Master Gitbook navigation with advanced scraping

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Master Gitbook navigation with advanced scraping

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding the Markup
  3. Difficulties in Scraping
  4. Customization for a Reliable Scraper Model
  5. Challenges with Dynamic Markup
  6. Clicking Action for Expanding Menu Items
  7. Scraping the Top Level Navigation
  8. Scraping the Sub Items
  9. Keeping Hierarchy in the Scraper
  10. Scrape and Store Links
  11. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the process of scraping the Active Loop documentation. We will discuss the challenges and difficulties involved in scraping the documentation, as well as the techniques and strategies we can use to overcome them. From understanding the markup and structure of the page to creating a reliable scraper model, we will Delve into the details of each step. So, let's get started and make the scraping process smarter and more efficient!

Understanding the Markup

Before we begin the scraping process, it is important to study the markup and structure of the Active Loop documentation page. By understanding how the page is structured, we can identify the elements we need to scrape and establish the hierarchy of the navigation menu. This knowledge will aid us in creating a reliable scraper model that can accurately extract the desired information.

Difficulties in Scraping

Scraping the Active Loop documentation presents several challenges. Firstly, the markup of the page is dynamic, meaning it changes each time the page is rendered. This dynamic nature makes it difficult to Create a scraper model that will work consistently. Additionally, the top level menu items and their corresponding sub items are rendered only after clicking on a button. This makes it challenging to scrape the sub items without expanding the menu first.

Customization for a Reliable Scraper Model

To overcome the challenges posed by the dynamic markup, we need to customize our scraper model. By creating a reliable custom model, we can ensure that our scraper adapts to any changes in the markup and continues to extract the desired information accurately. This customization will involve identifying more reliable selectors and using them in our scraper actions.

Challenges with Dynamic Markup

The dynamic nature of the markup introduces an element of uncertainty into the scraping process. The reliability of the scraper model becomes questionable when the markup changes with each page render. To mitigate this issue, we need to identify human-readable class names in the markup, as they tend to be more reliable for creating a scraper model. However, in the case of the Active Loop documentation, finding such class names is challenging, requiring us to employ alternative strategies.


  • Customization allows adaptation to dynamic markup.
  • Scraper model can remain reliable despite markup changes.


  • Customization adds complexity to the scraping process.
  • Challenging to find reliable selectors in the absence of human-readable class names.

Clicking Action for Expanding Menu Items

The clicking action is a crucial step in scraping the Active Loop documentation. By clicking on the expand buttons of the top level menu items, we can reveal the sub items and access the desired information. However, it is important to note that the content of the top level menu items is rendered only after clicking on the buttons. As a result, a single scraping action may not be sufficient to extract both the top level navigation and the sub items.

Scraping the Top Level Navigation

To scrape the top level navigation, we need to select the containers that hold the menu items. However, due to the dynamic nature of the markup, the containers generated by default may not be reliable. In such cases, we can use an anchor element with a unique test ID as a reference point. By selecting the direct child of this anchor and navigating through the hierarchy, we can accurately extract the top level menu items.

Scraping the Sub Items

Scraping the sub items requires an additional scraping action. Since the sub items are only rendered after clicking on the expand buttons, we need to perform a separate action to scrape their content. By combining the clicking action for expanding the menu items and another scraping action, we can extract both the top level navigation and the corresponding sub items.

Keeping Hierarchy in the Scraper

Maintaining the hierarchy of the navigation menu is essential for organizing the extracted data accurately. By scraping the top level navigation first and saving it as a dataset, we can establish a relationship between the top level items and their respective sub items. This approach ensures that the extracted data reflects the hierarchical structure of the menu.

Scrape and Store Links

In addition to scraping the menu items, we can also extract and store the links associated with each item. By using the appropriate selectors, we can retrieve the links and include them in the scraped data. This allows for easy navigation and reference when accessing the documentation.


Scraping the Active Loop documentation presents unique challenges due to the dynamic nature of the markup and the need for expanding menu items. However, by customizing our scraper model and employing specific techniques, we can overcome these difficulties. With a reliable scraper model, we can accurately extract the desired information and maintain the hierarchy of the navigation menu. As Active Loop continues to improve their documentation, future enhancements to the scraping process will make it even more user-friendly and efficient.


  • The dynamic markup of the Active Loop documentation poses challenges for scraping.
  • Customization of the scraper model is necessary to adapt to markup changes and ensure reliability.
  • Clicking actions are crucial for expanding menu items and accessing the desired information.
  • Scraping the top level navigation and the corresponding sub items requires separate actions.
  • Maintaining the hierarchy of the navigation menu is important for accurate Data Extraction.
  • Extracting and storing links associated with each menu item enhances navigation and reference.


Q: Does the dynamic markup of the Active Loop documentation affect the reliability of the scraper model?

A: Yes, the dynamic markup introduces uncertainty into the scraping process. However, by customizing the scraper model and using reliable selectors, we can mitigate this issue.

Q: Can the scraper extract both the top level menu items and their sub items?

A: Yes, by combining the clicking action for expanding the menu items and an additional scraping action, we can extract both the top level navigation and the corresponding sub items.

Q: Is it possible to scrape and store the links associated with each menu item?

A: Yes, using the appropriate selectors, we can extract and store the links, allowing for easy navigation and reference when accessing the documentation.

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