Wraith Docs是一款针对Google Docs的人工智能助手,为用户提供独特的人工智能工具,帮助用户更快、更有效地撰写和编辑文件。
要使用Wraith Docs,在该网站上注册一个账户。一旦拥有账户,您就可以直接在Google Docs文档中访问人工智能工具。只需高亮您想要处理的文本,然后从可用选项中选择如改写、扩展想法、简化文本和优化关键词等选项。Wraith Docs还可以通过其上下文感知功能快速轻松地添加文本。此外,您还可以根据自己的需求输入提示内容,由人工智能生成内容。
Wraith Docs 公司名字: Wraith Docs .
Wraith Docs 登录链接: https://wraithdocs.com/accounts/login/
Wraith Docs 注册链接: https://wraithdocs.com/accounts/signup/
Wraith Docs Quick Demo
Get started here: https://wraithdocs.com/ This shows the various features of Wraith Docs, which can allow you to do the following in 1 click: - Paraphrase text so you can get different ideas for wording. - Expand upon ideas to make it more comprehensive. - Simplify text to make it easier to read and understand. - Sprinkle a target keyword into your highlighted text to quickly optimize your SEO. - Add text to your cursor to get more ideas on what to write / have AI finish writing for you. It's context-aware, which means the AI will generally insert text that's consistent to your writing style. Additionally, if all of the above isn't enough, you can flexibly enter any prompt to our AI. This means you can have the AI write about anything you want, even if you have a completely blank document. Don't have an article to edit? Get an SEO-optimized blog post in 1 click here: https://wraithscribe.com/