Whautomate 是一個多通道客戶參與平台,提供自動化和AI技術,以提升銷售、增強客戶互動,並將生產力提高10倍。它提供客戶服務、銷售、營銷、沙龍和美容水療、教育、健身和健康工作室、電子商務和醫療保健行業的解決方案。
使用 Whautomate,請按照以下步驟:1. 註冊免費7天試用,無需信用卡。2. 選擇符合您業務需求的解決方案,如客戶服務、銷售、營銷等。3. 使用預定義的模板設置聊天機器人,或自定義以處理常見的客戶查詢和任務。4. 通過團隊收件箱高效管理客戶查詢並進行實時溝通。5. 利用 WhatsApp 營銷對客戶進行分段並運行定向活動。6. 通過設置由特定事件或條件觸發的自定義規則來自動化工作流程。7. 使用聊天機器人功能自動化預約安排、課程預定,並通過 WhatsApp 銷售產品和服務。8. 利用基於AI的客戶支持機器人節省時間並提供個性化響應。9. 使用 Whautomate 發送發票、管理訂閱,並跟踪庫存。10. 通過定時發送信息和在多個通道上運行定向活動自動化客戶參與。
Whautomate 公司名稱:The Clinic Place Pte. Ltd, Clinicplace software Pvt Ltd 。
Whautomate 公司地址:Singapore, India。
Whautomate Facebook連結:https://www.facebook.com/people/Whautomate/100089074580850/
Whautomate Youtube連結:https://www.youtube.com/@whautomate
Whautomate Linkedin連結:https://in.linkedin.com/company/whautomate
Whautomate Instagram連結:https://www.instagram.com/whautomate/
Automate Appointment Booking on WhatsApp - Use Whautomate Chatbot!
Are you tired of spending hours scheduling appointments for your business on WhatsApp? Whautomate Chatbot can automate the appointment booking process for you! With Whautomate, you can easily set up a chatbot to manage your appointment scheduling, send appointment reminders to your clients, and even process payments. All you need to do is set up the chatbot and let it do the work for you. Sign up now at https://whautomate.com and start automating your appointment bookings today! #whautomate #automateappointmentbooking #bookappointmentonwhatsapp #appointmentautomation #appointmentchatbot #bookappointment #appointment #whatsappappointment #appointmentbooking #appointmentscheduling #onlinescheduling #onlineappointment #whautomatechatbot #whautomatetutorial #whatsappautomation #customerengagement #customerservice #customersupport #chatbots #chatbotsforbusiness #businessautomation #marketingautomation #salesautomation #whatsappmarketing #whatsappchatbot #whatsapp #whatsappbusiness #whatsappcloudapi #chatgpt #openai #aichatbot #ai #crm
How to Get the WhatsApp Green Tick in 2024 (3 Easy Steps)
In this tutorial, discover the exact steps to get the coveted WhatsApp Green Tick verification badge in 2024! Having the official green checkmark next to your business name on WhatsApp adds credibility and trust, boosting your brand's reputation. Reach out to us as the Whautomate team guides you through a simple and effective process to achieve this milestone. Signup for a free trial now - https://whautomate.com #WhatsApp #GreenTick #verification #whatsapp2024 #whatsapptips #whatsappgreentick #whatsappgreentickverification #whatsappgreentickapplication #whatsappgreentickfree #howtogetwhatsappverifiedtick #whatsappverifiedgreentick #whatsappbusinessgreentick #greentickinwhatsapp #greentickforwhatsapp #customerservice #customersupport #customerengagement #customerenquiries #whautomatechatbot #whautomatetutorial #chatbots #chatbotsforbusiness #businessautomation #marketingautomation #salesautomation #chatgpt #openai #aichatbot #ai #crm #crmsoftware #crmsolutions
Introducing Whautomate - WhatsApp Automation & Customer Engagement Platform!
Whautomate is an affordable WhatsApp based automation and customer engagement platform for businesses of all sizes. With features like WhatsApp AI Chatbot, Automation Rules, Drip Campaigns, E-Commerce Shop, and more, businesses can 10X productivity and guarantee ROI. Elevate customer experience, increase retention, and measure satisfaction through automation on autopilot mode. Signup for a free trial - https://whautomate.com/ #whautomate #whatsappautomation #customerengagement #chatbots #chatbotsforbusiness #businessautomation #marketingautomation #salesautomation #whatsappmarketing #whatsappchatbot #whatsapp #whatsappbusiness #whatsappcloudapi #chatgpt #openai #aichatbot #crm
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