Earning $6,147 in 1 Week with ChatGPT?

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Earning $6,147 in 1 Week with ChatGPT?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Promise of Making Money with ChatGPT
  3. Initial skepticism
  4. Choosing the Dog Affiliate Niche
  5. Finding Low-Competition Keywords
  6. Generating Blog-Title Ideas with ChatGPT
  7. Creating a Blog Outline
  8. Turning the Outline into a Blog Post
  9. Disappointing Results and Bland Content
  10. Using DupliChecker to Rewrite the Content
  11. Unreadable Rewritten Content
  12. Posting the Article on Medium
  13. Posting the Article on Quora
  14. Limitations and Challenges
  15. Lack of Results and Conclusion

The Promise of Making Money with ChatGPT

In recent times, there has been a surge of YouTube tutorials claiming to Show how one can make money using ChatGPT, an AI model. These tutorials propose using ChatGPT to generate blog posts or video scripts, and then monetizing them through advertisements and affiliate marketing. Intrigued by this phenomenon, I decided to put my skepticism aside and give it a try. This article chronicles my experience and the challenges I faced in attempting to make money using ChatGPT.


The video tutorials I came across discussed a simple concept: generate blog posts with ChatGPT that pass a human-Writer check and appear to be written by a human rather than an AI. The idea was to leverage platforms like Medium and Quora to promote these articles and include affiliate links to earn money. According to one popular video, the creator made $6,147 within just seven days using this method. Naturally, this caught my Attention and made me curious to see if I could achieve a similar result.

Initial skepticism

As someone with previous experience in using AI for written copy, I approached this experiment with some skepticism. AI-written content often lacks the authenticity and engagement of human-written material, which can be easily detected by readers. However, I was determined to set aside my doubts and follow the tutorial I found on YouTube.

Choosing the Dog Affiliate Niche

To conduct a focused experiment, I decided to explore the dog affiliate niche. Being an avid dog lover myself, I felt a personal connection to the topic. I chose the dog-training affiliate program with the highest gravity on ClickBank, a reputable affiliate program directory. This selection ensured that the affiliate offer had a high conversion rate, increasing the potential for earning money.

Finding Low-Competition Keywords

The first step recommended by the tutorial was to use an online SEO tool, H-supertools, to find low-competition keywords. However, upon visiting the suggested Website, I encountered several red flags. It lacked transparency, with no information about the company or an About Us page. Concerned about its trustworthiness, I opted to use a different SEO website that I trusted, Semrush. Utilizing Semrush's keyword tool, I found related keywords with easy rankings to use for generating blog-title ideas.

Generating Blog-Title Ideas with ChatGPT

With the help of ChatGPT, I quickly generated a list of blog-title ideas Based on the low-competition keywords I found. To ensure the generated titles didn't sound too robotic, I decided to stick with a more descriptive and less creative option. I chose the title "Patience and Consistency: Keys to Potty Training Your German Shepherd Puppy" to maintain a professional and human-like tone in the blog posts.

Creating a Blog Outline

Following the tutorial's guidance, I used ChatGPT to turn the chosen blog title into a blog outline. ChatGPT impressively sifted through various sources to recommend a blog outline that aligned with modern dog-training practices. It showcased the AI's ability to adapt and filter outdated information while providing a comprehensive outline for the blog post.

Turning the Outline into a Blog Post

The tutorial instructed me to use ChatGPT again, this time to turn the blog outline into a written blog post. By entering each section of the outline as a prompt, I asked ChatGPT to generate a series of blog paragraphs. Though the process was relatively quick, the resulting content turned out to be bland and failed to capture the engaging and storytelling aspects I had hoped for. It was evident that the text was AI-generated and lacked the depth, examples, and emotions a human writer would incorporate into their work.

Disappointing Results and Bland Content

Intrigued to test the authenticity of the ChatGPT article, I ran it through an AI content detector and, as expected, it flagged the text as being written by an AI. Disheartened by the robotic nature of the content, I realized that the tutorial video had an additional trick up its sleeve to make the blog post pass an AI-checker: DupliChecker. Using this online tool, I attempted to paraphrase the content and make it appear more human-written. However, the result was an unreadable mess that lacked coherence and comprehensibility.

Posting the Article on Medium

Despite the disappointing quality of the content, I decided to follow the tutorial's instructions and posted the article on Medium. However, the formatting was challenging, as the content had been converted into a single block of text by DupliChecker. Trying to add paragraphs and correct grammar and spelling mistakes proved to be a nightmare. Adding an image and incorporating a keyword into the alt text, as suggested by the tutorial, further complicated the process.

Posting the Article on Quora

Following the video's advice, I proceeded to post the article on Quora. However, my posts were promptly deleted. I couldn't determine whether the deletion was due to the AI-generated nature of the content or the fact that Quora prohibits the use of affiliate links. The lack of traffic to my articles added to the disappointment, signaling that this approach may not be suitable for generating engagement or monetary success on Quora or Medium.

Limitations and Challenges

Throughout the experiment, I encountered various limitations and challenges. The unreliability and lack of creative engagement in the AI-generated content posed a significant hurdle. Furthermore, the recommended SEO tool initially suggested in the tutorial raised concerns about online security and trustworthiness. The inability to rely solely on ChatGPT due to prompt limitations and the subsequent alternate approach using the unreliable DupliChecker further hampered the potential for success.

Lack of Results and Conclusion

In the end, my attempt to make money using ChatGPT fell short. Neither the AI-generated content nor the rewritten versions yielded any monetary outcomes. The lack of views and engagement on Medium and Quora indicated that readers were not captivated by the content. Despite the promises made in the tutorial video, my experience highlighted the challenges of relying solely on AI for content creation and monetization purposes. Blaming ChatGPT solely would be unfair, as other factors, such as the inefficiency of rewriting tools, played a significant role.


  • Exploring the possibility of making money using ChatGPT as an AI Writer.
  • Skepticism around AI-written content and the challenge of creating engaging text.
  • Choosing the dog affiliate niche for the experiment.
  • Finding low-competition keywords using Semrush instead of the suggested tool.
  • Generating blog titles with ChatGPT and maintaining a less creative approach.
  • Creating a blog outline that impressively aligned with modern dog-training practices.
  • Turning the outline into a blog post and encountering lackluster results.
  • Disappointing content quality and the attempt to improve it using DupliChecker.
  • Challenges in posting the AI-generated articles on Medium and Quora.
  • Limitations, security concerns, and the necessity to blame DupliChecker for failures.


Q: Did ChatGPT-generated articles lead to any monetary success? A: Unfortunately, no. The lack of engagement and views on platforms like Medium and Quora, along with the poor quality of the generated content, hindered any potential for making money.

Q: Can ChatGPT articles pass an AI-checker and appear human-written? A: The tutorial video suggested using DupliChecker to paraphrase the ChatGPT-generated content. While it did pass an AI-checker, the resulting content was unreadable and lacked coherence.

Q: Were the tutorial video instructions reliable? A: The tutorial video had numerous flaws, such as recommending an unreliable SEO tool and failing to clarify prompt limitations with ChatGPT. It is unclear if the video's success claims were genuine or misleading.

Q: What were the limitations and challenges encountered during the experiment? A: The limitations included the blandness and lack of creativity in ChatGPT-generated content, trust issues with the suggested SEO tool, and difficulties in correcting and formatting the content. Additionally, posting on platforms like Quora proved to be challenging due to deletion of posts and lack of traffic.

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