以下是 甜瓜 Discord:https://discord.gg/NA4VmQJFyX。 如欲了解更多Discord 訊息,請點選此處(/tw/discord/na4vmqjfyx) 。
以下是客戶服務的 甜瓜 支援電子郵件:feliks@joinmelon.io 。
甜瓜 公司名稱:Classmate Technologies LTD 。
甜瓜 Tiktok連結:https://www.tiktok.com/@joinmelon
甜瓜 Linkedin連結:https://www.linkedin.com/company/77577275/
甜瓜 Twitter連結:https://twitter.com/joinmelonio
甜瓜 Instagram連結:https://www.instagram.com/joinmelon/
[Melon🍈] Build your *second brain* (Save browsed materials, images, etc.)
Melon: https://www.meln.ai/ From the founder’s welcome email: “Once awake, it’s literally like your brain twin. Ask it anything about everything you have fed it with: “Generate a tweet about influencer marketing based on what I learned in the last 2 months 📝“ “Describe my recent learnings in 3 emojis 🤭“ “I'm working on my start-up's pitch deck. Summarise the insights I've gathered about company structure 💸“ Got a question or some feedback? Reply to this email, hit us up on Discord, or drop a line on our Instagram/Twitter. Happy learning 🍈”
Gen Z Learning and Skilling for the Future
Forget textbooks and lectures - Gen Z is redefining workplace learning and AI is a big part of that. Tune in to this episode featuring a conversation with Sanne Fouquet, founder of Melon, and Sydney Santos, a Gen Z learner and marketing professional. We discuss: • Fresh learning trends: What makes Gen Z different in their approach to learning and leveling up? • Melon's innovative platform: How is Melon empowering Gen Z learners? • Actionable hacks & tips: How can you inspire Gen Z learners in the workplace? Learn more about Melon here: Melon AI. (https://www.meln.ai/)