Insider Summary: Blue Protocol Dev Beta Test Feedback

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Insider Summary: Blue Protocol Dev Beta Test Feedback

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Character Creation Options
  3. Clothing and Accessory Options
  4. Venturer Rank Up System
  5. Improvements to Lock-On Camera
  6. UI Changes for Player and Enemy Level Differences
  7. Combat Changes and Skill Variety
  8. Combat Feeling Monotonous
  9. Improvements to Dungeons
  10. Rare Item Drops and Treasure Chests in Dungeons
  11. Mount Energy System Revamp
  12. Mini-Map in Dungeons and Minimap Zoom Feature
  13. Field Travel Points and Map Revealing
  14. Item Crafting and Material Requirements
  15. Quest Display and Progress Tracking
  16. UI Adjustments and Bookmark Setting
  17. Class Gauge Location Adjustment
  18. Shortcut Palette Revamp
  19. Noticing Downed Allies and Chat Log
  20. Stowed Weapon Display Options
  21. Profile Editing and Screenshot Options
  22. Friend System and Chat Tabs
  23. Crafting and Teleportation with Other Players Nearby
  24. Aster Leads Optimization
  25. Bag and Item System Improvements
  26. Selecting the Number of Items and Item Stacks
  27. Identification of Gathering Points
  28. Item Refinement System Removal
  29. Achievement System Implementation
  30. Guild Feature Request
  31. Zone Transition and Party Limitations
  32. Controller Support and Menu Navigation
  33. Conclusion

Improvements and Updates to Blue Protocol Communication #5 Developer Livestream

The gaming community of Blue Protocol was thrilled to witness the Second half of the developer livestream, which unveiled numerous improvements and updates made to the game Based on feedback from the closed beta test (CBT). This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the changes presented in the livestream, discussing each feedback point in Detail. The developers clearly demonstrated their commitment to addressing player concerns and enhancing the overall gaming experience. From character creation options to combat improvements and UI adjustments, there were several noteworthy updates worth exploring. So, without further ado, let's Delve into the exciting world of Blue Protocol.

1. Introduction

The Blue Protocol developer livestream revealed a plethora of improvements and updates made to the game based on player feedback from the closed beta test (CBT). In this article, we will explore the various changes presented in the livestream, discussing each feedback point in detail. From character creation options to combat improvements and UI adjustments, Blue Protocol is heading in a promising direction. So, let's dive in and discover the exciting updates that await us.

2. Character Creation Options

One of the primary concerns voiced by players during the closed beta test was the limited character creation options. Players expressed a desire for more variety in character parts, hairstyles, and voices. In response to this feedback, the developers have added a range of new features and options. Additional hairstyles, part color options, angle adjustment features, and more voices have been introduced, allowing players to Create unique and personalized characters.

3. Clothing and Accessory Options

In addition to character creation options, players requested more clothing and accessory options, as well as the ability to preview clothing before equipping it. The developers responded to this feedback by showcasing seven different locations where accessories can be equipped, including the head, eyes, cheeks, ears, hands, back, and lower back. They also confirmed the inclusion of a preview clothing option. These additions offer players greater customization and the freedom to experiment with different looks.

4. Venturer Rank Up System

The venturer rank up system in Blue Protocol underwent improvements based on player feedback regarding its complexity during the closed beta. Players found it difficult to understand how to level up their venturer rank. In response to this feedback, the developers introduced a new system called the "Venture Board." This board is filled with tasks that, once completed, allow players to Raise their venturer rank. Additionally, unlocking a venturer rank also grants access to a new adventure board. These changes provide players with a clearer path to rank progression and enhance the overall gameplay experience.

5. Improvements to Lock-On Camera

During the closed beta, some players experienced nausea when using the lock-on camera. The developers took this feedback seriously and made significant improvements to address this issue. They showcased the changes made to the lock-on camera system, aiming to provide a smoother and more comfortable experience for players.

6. UI Changes for Player and Enemy Level Differences

To improve Clarity in player and enemy level differences, the developers introduced UI changes. Experience and damage in Blue Protocol are now adjusted based on these level differences. The developers emphasized the importance of taking on enemies at one's own level for optimal efficiency. These UI alterations ensure that players have a better understanding of the challenges they face and can strategize accordingly.

7. Combat Changes and Skill Variety

Players expressed concerns about the lack of build and skill variety in combat during the closed beta. The developers addressed this feedback by introducing several general changes to combat mechanics. These changes include the addition of air attacks, dodge attacks, perfect dodges, and increased freedom in skill builds. Additional skills have also been added, enriching the combat experience. The revamped in-game menu allows players to choose their desired skills, with no restrictions on tactical skills and the freedom to select their preferred ultimate skill. Furthermore, the introduction of class abilities and shared abilities between classes adds a new layer of build diversity, fostering creativity and experimentation among players.

