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Linguistic Relativity: How Language Shapes Thought

This video was sponsored by Wiseone. To install Wiseone, visit https://wiseone.io/, simply click the "Add to Chrome" button and install the extension. Linguistic relativity theory suggests that the languages we use influence how we think.. Because languages have different structures and words to describe the world, people pay attention to different things when speaking them - from here stems the idea that language shapes thought. SUPPORT us to make more videos! 🐦: https://www.patreon.com/sprouts DOWNLOAD video without ads and background music 🤫: https://sproutsschools.com/video-lessons/ SIGN UP to our mailing list and never miss a new video from us 🔔: http://eepurl.com/dNU4BQ SOURCES and teaching resources 🎓: https://sproutsschools.com/linguistic-relativity-how-language-shapes-thought/ VISIT our website 🌐 : https://www.sproutsschools.com CONTRIBUTE by upvoting your favorite topic or suggesting new ones : https://sprouts.featureupvote.com/ JOIN us on discord 🤖: https://discord.gg/DzbyGSk5y8 THANKS to our patrons This video was made with the support of our Patrons: Adam Berry, Alex Rodriguez, Andrea Basillio Rava, Anil Raut, ArkiTechy, Artur, azad bel, Badrah, Cedric.Wang, Christoph Becker, Cory McAbee, David Markham, Delandric Webb, Digital INnov8ors, Dr. Matthias Müller-Mellin, Duane Bemister, Elias Reuss, Enigma, Eva Marie Koblin, F J V Souza Fh, Fatenah G Issa, Frari63, Gemma Seed, Gerardo Enrique Nieto, Gerry Labelle, ICH KANN DEUTSCH UND ES WAR EINFACH!, Izzy, jakob steensig, Jannes Kroon, Jeffrey Cassianna, Jim Pilgrim, Joanne Doyle, John Burghardt, Jon Rune Nygård, Jorge Luis Mejia Velazquez, jun omar ebdane, Leonel, Liam Dalling, Linda Kinkead, Linus Linderoth, Lucia Simone Winston, Mambo no 9, Marcel, María, martin, Martin Streule, Martina Hrebenarova, Mathis Nu, Mezes.Macko, Michael Paradis, Natalie O’Brien, Okan Elibol, Oweeda Newton, Patricia Labovszky, Peihui, Povilas Ambrasas, Raymond Fujioka, Roel Vermeulen, Scott Gregory, scripz, Sebastian Huaytan Meder, Si, Solongo Ganbat, Stefan Gros, Stephen Clark, Stuart Bishop, Taka Kondo, Takashi HIROSE, Thomas Aschan, Thomas Dahlke, Victor Paweletz, Yassine Hamza, Yvonne Clapham and all the others.Thank you! To join them visit www.patreon.com/sprouts COLLABORATORS Script: Ludovico Saint Amour di Chanaz and Jonas Koblin Artist: Pascal Gaggelli Voice: Matt Abbott Coloring: Nalin Editing: Peera Lertsukittipongsa Production: Selina Bador Sound Design: Miguel Ojeda SOUNDTRACKS On Eggshells - Richard Canavan Animated World - Crescent Music DIG DEEPER with these top videos, games and resources: Watch this conference of Lera Boroditsky, an expert in language and cognition https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I64RtGofPW8 Learn more about the effect of language on blame https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21037161/ Read about cultural identity and language https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC831786 SOURCES https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linguistic_relativity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Lee_Whorf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4814782/ CLASSROOM ACTIVITY Visit our website to access suggested class activity on this topic. CHAPTERS 00:00 Introduction 00:38 Perception of language 01:22 Perception of time 01:57 Effect on memory 02:45 Cultural echoes 03:16 Self-reflections 03:52 Linguistic relativism 04:28 Benjamin Lee Whorf 04:57 What do you think? 05:16 Sponsor: Wiseone 06:30 Patrons credits 06:40 Ending #sproutsschools #language #psychology #sociology

Nov 27 2023

The 13 BEST AI Tools to Study Smart - Super Learning Tools

After 3 weeks of searching, these are the 13 best AI tools that I personally found most useful as a student. Making flashcards, studying efficiently, faster research.... cutting down on all the passive tasks that waste your time.... we got it all in this one. Enjoy :) Learning better Wisdolia - https://www.wisdolia.com/ Socratic (on istore/google play) - https://socratic.org/ Shiken- https://app.shiken.ai/ Reading efficiently Genei- https://www.genei.io/ WriteGPT- https://writegpt.ai/ Wiseone- https://wiseone.io/ Research faster Consensus- https://consensus.app/search/ Elicit- https://elicit.org/ Improving Productivity Merlin- https://www.merlin.foyer.work/ Notion- https://www.notion.so/product/ai Tome- https://tome.app/ Create Businesses + Projects Mixo- https://www.mixo.io/ Canva (magic design)- https://www.canva.com/magic-design/ Runway- https://runwayml.com/ Chapters⏳ 0:00- Intro 0:31- LEARN BETTER 0:38- Wisdolia 1:11- Socratic 1:42- Shiken 2:35- READ / UNDERSTAND EFFICIENTLY 2:40- Genei 3:32- WriteGPT 3:52- Wiseone 4:38- RESEARCH FASTER 4:41- Consensus 5:33- Elicit 6:00- FAVORITE PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS 6:04- Merlin 6:50- Notion 7:29- CREATE BUSINESSES + PROJECTS 7:33- Mixo 8:13- Canva 8:38- Runway 9:05- Tome 9:25- Final Thoughts ------------------------------- Socials & Links 📣 INSTAGRAM: zain_asiif EMAIL: zainasif2000@gmail.com WEBSITE for IB / A-Level Students: https://www.unlockib.com/ I hope the video added some sort of value to your life... If you enjoyed the video, please show some love and drop a like + comment!! 🌟 Share it with friends that you think would like it or benefit from it too 💥 And subscribe for more videos every week! 🔔

Zain Asif
Aug 21 2023

Tổng cộng có 13 dữ liệu mạng xã hội cần được mở khóa để xem

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Sử dụng huy hiệu trang web để thu hút sự ủng hộ từ cộng đồng cho buổi ra mắt Toolify của bạn. Chúng dễ dàng nhúng vào trang chủ hoặc chân trang của bạn.

Wiseone: Mở rộng kiến thức với câu trả lời được tìm kiếm nguồn gốc khi duyệt web.
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