Lettria 公司名稱:Lettria 。
有關Lettria 的更多信息,請訪問關於我們頁面(https://www.lettria.com/approach) 。
Lettria Youtube連結:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMWpiU_rl6uEQvI-IKQUROg/featured
Lettria Linkedin連結:https://www.linkedin.com/company/lettria/?originalSubdomain=fr
Lettria Twitter連結:https://mobile.twitter.com/lettria_fr
Platform Overview — Guide To Lettria #1
Here's an overview on how the Lettria Platform is organized and structured. Check out Lettria: https://www.lettria.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lettria/
Knowledge Graph Technology Showcase Honest Review: Lettria, Text-to-Graph Tool (Winter 2023 E4)
*Not Sponsored* Lettria is a text-to-knowledge graph tool that offers an NLP pipeline to help taxonomists, ontologists, and laypersons kickstart a knowledge graph from their unstructured text. Honest Review Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOOT2byx0CKh5QNd58Sr17F4IB7t1QcbC Note: all opinions are my own as a data scientist and researcher in the field and are not representative of the tool/company being reviewed, nor of any other company. Stay in touch: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashleighnfaith/ Direct Message: isadatathing-at-gmail.com Resources: Text to Graph website page: https://www.lettria.com/features/text-to-graph Client case study: product recommendation based on a Knowledge Graph: https://www.lettria.com/platform-stories/search-engine-results-optimization Email Charles: charles@lettria.com
Advanced Entity Detection with Lettria
Lettria's Entity Detection Module goes way beyond normal NER tools by enabling detection of additional and numeral entities, meanings and common nouns, in addition to regular entities. Watch this video to learn more about how Lettria can help you with your entity detection workflow needs. Lettria is a No-Code Natural Language Processing tool that helps you get even more out of your text data. Check out Lettria: https://www.lettria.com/ Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/lettria
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