8. Combat Feeling Monotonous

Combat feeling monotonous was another concern raised by players during the closed beta. In response, the developers believe that the introduction of greater build variety, along with more content, will alleviate this issue. By providing players with more options and challenges, Blue Protocol aims to keep combat engaging and exciting.

9. Improvements to Dungeons

The closed beta revealed certain issues with dungeons that directly impacted the gaming experience. Players reported that they would often speed through dungeons, ignoring enemies along the way. To address this, the developers introduced several improvements. Battle areas were placed throughout the dungeons, requiring players to engage in battles before progressing further. Additionally, certain enemies will now follow players to battle areas if not defeated beforehand, discouraging the practice of ignoring enemies. Players can also leverage area of effect skills to tackle groups of enemies effectively. Moreover, players requested rare item drops and the developers responded by adding rare treasure chests in dungeons, containing valuable equipment.

10. Mount Energy System Revamp

The mount energy system received considerable criticism during the closed beta. Players found the energy depletion and the need to return to town to rejuvenate mounts to be frustrating. In response, the developers revamped the entire system. Mounts now possess a dash bar, allowing players to utilize dashes without restrictions. This bar also recovers naturally over time, eliminating the need for frequent returns to town. The animation transition from running to mounting, as well as dismounting, has been enhanced, resulting in a seamless experience. Players can even execute attacks while jumping off a mount, adding an element of versatility to combat.


The Blue Protocol developer livestream provided a comprehensive overview of the improvements and updates implemented based on player feedback from the closed beta test. From character creation options to combat enhancements and UI adjustments, the developers showcased their dedication to delivering an exceptional gaming experience. Blue Protocol is evolving in a positive direction, addressing the concerns raised by the community and making significant strides in gameplay optimization. The implementation of the feedback points discussed in this article not only enhances the existing features but also introduces exciting new elements to the game. The developers' commitment to listening to their player base bodes well for the future of Blue Protocol, setting high expectations for the upcoming developer livestreams and the game's ultimate release.


  • Improved Character Creation Options
  • More Clothing and Accessory Choices
  • Introduction of Venture Boards for Rank Progression
  • Enhanced Lock-On Camera
  • UI Changes for Player and Enemy Level Differences
  • Combat Variety and Skill Builds
  • Dungeons: Battle Areas and Rare Treasure Chests
  • Revamped Mount Energy System
  • Introduction of Minimap in Dungeons
  • Improved Bag and Item System


Q: What improvements were made to character creation options? A: The developers added additional hairstyles, part color options, angle adjustment features, and more voices to provide players with a greater variety of customization options.

Q: Are there more choices for clothing and accessories? A: Yes, players now have access to a wide range of clothing and accessory options. The developers also implemented a preview clothing feature.

Q: How was the venturer rank up system improved? A: The developers introduced the Venture Board, a system filled with tasks that allow players to raise their venturer rank. Unlocking a venturer rank also grants access to a new adventure board.

Q: What changes were made to the lock-on camera? A: The developers made significant improvements to the lock-on camera system to address player concerns about experiencing nausea. The updated system aims to provide a smoother and more comfortable experience.

Q: Did the developers address combat variety and skill builds? A: Yes, the developers introduced several changes to combat mechanics, including the addition of air attacks, dodge attacks, perfect dodges, and increased freedom in skill builds. They also added additional skills and revamped the skill selection system.

Q: Were there any improvements to the dungeon experience? A: Yes, battle areas were added to dungeons, requiring players to engage in battles before progressing further. Additionally, rare treasure chests containing valuable equipment were introduced.

Q: What changes were made to the mount energy system? A: The developers revamped the mount energy system, replacing it with a dash bar that allows players to utilize dashes without restrictions. The bar also recovers naturally over time, eliminating the need for frequent returns to town.

Q: Is there a minimap in dungeons? A: Yes, a minimap was added to dungeons, providing players with better navigation. However, the minimap zoom feature is still under development.

Q: How were bags and item stacks improved? A: The developers introduced a new bag and item system, separating consumables and equipment/materials into two bags. Collected items now go straight to storage, minimizing the need for frequent returns to town.

Q: Will there be future developer livestreams? A: Yes, the developers announced another livestream for next month, focusing on showcasing additional new features. The date for the livestream will be announced on their official Twitter account.

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