Convert Comments into Sales Leads using ChatGPT

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Convert Comments into Sales Leads using ChatGPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting up the Chatbot Builder
  3. Connecting Social Media Channels
  4. Connecting Facebook Messenger
  5. Connecting Instagram
  6. Creating a Flow for Public Comment Reply
  7. Setting up Advanced Prompt for Better Responses
  8. Creating a Flow for Private DM Reply
  9. Configuring Facebook Comment Automations
  10. Configuring Instagram Comment Automations
  11. Testing the Chatbot
  12. Conclusion


Chatbots have become an essential tool for businesses to automate their responses to comments and direct messages on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. In this article, we will guide You on how to use ChatGPT to automatically respond to your Facebook and Instagram comments and messages. We will provide step-by-step instructions on setting up the Chatbot Builder, connecting social media channels, creating flows for public comment reply and private DM reply, and configuring comment automations. Let's get started!

Setting up the Chatbot Builder

To begin, you need to head over to the Chatbot Builder and either Create a new account or log in to your existing account. The Chatbot Builder offers powerful features to create and manage chatbots for various platforms.

Connecting Social Media Channels

The next step is to connect your social media channels to the Chatbot Builder. Start by going to the Settings section and click on Channels. Let's begin with connecting Facebook Messenger.

Connecting Facebook Messenger

In the Channels menu, select Facebook Messenger and click on Connect. The system will guide you through the process of integrating your Facebook page with the Chatbot Builder. Make sure to edit the settings and select all the pages you want to use. Grant the necessary permissions for the integration to work smoothly.

Connecting Instagram

After successfully connecting Facebook Messenger, it's time to connect Instagram. In the Channels menu, click on Instagram and then click on Connect. Follow the instructions to open the Instagram page and ensure that your Instagram business page is connected to a Facebook business page. Grant all the required permissions for the integration to function correctly.

Creating a Flow for Public Comment Reply

Now let's create a flow for handling public comment replies. Go to the Flows section and click on Add. Name the flow "Public Comment Reply." Open the canvas and add the content by clicking on Actions, then Open AI. Create a prompt that sets the tone for your comment responses. Make it professional and encourage users to check their inbox for more details. Keep the response concise, ideally one to two sentences.

Setting up Advanced Prompt for Better Responses

To enhance the quality of responses, we'll use a more advanced feature. Copy the text from the prompt field and select "Generate Text Advanced" from the dropdown. Paste the text and note that the user message field is not the last input but the last Facebook comment. This ensures the chatbot responds to comments accurately.

Creating a Flow for Private DM Reply

Next, let's create a flow for handling private direct message (DM) replies. Edit the flow and define a goal Based on the Type of comment received. If the comment is positive, thank the user and provide any necessary information. If the comment is negative, try to Collect details about the negative experience and express sincere apologies if needed.

Configuring Facebook Comment Automations

Now, let's put the flows into action by configuring comment automations. In the Tools section, click on Facebook Comment Automations. Add a new automation and name it "FB Auto Comment." Choose the option to send a private reply with the private DM reply flow and publicly reply with the public comment reply flow. Activate the automation to enable automatic responses to comments on your Facebook posts.

Configuring Instagram Comment Automations

Similarly, set up comment automations for Instagram. In the Tools section, click on Instagram Comment Automations. Create a new automation named "IG Auto Comment." Choose the same flow options as before, and activate the automation to enable automatic responses to comments on your Instagram posts.

Testing the Chatbot

After completing the setup, it's crucial to test the chatbot to ensure everything is working correctly. Visit your Facebook page and leave a comment to trigger the chatbot's response. Check if the chatbot responds with the predefined replies accurately. Repeat the testing process on Instagram as well.


Using ChatGPT and the Chatbot Builder, you can automate your responses to Facebook and Instagram comments and messages effectively. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can set up the chatbot, connect social media channels, create flows for different types of responses, and configure comment automations. Leveraging the power of chatbots in social media management can enhance your customer engagement and save valuable time for your business.

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