Delve AI是一款软件即服务(SaaS)平台,可为企业及其竞争对手自动生成基于数据的买家人物形象。它利用来自多个来源的数据,在几分钟内生成人物形象,为客户行为和偏好提供有价值的洞察力。
要为您的企业创建人物形象,您可以根据自己的需求选择不同的选项。无论您是想使用Google Analytics数据为您的网站创建人物形象,还是想从客户/CRM数据中开发人物形象,为社交媒体受众生成社会人物形象,或者研究竞争对手及其关键词,Delve AI都提供了每种情况所需的解决方案。只需选择相关的人物形象类型,输入所需的信息,Delve AI将自动生成充满有价值洞察力的人物形象。
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16 Years-Old Girl Make 100Crore Startup 🤯 | Pranjali Awasthi Start AI Startup #shorts #ai
This video is about 16 Years-Old girl Which make 100 CRORE AI Startup. I am Talking about Pranjali Awasthi Who launched his AI startup in 2022, which has become a startup worth Rs 100 crore today. And recently Pranjali has also raised funding of $450k for its is a tool. Which is used by researchers to analyze, summarize and extract data. #shorts Subscribe to my channel 👇 @thegyanation #ai #delvai #pranjaliawasthi #startup #data #enterpreneur About :- Hello Friends Welcome to The Gyanation Channel. Here, we upload some of knowledgeable and interesting videos. So stay tuned with us
16 Year Old Indian Girl, Founder of 100 Crore AI Startup #business #aistartup #ai #startup #finance
Pranjali Awasthi, inspired by her engineer father, delved into computer science from a young age. Starting her coding journey at seven, she’s now the 16-year-old founder of an AI company valued at Rs 100 crore. At an age when many of us were primarily focused on our school boards and future career aspirations, Pranjali took the remarkable step of establishing Delve.AI and even secured Rs 3.7 crore in funding. Today, she proudly leads a team of 10 employees. In a Miami Tech Week event, Pranjali revealed that she founded her company in January 2022. She attributes the company’s success to her father, whose passion for promoting computer science education in schools ignited her own keen interest in technology. Connect with us Instagram: Facebook: Telegram - Twitter:
What is a buyer persona?
A buyer persona is a fictional representation of your ideal customer based on various factors such as customer demographics, behavior, motivations, goals, data of existing customers, data from competitor’s customers, research, etc. Learn about the benefits and applications of personas and how to create/use them to grow your business. Read more at:
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