Create Your Own AI BOT in Minutes with ChatGPT!

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Create Your Own AI BOT in Minutes with ChatGPT!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Downloading VS Code
  3. Downloading the GitHub Repository
  4. Getting OpenAI API Keys
  5. Downloading Node.js Dependencies
  6. Running the Application
  7. Debugging and Troubleshooting
  8. Testing the Startup Name Generator
  9. Adding New Startup Names
  10. Conclusion


In this tutorial, we will learn how to build a web application called the Gen Z Startup Name Generator using OpenAI. This application generates unique startup names Based on the industry You specify. No coding knowledge is required to follow along.

Downloading VS Code

To get started, you need to download VS Code, which is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This powerful text editor will be used throughout the project.

Downloading the GitHub Repository

Next, you need to download the GitHub repository containing the source code for the Gen Z Startup Name Generator. Fork the repository and then download the ZIP file to your local machine.

Getting OpenAI API Keys

To use the OpenAI API, you need to obtain API keys. Sign up or log in to your OpenAI account and navigate to the API section. You will find your API keys there. Copy the secret key and store it securely.

Downloading Node.js Dependencies

The Gen Z Startup Name Generator relies on Node.js dependencies. Visit the GitHub repository for the project and follow the provided links to download and install Node.js if you haven't already done so.

Running the Application

Once all the necessary tools and dependencies are downloaded, you can run the application. Open VS Code and navigate to the folder where you downloaded the project. Open the terminal and run the commands npm install and npm run dev to install the required packages and start the application.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

If you encounter any errors while running the application, it's likely due to missing or incorrect API keys. Make sure to add your OpenAI API Key to the env.example file and rename it to .env. Restart the application and try again.

Testing the Startup Name Generator

To test the Gen Z Startup Name Generator, go to localhost:3000 in your browser. Enter your startup domain, such as "clothing industry," and click on "Generate Names." The application will provide you with Gen Z-inspired startup names related to the specified industry.

Adding New Startup Names

You can easily add new startup names to the generator. Simply edit the .env file and enter additional domains. Save the file and Rerun the application.


Congratulations! You have successfully built the Gen Z Startup Name Generator using OpenAI. This web application allows you to generate unique startup names based on different industries. Have fun experimenting with new names and exploring the possibilities of the Gen Z startup world.


  • Build your own web application, the Gen Z Startup Name Generator.
  • Utilize the power of OpenAI to generate unique startup names.
  • No coding knowledge required.
  • Download VS Code and the GitHub repository to get started.
  • Get OpenAI API keys for authentication.
  • Download Node.js dependencies to run the application.
  • Use the terminal in VS Code to install packages and start the application.
  • Troubleshoot any errors by adding the correct API keys.
  • Test the application by entering different startup domains.
  • Add new startup names to the generator by editing the environment file.


Q: Can I use the Gen Z Startup Name Generator without any coding experience? A: Yes, this tutorial is designed for beginners and does not require any coding knowledge.

Q: Where can I download VS Code? A: You can download VS Code from the official website or through the provided link in the tutorial.

Q: How can I obtain the OpenAI API keys? A: Sign up or log in to your OpenAI account, navigate to the API section, and copy your API key.

Q: What should I do if the application is not generating any names? A: Check if you have added your API key to the .env file correctly. Make sure the file is renamed to .env, and restart the application.

Q: Can I add new startup names to the generator? A: Yes, you can easily add new startup names by editing the .env file and entering additional domains.

Q: Are there any troubleshooting tips for common errors? A: Make sure you have installed Node.js and its dependencies correctly. Double-check the API key and ensure it is entered accurately in the .env file.

Q: Can I use the Gen Z Startup Name Generator for multiple industries? A: Yes, you can generate startup names for different industries by entering the respective domains in the application.

Q: Is the Gen Z Startup Name Generator free to use? A: The usage of OpenAI's API may involve costs, depending on your subscription plan. Please refer to OpenAI's pricing page for more information.

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