Discover the Most Disappointing Perks in 7 Days To Die 2023

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Discover the Most Disappointing Perks in 7 Days To Die 2023

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Perks of Seven Days to Die
    • 2.1 Treasure Hunter
    • 2.2 Animal Tracker
    • 2.3 Infiltrator
    • 2.4 Well Insulated
    • 2.5 Pack Mule
    • 2.6 Pros and Cons
  3. Conclusion

The Worst Perks in Seven Days to Die

Seven Days to Die is a popular survival game that offers players a wide range of perks to enhance their gameplay experience. However, not all perks are created equal, and some may seem more useful than others. In this article, we will explore five of the worst offenders in the game, Based on my perspective as a seasoned player who primarily tackles the hardest settings. While some of these perks may still have their niche uses for more casual players, in the advanced stages of gameplay, they simply don't offer enough value. So, without further ado, let's dive into the list.

2.1 Treasure Hunter

Coming in at number five is the Treasure Hunter perk. While it may seem effective at what it does – making treasure hunting and buried supplies missions easier and more lucrative – its niche usability prevents it from being ranked higher. The perk reduces the number of blocks You have to break to shrink the treasure's radius and gives you 30 more items from buried treasures. However, the frequency of treasure maps and the time-consuming nature of these missions make this perk less valuable. Additionally, buried supplies missions become increasingly challenging on higher difficulty levels, limiting the perk's usability.

2.2 Animal Tracker

Another perk that falls short is Animal Tracker, a Perception perk that allows players to detect animals and mark them on their map. While it may be useful for finding food and staying aware of predatory animals, the cons of this perk outweigh the pros. Animal Tracker requires a significant investment in perception and has a trigger mechanism that is inconvenient to activate. Furthermore, it does not affect zombie animals, making it less useful in practical gameplay scenarios. Overall, Animal Tracker falls more under the role-playing category rather than being a practical perk.

2.3 Infiltrator

Infiltrator is the last perception perk on this list, and unfortunately, it fails to impress. This perk slows down the trigger time for loose board traps and landmines, reducing damage from landmines, and allowing players to pick them up. While it may provide a slight AdVantage in responding to certain situations, the cons of this perk overshadow its benefits. Infiltrator requires a significant investment in perception and competes with other more useful perception perks, such as Salvage Operations. This makes it less viable early on when its usage would be most valuable. With limited practical application, Infiltrator remains a weak perk choice.

2.4 Well Insulated

Well Insulated, a fortitude perk, takes the Second spot on this list. The final rank of this perk grants players insulation and reduces food and Water consumption when overheating or freezing. However, the mechanics of temperature in the game make this perk unnecessary. Finding clothes, food, and water is relatively easy, even in extreme temperature biomes. Lighting a campfire or seeking shelter can easily alleviate extreme cold or heat. Investing five perk points into Well Insulated is not worth it when there are alternative perks that offer more practical benefits and overall gameplay improvement.

2.5 Pack Mule

Topping the list of the worst perks in Seven Days to Die is, unsurprisingly, Pack Mule. This strength perk opens up inventory slots, aiming to alleviate encumbrance issues. However, Pack Mule becomes obsolete when considering the availability of pocket Mods. Pocket mods can be easily found and crafted, allowing players to enhance their inventory capacity without investing skill points. By looting and using pocket mods, players can efficiently expand their inventory even without the Pack Mule perk. The five perk points required for Pack Mule can be better spent on other perks that offer more versatile benefits and contribute to overall character progression.

2.6 Pros and Cons

It is worth noting that while these perks may lack practical usefulness in advanced gameplay stages or specific play styles, they may still have their pros for more casual players or in certain scenarios. It is essential to consider one's playstyle and game difficulty when deciding to invest in these perks. However, in terms of overall value and practicality, the cons of these perks outweigh the pros, making them less desirable choices for strengthening gameplay and character progression.

In conclusion, while Seven Days to Die offers a plethora of perks to enhance gameplay, it is crucial to choose wisely and consider the practicality and value of each perk. The five perks discussed in this article – Treasure Hunter, Animal Tracker, Infiltrator, Well Insulated, and Pack Mule – have been identified as lacking in practical usefulness and overall benefit. While opinions may vary, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of each perk to make informed decisions and optimize gameplay experience in this post-apocalyptic survival game.


In Seven Days to Die, choosing the right perks is essential for optimizing gameplay. While the game offers various perks to enhance survival abilities, some perks may be less valuable than others. This article has explored five of the worst perks in the game, including Treasure Hunter, Animal Tracker, Infiltrator, Well Insulated, and Pack Mule. By understanding the pros and cons of each perk, players can make informed decisions and focus on perks that provide more significant benefits. Remember, the choice of perks should Align with your playstyle and the challenges you face in the game. So, be sure to consider your options wisely and make the most out of your character's skill progression in Seven Days to Die.


  • Seven Days to Die offers a wide range of perks, but some are less useful than others.
  • The Treasure Hunter perk simplifies treasure hunting, but its niche usage limits its value.
  • Animal Tracker helps find food and detect animals but falls short in practicality.
  • Infiltrator, despite its potential advantages, competes with more useful perception perks.
  • Well Insulated, while seemingly useful, is unnecessary due to easy access to essential resources.
  • Pack Mule, the worst perk, becomes obsolete with the availability of pocket mods.
  • Considering playstyle, difficulty, and practicality is crucial when choosing perks in Seven Days to Die.


Q: Are these perks completely useless in the game? A: While these perks may have their niche uses or be more suitable for casual players, they lack practicality and value in advanced gameplay stages.

Q: Can I invest skill points in these perks if I have a specific playstyle? A: Yes, depending on your playstyle and game difficulty, these perks may still have limited usability. However, it is important to consider the cons and weigh them against other more versatile perks.

Q: Are there any alternatives to these perks that offer similar benefits? A: Yes, several other perks in Seven Days to Die provide similar or more practical benefits. It is advisable to explore and invest in perks that align better with your gameplay goals and character progression.

Q: Can I find pocket mods easily in the game? A: Yes, pocket mods can be found in various containers throughout the game world, making them easily accessible and a viable alternative to the Pack Mule perk.

Q: Which perks would you recommend investing in instead of these five worst perks? A: Depending on your playstyle, there are several perks worth considering. Some popular options include Salvage Operations, Urban Combat, and Iron Gut, among others. It is advisable to choose perks that provide versatile benefits and contribute to overall gameplay enhancement.

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