Desbloquee las historias ocultas en sus datos de marketing y transfórmelos en narrativas convincentes con DataGems. Experimente el poder de contar historias basadas en datos con contenido atractivo, notificaciones push y notas de voz.
Transforme datos de marketing dispersos en narrativas convincentes con DataGems. Utilice plantillas preconstruidas o personalizables, elija entre diversas opciones de visualización y mantenga los datos frescos con actualizaciones automáticas para un seguimiento en tiempo real.
DataGems Nombre de la empresa: DataGems .
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S2 E37 Founder & CEO of DataGems; Konrad Jarocinski
In this episode of Founders Unplugged, we're joined by Konrad Jarocinski, the founder and CEO of DataGems, a groundbreaking platform that helps small and medium businesses unlock the power of their data through data-driven storytelling. [1] DataGems is on a mission to transform how businesses interact with their data, making it easier than ever to visualize, analyze, and communicate insights without the need for technical expertise or dedicated resources. In this insightful conversation, we delve into: -Konrad's entrepreneurial journey and the inspiration behind DataGems -The role of AI and large language models in enabling DataGems' innovative approach -Konrad's experience at Booksy, a leading scale-up company, and the benefits of a remote-first setup -The importance of data-driven decision-making for businesses of all sizes -Konrad's insights into angel investing and the value of diverse perspectives -The challenges of product-market fit and effectively communicating value propositions Join us for this captivating discussion as we explore the intersection of data, storytelling, and entrepreneurship with Konrad Jarocinski, the visionary behind DataGems. Connect with Konrad on LinkedIn: Check out DataGems here: Want to know about me and ThinkWork? #foundersunplugged #foundersjourney #startupfounder #startupjourney #investment