Un vasto y dinámico sistema de diseño con cientos de componentes y plantillas de IU personalizables, listas para su implementación en Framer y meticulosamente organizadas con variables, variantes y diseños adaptativos. Creado a partir de décadas de perfeccionamiento del diseño.
Vista previa en Figma para explorar y personalizar todo, desde diseños, estilos, patrones, puntos de interrupción hasta iconos. La consistencia de diseño se garantiza con las Variables de Figma y la implementación real de Framer.
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Para conocer los precios más recientes, visite este enlace: https://designcodeui.com/pricing
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Escucha en redes sociales
UI Design Livestream: Design System, Variables, Breakpoints and Framer Deployment
This livestream is a deep dive into design systems in Figma and Framer. Follow along using the Figma file at https://designcodeui.com Intro: 0:00 - Intro, Meng moved to Singapore 1:24 - Why create a Design System? Variables: 9:00 - Explaining variables and design tokens 13:43 - Primitives and contextual values in variables Spacing: 15:31 - Importance of spacing 16:17 - Using 8-point grid system Semantics: 21:22 - Semantic naming for contextual values Components mapping: 37:52 - Mapping components to light/dark modes 39:48 - Mapping components to breakpoints Framer implementation: 50:51 - Demo of implementation in Framer 52:56 - Tips for transitioning from Figma to Framer 1:06:35 - Figma plugins 1:11:20 - Pricing for DesignCode UI #figma #uidesign #designsystem
Amazing New UI Kits for Framer, Webflow, & Figma! | Design Systems & UI Kits
Today we are looking some of the best UI kits for Framer, Webflow, and Figma. These are free and very beautiful! Links to Framer resources: 1. Sections for Framer: https://sections.framer.website/ 2. Segment UI: https://segmentui.com/remix 3. Hey Framer: https://heyframer.com/ 4. Everything Framer: https://everythingframer.com/ 5. Designcode UI: https://designcodeui.com/ 6. Bento Framer: https://bentobox.framer.website/ 7. Waybloom Portfolio: https://zaad.gumroad.com/l/waybloom 8. Framer Gifts: https://design.gifts/ Links to Webflow resources: 1. Relume: https://library.relume.io/?via=punit 2. Flowout: https://www.flowout.com/free-webflow-templates 3. Flowbase: https://www.flowbase.co/ 4. 3D webflow: https://webflow.com/@dirk Video chapters 0:00 Introduction 0:14 Designcode UI 1:43 Bento Framer 2:32 Everything Framer 3:08 Sections 4:05 Waybloom Portfolio 4:54 Segments UI 5:42 Hey Framer 6:48 Framer Giveaway 7:14 Relume AI 8:35 Flowbase 9:17 Flowout 10:01 3D Webflow 10:54 LandingFolio For Sponsorship: punitwebdeveloper@gmail.com Follow Me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/punitweb Follow me on Medium: https://medium.com/@punitweb My Behance Profile: https://www.behance.net/punitweb #uidesign #webflow #framer
UI Design Essentials: Creating Buttons in Design Systems
Create buttons for your design system with this short but comprehensive tutorial. Template: https://designcodeui.com Join me in this hands-on tutorial as we dive into the process of creating and managing button components within a design system. We'll start by building our first button and understanding how to utilize the design system effectively. I'll walk you through the steps to create a template, manage variants for flexibility, and apply variable properties for colors and spacing. Learn to streamline your workflow with tips on organizing buttons, using auto layout, and customizing components for your designs. By the end of this video, you'll be equipped to craft buttons that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing within any design system. Timestamps: 00:00 Introduction to Button Components 00:50 Button Variants Explained 01:24 Building a Button Base Template 02:00 Integrating Buttons into Design Systems 03:00 Adding Text and Icons to Buttons 04:00 Color and Style Selection for Buttons 05:00 Auto Layout Features for Button Design 06:00 Sizing and Spacing Specifications for Buttons 07:00 Finalizing Button Component Designs 08:00 Adapting Buttons for Dark Mode Implementation 09:00 Setting Properties for Button Components 10:00 Customizing Button Instances for Projects 11:00 Wrap-Up and Designer Resources Remember to hit like and subscribe for more design tutorials. Leave a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions for our next video!
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