Earn $100 in 24 Hours with ChatGPT

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Earn $100 in 24 Hours with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of Chat GPT
  3. Step 1: Writing the 50 Articles
  4. Step 2: Monetizing Your Articles
  5. Step 3: Signing Up and Getting Paid on Vocal Media
  6. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore how You can make $100 in 24 hours using the power of language model AI, specifically with Chat GPT. We will dive into the steps you need to take to write 50 articles in a short amount of time using Chat GPT and how to monetize those articles to earn your $100. We will also discuss signing up on a platform called Vocal Media and getting paid for your articles.

The Power of Chat GPT

Before we begin, let's talk about Chat GPT and how it can help you generate article ideas. Chat GPT is an AI-powered language model that can provide you with popular article niches or topics that have the potential to go viral. By using Chat GPT, you can quickly Gather a list of article ideas that appeal to you and incorporate SEO and viral keywords. With these ideas, you can start building your 50 articles in no time.

Step 1: Writing the 50 Articles

To start writing your 50 articles, you need to Create a profile on Chat GPT. Once you have your profile set up, you can input a prompt asking for popular article niches or topics that can go viral. Chat GPT will generate a list of ideas for you to choose from. Select a niche that interests you and put in a prompt asking for 50 article ideas related to that niche, considering SEO and incorporating viral keywords. Chat GPT will provide you with 50 title ideas that you can use to create your articles.

For each title, write a prompt asking for a 600-1000 word article related to that title. Make sure to make the article intriguing, engaging, and SEO-friendly. Chat GPT will generate the article for you in about a minute. While the generated article will provide a good starting point, feel free to tweak it and make it your own.

Step 2: Monetizing Your Articles

Once you have your 50 completed articles, it's time to monetize them. The platform we will be using is Vocal Media. Vocal Media allows anyone to post articles or blogs and make money. To maximize your earnings on Vocal Media, you need to follow their monetization guidelines. By publishing your first five articles, you will receive a $5 bonus. For your first 10 articles, you will receive an additional $10 bonus. Finally, when you publish all 50 articles, you will receive a solid $50 bonus. This brings your total bonus earnings to $65.

In addition to the bonuses, Vocal Media also pays you Based on the number of views your articles receive. On average, you can expect to earn around $3.80 per 1000 views. This means that with your 50 articles, you can make even more money beyond the initial $100.

Step 3: Signing Up and Getting Paid on Vocal Media

To get started on Vocal Media, you need to create an account. Detailed instructions on how to create an account can be found in the description below. Once your account is set up, you can start publishing your articles on Vocal Media. Simply click on the "Create Story" tab and paste your articles into the provided space. Make sure to save your changes and submit your article once you have selected the appropriate community and tags. After submission, it typically takes Vocal Media 5 to 15 minutes to review and publish your articles.

To get paid on Vocal Media, you will need a Stripe account. However, if you encounter any issues with setting up a Stripe account, there are alternative methods that can be found on our Patreon page, such as creating an LLC. Follow the detailed instructions on our Patreon page to maximize your earning potential on Vocal Media.


In conclusion, making $100 in 24 hours with Chat GPT and Vocal Media is entirely possible. By utilizing Chat GPT to generate article ideas and write the articles with its assistance, you can quickly create 50 articles. With Vocal Media, you can monetize these articles and earn bonuses for publishing them. Additionally, you can earn money based on the number of views your articles receive. So why wait? Get started today and see your bank balance grow.

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