Feedyou es una plataforma que ofrece asistentes virtuales de chat y voz con inteligencia artificial para brindar un soporte eficiente y confiable tanto a los clientes como a los empleados.
Para usar Feedyou, simplemente integra los asistentes virtuales en tus sistemas y personalízalos según tus necesidades.
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Escucha en redes sociales
AI-powered customer service: How to reduce costs and increase efficiency with AI? | Feedyou
👉Interested in elevating your customer communication to the next level? ✅ Access the full webinar recording, including practical examples, at 👉 https://feedyou.ai/event/customer-service-automation/ Learn more about what we covered in the webinar: This webinar will focus on using Conversational AI in customer service and how virtual assistants can reduce costs, increase efficiency, and boost customer satisfaction. We’ll explore comprehensive use cases, how to choose the right one for you, and what you need to start automating today. Introduction: 👉 Introduction to customer service automation 👉 The importance of Conversational AI for improving efficiency and customer satisfaction 👉 Overview of conversational chatbots and voicebots 👉 Customer Service Automation Options: 👉 Chatbots vs. Voicebots: Comparison and benefits 👉Implementing chatbots and voicebots: Step-by-step from planning to deployment 👉 Personalization: How to tailor Conversational AI to specific industries and customers The webinar was led by Vojta Dlouhý, CEO & Co-founder of Feedyou.
Automating HR processes with AI: How and where to start? | Feedyou
👉Interested in how digitalization can transform your HR processes? ✅ Access the full webinar recording, including practical examples, at 👉 https://feedyou.ai/event/automating-hr-processes-with-ai/ Learn more about what we covered in the webinar: Boost your team’s efficiency and productivity significantly. Join our webinar to learn how to begin digitalizing and automating your HR processes with chatbots and voicebots. We’ll cover the key steps to help you adapt to a rapidly changing digital landscape. Together, we’ll explore: 👉 The fundamentals of HR process digitalization: What it is and the main benefits for your organization. 👉 Identifying suitable HR processes for digitalization: Which processes can be easily digitalized and automated? 👉 Implementing chatbots and voicebots in your HR strategy: How can these technologies simplify and enhance your work? 👉 Practical demonstrations and examples: See how chatbots and voicebots can be integrated into specific HR processes like recruitment, onboarding, administration, and more. 👉 This webinar is designed for all HR professionals looking to modernize their processes and leverage the potential of digital transformation for their business. Join us and discover how to kick-start digitalizing and automating HR processes. The webinar was led by Vojta Dlouhý, CEO & Co-founder of Feedyou.
Digitalizace HR procesů: Jak a kde začít? | Feedyou 🤖
Zaujalo vás využití chatbotů, voicebotů a knowledge base v HR? Celý záznam webináře včetně praktických příkladů získáte na 👉 https://feedyou.ai/cs/event/webinar-digitalizace-hr-procesu-zaznam/ ✅ NAVÍC: Získáte analýzu HR procesů zdarma. Ať snadno zjistíte, kde s digitalizací začít. Více o obsahu webináře: Digitalizace HR procesů může výrazně zvýšit efektivitu a produktivitu vašeho týmu. Ukážeme si, jak začít s digitalizací a automatizací vašich HR procesů pomocí chatbotů a voicebotů. Oblasti, kde vám mohou virtuální asistenti pomoci automatizovat proces: 👉 Nábor 👉 Preboarding 👉 Onboarding 👉 Interní helpdesk 👉 IT service desk 👉 Průzkum spokojenosti Tento webinář je určen pro všechny profesionály v oblasti lidských zdrojů, kteří hledají způsoby, jak modernizovat své procesy a využít potenciál digitální transformace pro své podnikání. 🔗 Více o nás: https://feedyou.ai/cs/
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