Discover Mind-blowing Stats of Pax Dei with Over 5000 Days Played!

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Discover Mind-blowing Stats of Pax Dei with Over 5000 Days Played!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Alpha Stats
    1. Invitations
    2. Building Materials
    3. Combat
    4. Deaths
    5. Items Consumed
    6. Total Playtime
    7. Trees Chopped
    8. Feedback
  3. The Value of Focused Content Creation
  4. Conclusion

Alpha Stats: Breaking Down the Numbers

The recently conducted alpha for the game has provided us with some fascinating statistics that give us insights into the gameplay and player engagement. In this article, we will Delve into the data, discussing various aspects such as invitations, building materials, combat, deaths, items consumed, playtime, trees chopped, and feedback. But before we dive into the numbers, let's take a moment to understand the significance of this alpha.


As an avid gamer and content creator, I always find it exciting to explore the data behind game alphas. The numbers not only provide valuable insights into the game's progress but also reflect the level of interest and engagement among players. In this article, we will analyze the recently released statistics of the alpha and explore what they mean for the game's future.

Alpha Stats


Over 12,000 invitations were sent out for the alpha. Although it is difficult to determine the exact number of players Based on these invitations, it serves as a starting point for our calculations. This high number of invitations suggests a strong interest in the game and bodes well for its future.

Building Materials

During the alpha, players made extensive use of building materials. A staggering 2.8 million wood pegs, 1.5 million strong planks, and 700,000 rough beams were used. Additionally, 1.2 million building pieces were placed, which is more than half the stone blocks used to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. These numbers indicate the dedication and creativity of the players when it comes to construction.


Combat also played a significant role in the alpha. A total of 1.1 million mobs were killed, including 516 Will of the Wisps, which were considered the true endgame boss of the alpha. Moreover, 8,336 rabbits fell victim to the hunters, with the top three players each killing over 70 rabbits. These numbers highlight the intensity and excitement of combat in the game.


The alpha also witnessed its fair share of deaths. A total of 17,167 deaths occurred due to falling, while 1151 deaths were caused by drowning. These numbers highlight the presence of challenging environments and the need for players to exercise caution. While deaths may seem like setbacks, they add a layer of realism and risk to the game.

Items Consumed

During the alpha, players consumed a staggering 400,000 items. This consumption indicates a dynamic and interactive gameplay loop that requires players to utilize various resources strategically. Furthermore, 2.4 million Clay was forged, highlighting the importance of crafting and resource gathering.

Total Playtime

In terms of playtime, the alpha saw a total of 5,508 days played, assuming an average of 10 hours per player. While these numbers might not be an accurate representation of the player population, they still reflect a high level of excitement and engagement with the game, considering it is still in its alpha stage.

Trees Chopped

Another interesting statistic is the number of trees chopped during the alpha. A whopping 500,000 trees were felled, indicating the amount of resource gathering and deforestation that takes place in the game. This number, although amusingly phrased, sheds light on the environmental mechanics present in the gameplay.


During the alpha, players shared their thoughts and suggestions through various channels. A staggering 135,000 words were written, which is equivalent to the length of a Novel. This extensive feedback will be crucial for the developers to improve and refine the game, ensuring a better experience for players in the future.

The Value of Focused Content Creation

As a content creator, I believe in providing focused and concise content that centers around the game itself. This approach allows viewers to get the most Relevant and valuable information without unnecessary padding or sensationalism. By focusing on the game and its features, I aim to Create a balanced and enjoyable viewing experience for the audience.


The alpha stats offer valuable insights into the game's performance, player engagement, and exciting gameplay experiences. The high number of invitations, the extensive use of building materials, and the intensity of combat all point towards the game's potential success. It is clear that players are intrigued and excited about what the game has to offer. With valuable feedback from the community, developers can further refine and enhance the game, resulting in an even more immersive and enjoyable experience for players. So, let's wait with anticipation for what the future holds for this promising game.


  • The alpha received over 12,000 invitations, indicating a strong interest in the game.
  • Players used a significant amount of building materials, with millions of wood pegs, strong planks, and rough beams being utilized.
  • Combat was intense, with over 1.1 million mobs killed, including the challenging Will of the Wisps.
  • Deaths due to falling and drowning added realism and risk to the game.
  • Players consumed a large number of items, showcasing the dynamic gameplay loop.
  • Feedback from players, with over 135,000 words written, will help developers improve the game.
  • The game's alpha stage saw impressive player engagement, with a total of 5,508 days played.


Q: How many players participated in the alpha? A: While it is challenging to determine the exact number of players, over 12,000 invitations were sent out for the alpha.

Q: What were the most used building materials during the alpha? A: Players extensively used wood pegs, strong planks, and rough beams during their construction endeavors.

Q: Were there any notable achievements in combat during the alpha? A: Yes, players successfully defeated 516 Will of the Wisps, which were considered the true endgame boss of the alpha.

Q: How did players provide feedback during the alpha? A: Players shared their thoughts and suggestions through various channels, resulting in a staggering 135,000 written words of feedback.

Q: How many trees were chopped during the alpha? A: A total of 500,000 trees were felled, reflecting the game's resource gathering mechanics.

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