Create Jaw-dropping Presentations with AI ChatGPT

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Create Jaw-dropping Presentations with AI ChatGPT

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Chat GPT?
  3. The Power of Automation in Presentations
  4. Getting Started with Chat GPT
    • Accessing the Official Chat GPT Page
    • Choosing the Free Version
  5. Creating an Auto Presentation with VBA Code
    • Developing the Prompt
    • Generating VBA Code
  6. Using VBA Code in PowerPoint
    • Activating the Developer Icon
    • Copying and Pasting the VBA Code
    • Running the Code for Auto Presentation
  7. Enhancing the Presentation Design
    • Choosing Design Templates
    • Customizing Slide Designs
  8. Finalizing and Saving the Presentation
    • Saving the Presentation
    • Completing the Auto PPT Creation
  9. Conclusion
  10. Stay Connected and Explore AI-powered Creativity

The Power of Automation in Presentations

In today's fast-paced world, being able to Create effective presentations quickly is crucial. That's where Chat GPT comes in. Chat GPT is an AI wizard that revolutionizes the way we approach presentations. With its incredible power and automation capabilities, chat GPT streamlines the entire presentation creation process, allowing users to focus on the content that truly matters. Say goodbye to the time-consuming aspects of slide design and hello to a future where creativity and productivity unite.

But how does Chat GPT work? Let's dive into the details.


Welcome to Guru Tech Solutions! Get ready to embark on an exciting Journey into the future of presentations. If You're tired of spending countless hours crafting the perfect PowerPoint slides, then prepare yourself for a game-changing solution. In this article, we will unveil the incredible power of chat GPT, an AI wizard that's here to revolutionize your approach to presentations.

What is Chat GPT?

Chat GPT is an AI Tool that simplifies the presentation creation process. By automating various tasks, it allows users to focus on the content rather than the time-consuming aspects of slide design. With the help of chat GPT, you can generate presentations from scratch, saving valuable time and effort. This AI-powered tool utilizes the latest natural language processing techniques to generate high-quality presentations in a matter of minutes.

Getting Started with Chat GPT

To start using Chat GPT, you need to access the official page of this free AI tool. Open your web browser and Type "ChatGPT." This will take you to the official page where you can find two options: Version 3.5 (completely free) and the paid version. For the purpose of this article, we will be using the free version of chat GPT.

Creating an Auto Presentation with VBA Code:

  1. Develop the Prompt: To create an auto presentation, you need to develop a VBA code. In the prompt bar, paste a prompt that specifies your desired content and the number of slides you want. For example, you can ask chat GPT to create VBA code for a PowerPoint presentation about the best strategies to develop students' mathematics achievement with eight slides.

  2. Generate VBA Code: Once you've entered the prompt, hit enter and let chat GPT work its magic. You will see the AI generating the VBA code for your auto presentation. It will create different slides with various headings based on the prompt. This step requires some processing time, so be patient until it's complete.

Using VBA Code in PowerPoint:

  1. Activate the Developer Icon: Before using the VBA code in PowerPoint, you need to activate the developer icon. If it's already available, you can skip this step. To activate it, click on "File," choose "Options," and then select "Customize Ribbon." Check the developer key and click "OK." Now you'll see the developer icon in PowerPoint.

  2. Copy and Paste the VBA Code: Click on the developer icon and then select "Visual Basic." In the window that appears, click on "Module." Now press Ctrl+V to paste the copied VBA code here. The code will be pasted, and you're ready for the next step.

  3. Run the Code for Auto Presentation: Click the play button in the Visual Basic window to run the code. You will see an automatic PowerPoint presentation with slides and auto-filled text. The content will be based on the prompt you provided. This AI-powered automation will save you time and effort in creating presentations.

Enhancing the Presentation Design:

Once the auto presentation is generated, you can further enhance its design to make it more appealing. Click on "Design" and choose specific design templates for each slide. Explore different designs and select the ones that suit your preferences. You can modify the designs by clicking on them or access more design options by clicking on "More Design."

Finalizing and Saving the Presentation:

When you're satisfied with the presentation design, it's time to save your work. Click on "File," choose "Save," and select the folder where you want to save the presentation. Once saved, you can close all the windows, and your auto presentation is complete. Take a moment to appreciate the magic of chat GPT and its ability to streamline the presentation creation process.


In this article, we explored the power of automation in presentations through the use of chat GPT. This AI wizard simplifies the process of creating presentations by automating tasks and allowing users to focus on the content. With the help of VBA code and chat GPT, you can generate high-quality presentations in minutes. Enhance the design, save the presentation, and enjoy the efficiency and creativity that chat GPT brings to the table.

Stay Connected and Explore AI-powered Creativity:

Thank you for joining us on this journey of auto PPT creation with chat GPT. We hope you found this article informative and inspiring. Don't forget to subscribe for more exciting content and share this article with your friends and colleagues. Together, let's Continue to explore the limitless possibilities of AI-powered creativity. Stay tuned for more adventures in the world of presentations and automation.

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