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Top 10 Stable Diffusion AI-Image Generators You Need in 2023
AI image-generation tools are exploding. Are you getting lost in all the AI image generators flying onto the market? I am! In this video, We'll check out the top AI image generators to see what makes them special and I’ll show you what they can do. If you watch this channel a lot, you know I'm a big MJ fan. But AI image-generation tools are exploding onto the market. Let's see what else is out there. ***Let us know your impressions of the Midjourney version 4c upgrade in the comments below.*** Subscribe for more tips like these https://bit.ly/MtP-Subscribe ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ VIDEO TIMELINE 0:00 Start 0:29 Testing Image Quality 1:28 Top 10 AI Image Generators 1:39 NSFW filters 2:10 Image Generation Speed 2:39 Advanced Controls 2:58 Aspect Ratio Choices 3:15 Upscaling Options 3:35 Free Trials & Price 4:23 Registration & Organizational Tools 5:04 Bonus Features 6:56 Top 4 AI Image Generators ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TESTED AI IMAGE GENERATORS ►AI Art Generator (Hotpot.ai) https://hotpot.ai/art-generator ►ArtemAI https://artemai.art ►Artbreeder https://www.artbreeder.com ►CrAIyon (Dall-E Mini) https://www.craiyon.com ►Dall-E 2 https://openai.com/dall-e-2/ ►*Deep Dream Generator (google) https://deepdreamgenerator.com ►DeepAI https://deepai.org ►Diffusion Land https://www.diffusion.land ►*Dreamlike https://dreamlike.art ►*DreamUp https://www.dreamup.com ►FotorAI Image Generator https://www.fotor.com/features/ai-image-generator/ ►Hypnogram hypnogram.xyz ►Imagine AI (Magic Studio) https://magicstudio.com/imagine ►*Lexica (Aperture) https://lexica.art/ ►*Nightcafe https://nightcafe.studio ►Neural Blender https://neuralblender.com/ ►Photosonic https://photosonic.writesonic.com ►PicSo https://picso.ai ►*Pixelz.AI https://pixelz.ai ►Pixray https://pixray.gob.io ►Playground https://playgroundai.com ►*Pollinations https://pollinations.ai ►Promptflow https://promptflow.co ►*Quasi https://quasi.market ►*Simulai https://www.simulai.co ►Stable Diffusion Playground https://stablediffusionweb.com ►*StarryAI https://starryai.com ►Stockimg AI https://stockimg.ai ►Waifu Diffusion https://huggingface.co/hakurei/waifu-diffusion ►Visualise.ai https://visualise.ai/ * Made the Top 10 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MY FAVORITE TEXT-TO-IMAGE GENERATORS ►MIDJOURNEY www.midjourney.com ►LEXICA ART https://lexica.art ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ MAKING THE VIDEO Images by Jenn Mishra via Midjourney Music by Jenn Mishra via GarageBand Video created with Canva, Audacity, Runway, & Pollinations ►CANVA www.canva.com ►AUDACITY https://www.audacityteam.org ►RUNWAY https://runwayml.com ►GARAGEBAND www.apple.com/mac/garageband/ Some of these links are affiliate links. I earn a commission when you purchase products. ►Follow on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/witsendphoto/ ►Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jennatwitsend/ ►Follow on Flickr https://www.flickr.com/photos/jae_at_wits_end/ ►Follow on Midjourney (subscribers) https://www.midjourney.com/app/users/1004726795704213564/
Choose my project and product name with #AI services
Recorded as is, put 2x speed at least. Follow me on Twitter to see the project progress: https://twitter.com/ivan_ignatiev Timecodes 00:00 - Project Description 01:45 - Ideas AI 02:39 - Validator AI 05:48 - Rationale 10:10 - Lucia AI Product Description 12:15 - FlowGPT prompts for ChatGPT 16:20 - Quasi Market Jungle Word Maker & Product Name Generator 20:31 - Frase IO Slogan Generator 22:00 - Lucia AI Business Name 24:00 - Nichesss 27:55 - Namelix 30:46 - Name Wizard 31:56 - Vondy Startup Name Genie 34:03 - Copy AI Name Generator 35:55 - Choosing Name in ChatGPT 40:30 - Trying to make a logo 56:46 - Creating a Presentation for project with Slides AI extension for Google Presentations 1/ Naming Tools: 1. #ChatGPT Product Name prompt: https://flowgpt.com/prompts/beefe354-21e8-4167-a0ed-28970a428136 2. Jungle Word Maker: https://quasi.market/make/model=1645568289.61132A4rRtKMDewaJ59dyeIfy5hXkbVk2 3. Product Name Generator: https://quasi.market/make/model=1659985677.888747FWt2dXtucLR6BA5PMWHywJlpLM23 4. Business Name: https://luciaai.com/tools/marketing/business-name 5. Business Name Generator: https://nichesss.com/tools/business-name-generator-Eijhdq4LI 6. Business Name Generator: https://namelix.com/ 7. Startup Name Genie: https://www.vondy.com/ai/p2bLojbw 8. Name Generator: https://app.copy.ai/?tool=NameGenerator&tab=results&sidebar=tools 2/ Product Description: 1. Product Description: https://luciaai.com/tools/marketing/product-description 2. Slogan Generator: https://www.frase.io/tools/slogan-generator/ 3. Presentation Slides Generator: https://www.slidesai.io/ 3/ Product Ideas Tools: 1. Ideas Generated by AI: https://ideasai.com/ 2. Idea Validator: https://www.validatorai.com/ 3. Decision Maker: https://rationale.jina.ai/