Discover the Delicious Jamaican Dish That My Husband Refuses to Try

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Discover the Delicious Jamaican Dish That My Husband Refuses to Try

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Dollar Store Find: American Seeds
  3. Planting Seeds in Jamaica
  4. The Garden at the Back
  5. Planting Pretty Flowers in Front
  6. The Unusual Plant in Jamaica
  7. The Challenge of Growing in Complicated Soil
  8. Cooking Dumplings and Corn Chicken
  9. The Process of Obtaining a Passport
  10. The Stress and Frustration of Passport Delays
  11. Dental Concerns and Orthodontic Consultation
  12. Clearing Acne and Improving Skin
  13. Enjoying Life in the New Community
  14. Shopping for the Garden


Welcome to my gardening Journey! In this article, I will share my experiences of planting seeds I bought from overseas and trying to grow them in Jamaica. From finding American seeds at the dollar store to creating a beautiful garden in front of my house, join me as I navigate the challenges and joys of gardening in a new environment.

The Dollar Store Find: American Seeds

One day, I stumbled upon a Hidden gem – the dollar store. However, these weren't just any ordinary dollar store seeds; they were American seeds. For just a dollar, I was able to purchase multiple packets of seeds. The price seemed too good to be true, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to experiment with them in my own garden.

Planting Seeds in Jamaica

Before planting the seeds, I had heard rumors that American seeds don't grow well in Jamaica. Determined to prove them wrong, I eagerly planted the seeds and waited for them to Sprout. However, I faced challenges due to previous construction work that left debris and stones in the soil. Despite the obstacles, I persisted and found a new spot in my garden where the soil seemed more promising.

The Garden at the Back

While the front of my house presented challenges, the garden at the back thrived. I carefully planted a variety of flowers, including pretty Blue flowers and vibrant yellow ones. Additionally, I decided to grow plants with edible seeds for a hidden corner of the garden. The rich soil in the back provided the perfect conditions for these plants to flourish.

Planting Pretty Flowers in Front

My initial plan was to Create a beautiful garden in front of my house. I wanted people passing by to admire the vibrant colors and appreciate my gardening skills. With this vision in mind, I started planting a variety of flowers in front of my house. From colorful blooms to charming chamomile, I wanted to create a visual feast for anyone passing by.

The Unusual Plant in Jamaica

As I delved deeper into gardening in Jamaica, I discovered a plant that was unfamiliar to me. It was a common sight in the region but differed from what I had encountered before. Intrigued by its uniqueness, I decided to include it in my garden, even though I wasn't sure how well it would adapt to the Jamaican climate.

The Challenge of Growing in Complicated Soil

One of the greatest challenges I faced was the complicated nature of the soil in my area. It seemed to contain an abundance of stones and debris from previous construction work. However, I didn't let this deter me from my gardening dreams. I worked diligently to clear the soil and create the ideal environment for my plants to grow and blossom.

Cooking Dumplings and Corn Chicken

Amidst my gardening adventures, I took a break to indulge in a delicious meal. I decided to cook dumplings, a beloved Jamaican staple, along with corn chicken. The combination of soft, fluffy dumplings and flavorful chicken created a mouthwatering dish that satisfied both body and soul.

The Process of Obtaining a Passport

Beyond gardening, I encountered the bureaucratic process of obtaining a passport. Navigating the paperwork and requirements was a tedious and time-consuming task. However, it was a necessary step to ensure my ability to travel and explore the world.

The Stress and Frustration of Passport Delays

Unfortunately, the passport application process was not without its share of stress and frustration. There were unexpected delays, and at times, it felt like my documents had been lost or mishandled. The uncertainty of when I would receive my passport added to the anxiety and anticipation.

Dental Concerns and Orthodontic Consultation

In the midst of the passport ordeal, I also had to deal with dental concerns. I visited an orthodontist in Kingston to consult about my jaw and teeth alignment. The orthodontist provided me with a solution involving a STRING connected to my upper and lower jaw, which would help alleviate the discomfort and improve my dental condition.

Clearing Acne and Improving Skin

Another personal journey I embarked on was finding a solution for my acne and skin issues. I discovered that the Water quality in Florida might have exacerbated my skin problems. Since moving to Jamaica, I noticed a significant improvement in my complexion, with fewer breakouts and a clearer appearance.

Enjoying Life in the New Community

Living in a new community brought its own set of joys and adjustments. From having better water pressure for household chores to feeling more connected to nature, I embraced the Perks of my new environment. Despite the challenges, I found comfort and fulfillment in creating a home and a garden in this community.

Shopping for the Garden

As my passion for gardening grew, so did my collection of tools and plants. I thoroughly enjoyed browsing online for garden-related supplies, such as seeds, pots, and gardening tools. It became a delightful hobby, and each purchase added a touch of excitement to my gardening journey.


Gardening in Jamaica has been an adventure full of surprises, challenges, and fulfillment. Through my experiences, I have learned the importance of perseverance, adaptability, and embracing the joy that comes from nurturing plants and creating beauty. Whether it's planting pretty flowers or overcoming bureaucratic obstacles, my gardening journey continues to bring me joy and satisfaction.


  • Overcoming the challenge of gardening with American seeds in Jamaica
  • Nurturing a garden despite complicated soil conditions
  • Cooking delicious Jamaican meals like dumplings and corn chicken
  • The stress and frustration of the passport application process
  • Seeking solutions for dental concerns and improving skin condition
  • Enjoying the perks of living in a new community
  • Excitement and fulfillment in shopping for garden-related supplies


Q: Can American seeds grow well in Jamaica? A: While there are rumors that American seeds may not thrive in Jamaica, it is possible with proper care and adaptation.

Q: How did You cope with the complicated soil conditions in your garden? A: I worked diligently to clear the soil of debris and stones, creating a suitable environment for my plants to grow.

Q: Did you face any challenges during the passport application process? A: Yes, there were delays and frustrations, but in the end, I obtained my passport and overcame the obstacles.

Q: What improvements have you noticed in your skin since moving to Jamaica? A: The water quality in Jamaica has significantly improved my complexion, resulting in fewer breakouts and clearer skin.

Q: What are the perks of living in your new community? A: Living in a new community has brought better water pressure and a stronger connection to nature, enhancing my gardening experience.

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