Automate Google Sheets with n8n - Step-by-Step Guide

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Automate Google Sheets with n8n - Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Google service account?
  3. Why do You need a Google service account?
  4. Creating a Google service account 4.1. Accessing the Google service account page 4.2. Creating a project 4.3. Creating a service account 4.4. Generating a JSON key 4.5. Modifying the private key
  5. Using the Google service account 5.1. Authenticating with the service account 5.2. Accessing Google Sheets 5.3. Performing operations on Google Sheets 5.3.1. Appending data 5.3.2. Updating data
  6. Conclusion

Article: How to Create and Use a Google Service Account


If you're looking to harness the power of Google Sheets in your project, a Google service account is an essential tool to have. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a Google service account and Show you how to use it effectively.

What is a Google service account?

A Google service account is a special Type of account that allows applications to access Google services programmatically. It acts as a virtual identity with its own set of credentials, enabling secure and automated interactions with Google APIs.

Why do you need a Google service account?

Using a Google service account provides several benefits. Firstly, it allows you to access Google Sheets and perform operations on them, such as reading, writing, and modifying data. It also enables you to automate tasks and integrate Google Sheets into your applications or workflows seamlessly.

Creating a Google service account

To Create a Google service account, follow these steps:

4.1. Accessing the Google service account page

Go to the Google Cloud Platform and navigate to the "Creating and managing service accounts" page.

4.2. Creating a project

Before creating a service account, you need to create a project. Click on the "Open the Service Accounts page" button and accept the Terms of Service if prompted. Once in the interface, create a new project.

4.3. Creating a service account

With the project created, you can now create a service account. When creating the service account, assign it the role of "Owner" to have full access to all resources. However, it's recommended to restrict the account's access to only what it needs for security purposes.

4.4. Generating a JSON key

While creating the service account, you will also have the option to generate a JSON key. This key is essential for authenticating with the service account. Download and save the JSON key securely.

4.5. Modifying the private key

To ensure compatibility with the Node.js library we will use later on, you need to modify the private key. Remove all new lines from the key and separate the "BEGIN PRIVATE KEY" and "END PRIVATE KEY" tags onto separate lines. This will ensure the private key is correctly formatted.

Using the Google service account

Once you have created and configured your Google service account, you can start leveraging its capabilities.

5.1. Authenticating with the service account

To authenticate with the service account, you will need to provide the JSON key and specify the necessary scopes. This will establish a secure connection between your application and Google's APIs, allowing you to access Google Sheets and other services.

5.2. Accessing Google Sheets

With authentication in place, you can now access Google Sheets. You can retrieve existing sheets, create new ones, or perform various operations on them, such as reading, writing, and modifying data.

5.3. Performing operations on Google Sheets

When working with Google Sheets using the service account, you have several operations at your disposal. Some of the common operations include appending data and updating existing data.

5.3.1. Appending data

Appending data to a Google Sheet involves adding new rows with the desired data at the end of the sheet. This is useful when you want to continuously add data to an existing sheet, such as logging entries or tracking changes.

5.3.2. Updating data

Updating data in a Google Sheet allows you to modify specific cells or ranges within the sheet. You can update the content of existing cells, change formatting, or make any necessary adjustments to the data.


In this tutorial, we covered the process of creating and using a Google service account. We explored the steps involved in creating the account, generating the necessary JSON key, and modifying the private key for compatibility. We also touched on how to authenticate with the service account and perform operations on Google Sheets. By harnessing the power of a Google service account, you can unlock the full potential of Google Sheets in your projects.


  • Create a Google service account to access Google Sheets programmatically.
  • Enable automation and seamless integration with Google Sheets using the service account.
  • Step-by-step guide on creating a Google service account and generating the necessary JSON key.
  • Modify the private key for compatibility with the Node.js library.
  • Authenticate with the service account and access Google Sheets.
  • Perform operations such as appending and updating data in Google Sheets.


Q: What is the purpose of a Google service account?
A: A Google service account allows applications to access Google services programmatically, providing secure and automated interactions with Google APIs.

Q: How can I create a Google service account?
A: To create a Google service account, you need to navigate to the Google Cloud Platform, create a project, and then create the service account within the project.

Q: Can I modify the private key of a Google service account?
A: Yes, the private key of a Google service account can be modified to ensure compatibility with specific libraries or programming languages.

Q: What operations can I perform on Google Sheets using a service account?
A: Using a service account, you can perform operations such as appending data, updating existing data, retrieving sheets, creating new sheets, and more.

Q: How do I authenticate with a Google service account?
A: To authenticate with a Google service account, you need to provide the JSON key and specify the necessary scopes. This establishes a secure connection between your application and Google's APIs.

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