메론은 어떤 온라인 소스에서든 학습한 내용을 제공하여 뇌의 '디지털 쌍둥이'를 구축하는 데 도움을 주는 개인용 AI 학습 동반자입니다.
메론을 사용하려면 계정에 가입하고 다양한 온라인 소스에서 얻은 지식으로 뇌를 공급하기 시작하면 됩니다. 메론은 그런 정보를 분석하고 디지털 습관을 개선하기 위한 지원을 해줍니다.
다음은 메론 Discord입니다: https://discord.gg/NA4VmQJFyX. 더 많은 Discord 메시지를 보려면 여기(/ko/discord/na4vmqjfyx)를 클릭하세요.
다음은 고객 서비스를 위한 메론 지원 이메일입니다: feliks@joinmelon.io .
메론 회사 이름: Classmate Technologies LTD .
메론 로그인 링크: https://my.meln.ai/auth/sign-in
메론 가입 링크: https://my.meln.ai/auth/sign-up
메론 Tiktok 링크: https://www.tiktok.com/@joinmelon
메론 Linkedin 링크: https://www.linkedin.com/company/77577275/
메론 Twitter 링크: https://twitter.com/joinmelonio
메론 Instagram 링크: https://www.instagram.com/joinmelon/
소셜 리스닝
[Melon🍈] Build your *second brain* (Save browsed materials, images, etc.)
Melon: https://www.meln.ai/ From the founder’s welcome email: “Once awake, it’s literally like your brain twin. Ask it anything about everything you have fed it with: “Generate a tweet about influencer marketing based on what I learned in the last 2 months 📝“ “Describe my recent learnings in 3 emojis 🤭“ “I'm working on my start-up's pitch deck. Summarise the insights I've gathered about company structure 💸“ Got a question or some feedback? Reply to this email, hit us up on Discord, or drop a line on our Instagram/Twitter. Happy learning 🍈”
Gen Z Learning and Skilling for the Future
Forget textbooks and lectures - Gen Z is redefining workplace learning and AI is a big part of that. Tune in to this episode featuring a conversation with Sanne Fouquet, founder of Melon, and Sydney Santos, a Gen Z learner and marketing professional. We discuss: • Fresh learning trends: What makes Gen Z different in their approach to learning and leveling up? • Melon's innovative platform: How is Melon empowering Gen Z learners? • Actionable hacks & tips: How can you inspire Gen Z learners in the workplace? Learn more about Melon here: Melon AI. (https://www.meln.ai/)