Omniinfer 是一個快速且便宜的 AI 圖像生成 API,提供穩定的擴散能力。它提供超過 10,000 個模型的訪問權限,並允許使用者在短短 2 秒內生成高質量的圖像。價格相宜,每個標準圖像僅為 $0.0015。
要使用 Omniinfer,請註冊帳戶並獲取 API 金鑰。然後,您可以使用提供的模型進行 API 調用以生成圖像。該 API 支持各種功能,例如 txt2image、img2img、automatic1111、sdxl v0.9 和 sdxl v1.0。圖像生成不需要 GPU,價格實惠且無需煩惱維護問題。
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Omniinfer 公司名稱:OmniInfer 。
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How to Create & Color Black and White Line Drawings in Stable Diffusion?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to generate and color black and white line drawings in Stable diffusion? In this video, I'm going to show you how to generate and color black and white line drawings in Stable diffusion, a powerful tool that can help you create amazing artworks in minutes. You'll see how easy it is to use Stable diffusion, and how you can customize your line drawings and colors to suit your style and preference. You'll be amazed by the results you can get with Stable diffusion, so stay tuned and watch till the end! #img2img stable diffusion #stablediffusion ai #free #stablediffusion ai online #ai art generator stable diffusion #text2image #stablediffusion #webui #upscaled images
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