Tettra es un sistema de gestión de conocimiento impulsado por IA que permite a los equipos recopilar información importante de la empresa en una base de conocimiento, responder instantáneamente preguntas en Slack con un bot impulsado por IA y mantener el conocimiento actualizado y organizado con automatización.
Para utilizar Tettra, puedes crear tu base de conocimiento utilizando el editor fácil de usar o importando contenido existente desde Google Docs, Notion y otras fuentes. Luego, puedes responder preguntas en Slack o nuestra aplicación utilizando IA y guardar respuestas reutilizables que se pueden mantener actualizadas con automatización.
Tettra Nombre de la empresa: Tettra, Inc. .
Tettra Enlace de inicio de sesión: https://app.tettra.co/?amp_device_id=a7e28c17-19d7-4cf3-95d9-b28c502330a5R
Tettra Enlace de registro: https://app.tettra.co/create-team/?planId=scaling-2023-m&_device_id=a7e28c17-19d7-4cf3-95d9-b28c502330a5R
Enlace de precios de Tettra: https://tettra.com/pricing/
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Escucha en redes sociales
How Tettra Changes AI Knowledge Management
Tettra completely changes your knowledge management workflow with AI. Ask — When a team member has a question, they search in Tettra. Kai, Tettra’s friendly AI assistant, scours existing company documents to find the answer they need, deflecting the question away from the subject matter expert. With the information easily discovered, the team member is able to complete their task and continue working without disruption. Assign — If Kai can’t find the answer, or the answer doesn’t exist, it will assist the searcher in creating it as a question in Tettra’s intuitive Q&A system where it will be assigned to the proper subject matter expert to answer. And with notifications and reminders, Tettra ensures that questions are never left unanswered. Verify — After a question is assigned to them, the subject matter expert can answer that question once and only once. Now, when another team member asks the question again, Kai will use its AI-powered search to pull out the verified answer. Not only does this ensure your team is using accurate information, but it saves the subject matter expert from having to answer the same question over and over again. Use — With a knowledge base full of verified, discoverable information, your team will be able to use Tettra’s AI-powered knowledge management system to easily find answers, meaning knowledge managers will only have to answer a question once, and only once. Learn more: https://tettra.com/article/ai-knowledge-management/ Start for free or schedule your demo: https://tettra.com/demo/
Knowledge management: What is it? (Tettra)
Learn what knowledge management is from one of the top knowledge management tools, Tettra. In every organization, there exists knowledge and experience gained by each of its members. This institutional knowledge can be individual, based on the employee’s skills and expertise, or it can be collective, gained from working as a team or department. Unfortunately, such critical corporate knowledge isn’t always maximized by the organization. When this happens, members work in information silos, business processes get hindered, and training and development become more time consuming and less efficient due to the lack of a central knowledge base. This is where knowledge management and knowledge management tools come in. Learn more: https://tettra.com/article/what-is-knowledge-management/ Compare knowledge management software tools: https://tettra.com/article/knowledge-management-tools/
5 Steps of the Knowledge Management Process
How does the knowledge management process work? See the process. Read more at Tettra: https://tettra.com/article/knowledge-management-process-101/ Interested? Start your free 30-day trial of Tettra: https://app.tettra.co/create-team/?planId=scaling-2023-m
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