Eyes in the Water VERIFIED | My Hardest Achievement
it's over.
After 123 streams, 9 months of grinding with no breaks over a week, I have finally verified Eyes in the Water. This level is the polar opposite of my skillset; I can reach 7 CPS on mouse, and my hardest memory level previously was Mindbreaker (the insane demon). To go from those to this was absolutely brutal, and it took several months of playing this level to even get to a point where it just didn't hurt my arm to play. With that being said, this level may very well place below Firework; this, however, doesn't remove it's significance to me, as Firework only took 7 months not including several month long breaks. This will probably be the most I struggle with anything for a loooong time, likely until I verify a top 1.
Also, I'd like to personally thank @hawkyre for not only hosting and choosing me to verify this level, but for sticking with me all this time. There were so many opportunities where he could've switched to someone way faster and better than me, but he always supported me through it all. I couldn't have asked for a better host. Please be sure to check out his new website, https://rootvocab.com, and use code EYESINTHEWATER for 50% off a 6-month plan. Promoting his sick site is the least I could do after all he did for me.
Thumbnail by @WildPoint
Intro by @fakedenni
Ship playtesting by @Synactive
Raw Footage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nJ9pN1pRJAkSi8O76XZ9nLagkZDiZxUt/view?usp=sharing
Eyes in the Water
- ID: 95851008
- Creators: @hawkyre, @skywalker14, @Darksteelflame, @ImMaxX1, @Bli_GD
- Song: Eyes in the Water by @siximpalasix
- Enjoyment: 9.5/10
- Attempts: 135,054
- Ship (0-23) Passes: 1,827
- Stats (Percentages with an asterisk indicate new best):
Deaths at/past 40:
41% x13
43% x6
44% x3
45% x10
46% x47
47% x20
48% x51
50% x32
51% x5
52% x5
53% x3
55%* x17
56%* x16
57% x35
58% x5
59% x10
60%* x25
61% x8
64%* x4
65% x3
74%* x6
91%* x2
34-100 x2
49-100 x8
54-100 x3
65-100 x15
67-100 x171
81-100 x280
Join my Discord Server! https://discord.gg/Kg4U4efG5m
Eyes in the Water VERIFIED | My Hardest Achievement
it's over. After 123 streams, 9 months of grinding with no breaks over a week, I have finally verified Eyes in the Water. This level is the polar opposite of my skillset; I can reach 7 CPS on mouse, and my hardest memory level previously was Mindbreaker (the insane demon). To go from those to this was absolutely brutal, and it took several months of playing this level to even get to a point where it just didn't hurt my arm to play. With that being said, this level may very well place below Firework; this, however, doesn't remove it's significance to me, as Firework only took 7 months not including several month long breaks. This will probably be the most I struggle with anything for a loooong time, likely until I verify a top 1. Also, I'd like to personally thank @hawkyre for not only hosting and choosing me to verify this level, but for sticking with me all this time. There were so many opportunities where he could've switched to someone way faster and better than me, but he always supported me through it all. I couldn't have asked for a better host. Please be sure to check out his new website, https://rootvocab.com, and use code EYESINTHEWATER for 50% off a 6-month plan. Promoting his sick site is the least I could do after all he did for me. Thumbnail by @WildPoint Intro by @fakedenni Ship playtesting by @Synactive Raw Footage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nJ9pN1pRJAkSi8O76XZ9nLagkZDiZxUt/view?usp=sharing Eyes in the Water - ID: 95851008 - Creators: @hawkyre, @skywalker14, @Darksteelflame, @ImMaxX1, @Bli_GD - Song: Eyes in the Water by @siximpalasix - Enjoyment: 9.5/10 - Attempts: 135,054 - Ship (0-23) Passes: 1,827 - Stats (Percentages with an asterisk indicate new best): Deaths at/past 40: 41% x13 43% x6 44% x3 45% x10 46% x47 47% x20 48% x51 50% x32 51% x5 52% x5 53% x3 54% 55%* x17 56%* x16 57% x35 58% x5 59% x10 60%* x25 61% x8 62% 64%* x4 65% x3 66% 67% 74%* x6 77% 88% 90% 91%* x2 98%* Runs: 34-100 x2 49-100 x8 54-100 x3 65-100 x15 67-100 x171 76-100 81-100 x280 Join my Discord Server! https://discord.gg/Kg4U4efG5m