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Contact affiliates using two powerful tools: Semrush and Affistash
In less than 10 minutes, your brand can have a list of high-potential affiliate partner targets using Semrush and Affistash. Contact affiliates using these two web-scraping tools and be on your way to connecting with sales-driving influencers for your brand. Want to recruit more affiliates? https://affistash.com Free 14-day trial to Semrush: https://dustinhowes.com/semrush Subscribe to this channel for more affiliate program growth tactics. Connect with Dustin Howes on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustinhowes
Optimize your affiliate marketing blog in WordPress using Affiliate.com
Affiliate marketing has a new tool to help bloggers maximize their WordPress blog efforts: Affiliate.com. This subscription software for publishers and bloggers is designed to optimize content with easy-to-use call-to-action buttons that stay updated with live links, even on outdated content. This Affiliate.com tutorial showcases how content makers can maximize their commissions with simple copy-and-paste code in blog posts. Go to https://dustinhowes.com/acom for a free trial and demo of this affiliate marketer super tool. Subscribe to this channel for more affiliate program growth tactics. Want to recruit more affiliates? https://affistash.com Connect with Dustin Howes on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustinhowes
Find affiliates to sell my product with Affistash's Lookalike feature
One of the biggest challenges for brands is how to find affiliates to sell my product. There are many third-party tools and network tools to help find affiliate partners, but Affistash can identify lookalikes to your existing or wish-list affiliates. Get 20 contacts for free when you sign up for a live Affistash demo : https://affistash.com/schedule Get more tips on how to manage affiliate programs: https://dustinhowes.com
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