Unlock Your Artistic Potential with Dali Out Painting

Unlock Your Artistic Potential with Dali Out Painting

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Dali Out Painting
  3. How to Access Dali Out Painting
  4. Uploading Image for Dali Out Painting
  5. Choosing Generation Frame
  6. Erasing Part of an Image for Out Painting
  7. Fitting Image Inside a Frame
  8. Giving a Prompt for Image Expansion
  9. Selecting the Best Option
  10. Saving the Out Painted Image
  11. Conclusion


Dali Out Painting is a fascinating technique that allows You to transform images into stunning artworks resembling the style of famous artist Monet. In this tutorial, we will explore how to perform Dali Out Painting, step by step, and Create beautiful and realistic images. However, it's essential to keep in mind that each out painting action will result in a loss of credit. Let's Delve into the world of Dali Out Painting and learn how to unleash your artistic expression.

Understanding Dali Out Painting

Dali Out Painting, also known as style translation or image expansion, is a process that transforms an existing image into a similar piece of artwork. By using artificial intelligence and advanced image editing techniques, Dali can generate realistic and visually appealing images that mimic the style of iconic artists like Monet. With Dali Out Painting, you can bring an artistic touch to your photos and unlock endless creative possibilities.

How to Access Dali Out Painting

To access Dali Out Painting, you have two options. First, you can directly upload an image from the Dali landing page and proceed to the Out Painting screen. Alternatively, you can go to your profile details and click on "Try Out Painting." Both paths will lead you to the Open Image Editor, where you can start your Dali Out Painting Journey.

Uploading Image for Dali Out Painting

Before diving into the process, it's crucial to ensure that your image fits within the generation frame. The generation frame is a square frame with Dimensions of 1024 by 1024 pixels. You can resize your image accordingly, either by filling the entire frame or keeping it within a specific area. Always remember that the image you choose will be the foundation for the out painting process.

Choosing Generation Frame

When performing Dali Out Painting, you can use two different approaches. The first method involves erasing a part of the image and expanding it Based on what remains. This approach adheres to the image's original dimensions. On the other HAND, you can create a generation frame with dimensions of 1024 by 1024 pixels and fit an image inside it. This method provides more control over the dimensions and expansion of the image. Select the approach that aligns with your creative vision.

Erasing Part of an Image for Out Painting

If you opt for the erasing method, select a specific region of the image that you want to expand and erase the remaining area. Dali will then generate an expanded image with the same dimensions as the original image. This technique is suitable when you want to maintain the aspect ratio and overall proportion of the artwork while enhancing certain elements.

Fitting Image Inside a Frame

For greater control over the dimensions and expansion of the image, you can create a generation frame. The generation frame acts as a container where you can fit your chosen image. Align the image within the frame to achieve the desired composition. This method allows you to manipulate the placement of the image and control its expansion more effectively.

Giving a Prompt for Image Expansion

To guide Dali's image generation process, provide a prompt for the expanded image. For example, if you are working with a Water lily image, you can specify "Water Lily Pond" as the prompt. You don't need to provide additional style or formatting instructions unless desired. The prompt will help Dali understand the desired outcome and generate an expanded image based on your input.

Selecting the Best Option

After clicking the generate button, Dali will create four different options for the expanded image. Each option represents a unique interpretation of the prompt and image. Carefully evaluate each option and select the one that best aligns with your creative vision. Consider factors like composition, color palette, and overall aesthetic appeal. Remember, selecting an option will require a loss of credit.

Saving the Out Painted Image

Once you have chosen the ideal option, save the out painted image to preserve the artwork you have created. By saving the image, you can access and share it with others, allowing them to appreciate your creative transformation. Remember to experiment with different images, styles, and Prompts to explore the full potential of Dali Out Painting.


Dali Out Painting is a revolutionary technique that merges art and technology to enable the creation of stunning, artistically inspired images. With Dali's advanced image editing capabilities, you can transform ordinary photographs into breathtaking artworks. Whether you choose to erase a part of an image or fit it within a generation frame, Dali offers a seamless and intuitive process for out painting. Unleash your creativity, experiment with different prompts, and let Dali bring your artistic vision to life.


  • Learn how to perform Dali Out Painting step by step.
  • Transform images into stunning artworks resembling the style of famous artists like Monet.
  • Choose between erasing part of an image or fitting it within a generation frame.
  • Provide a prompt for image expansion and select the best option from the generated images.
  • Preserve your creative transformations by saving the out painted images.

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