PicKey 是一款視覺密碼管理器,允許用戶創建生動的記憶並將其用作主密碼。它是世界上唯一的無密碼密碼管理器。
使用 PicKey,請按照以下步驟進行: 1. 註冊一個免費帳戶。 2. 選擇或拍攝一張地方、物體或您的臉部照片,創建您的視覺密碼(Vision Secret),這是您主密碼的基礎。 3. 選擇一個 3D 字符作為您的 Keymoji 密碼(Keymoji Secret),這是您主密碼的第二部分。 4. 使用您的視覺密碼和 Keymoji 密碼登錄 PicKey。 5. 使用 PicKey 管理所有設備上的密碼。
以下是客戶服務的 PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器 支援電子郵件:info@pickey.ai 。
PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器 公司名稱:Neural Heaven Inc. 。
PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器定價連結:https://pickey.ai/#plans
PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器 Facebook連結:https://www.facebook.com/pickeydotai
PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器 Youtube連結:https://www.youtube.com/@pickeydotai
PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器 Twitter連結:https://twitter.com/PicKeyAI
PicKey - 視覺密碼管理器 Instagram連結:https://www.instagram.com/pickeydotai/
MagicPass - When AI memorizes your passwords for you
MagicPass is a novel, storage free password. The password value is never stored anywhere. PicKey.ai links this password value to a random, yet regenerative entropy from the memory of the Vision Secret of your Master Key. In simple terms, this means that the vision memory acts as an input to a series of functions that are stacked, one after another, to create a unique, cryptographically secure, regeneratively-random and strong password; from metadata alone. The functions are selected randomly too, but for a certain MagicPass password, exactly the same functions team-up in exactly the same order, to create exactly the password you had created earlier. This lets us generate the exact same password value from the neural memory of your Master Key, and the password does not have to be stored anywhere on PicKey.ai (or anywhere else). #ai #cybersecurity #passwordmanager #pickey.ai
Turn anything around you into a Password with PicKey's Vision Secret.
PicKey.ai uses state of the art Artificial Intelligence vision algorithms; to turn anything you see, into a unique, computer generated memory. This is similar to human photographic memory. You can turn anything you see into a unique Vision Secret - your living room, your face, your gaming desk or even your favourite teddy bear. The AI understands small physical changes to the place, object or face that was memorised and still recognises it. #ai #cybersecurity #passwordmanager #digitalart #pickey.ai
The Comprehensive FREE Tier from PicKey.ai
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