding you towards the life you are meant for! 📖 Something Amazing Is About to Happen: #maxwebinc #maxwebinar #geniusai #peterkell #affiliatemarketing #affiliatemarketingtools #aitoolsformarketers #topcpanetwork
Grow Your Business Organically on Social Media with Genius.AI
Genius.AI creates content to scale your social media presence and position your own products, services, and deals in your brand voice. Learn more at: It takes more than a ring light and a fuzzy mic to supercharge your social media strategy. (“Maybe I should’ve used a hashtag—do the kids still use hashtags??”) You’re spreading yourself thin creating a steady stream of posts, only to watch them get lost in the social media void. Wish you could leverage AI to create authentic, engaging content that skyrockets your growth and drives more sales—without sounding like a robot? Say hello to Genius.AI.
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