Chức năng của Company Research Agent trên ChatGPT
Ai phù hợp để sử dụng Company Research Agent trên ChatGPT?
ChatGPT Company Research Agent
Làm cách nào để sử dụng Khởi động nhanh Company Research Agent trên ChatGPT?
1. Start a conversation with the AI agent.
2. Provide the name or details of the company you want to research.
3. The agent will analyze the data from LinkedIn and Crunchbase and provide you with detailed information about the company.
Làm cách nào để sử dụng Company Research Agent trên ChatGPT?
Simply chat with the AI agent and provide the name or details of the company you want to research. The agent will use LinkedIn and Crunchbase data to provide you with comprehensive information about the company.
Company Research Agent trên Thẻ của ChatGPT
Company Research
LinkedIn data
Crunchbase data
Market Research
Competitive Analysis