Master Socket IO Rooms in Frontend Development

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Master Socket IO Rooms in Frontend Development

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Setting Up the Backend
  3. Setting Up the Frontend
  4. Building the Chat Application
    • Step 1: Importing the Necessary Dependencies
    • Step 2: Setting Up the Initial State
    • Step 3: Handling User Input
    • Step 4: Sending Messages
    • Step 5: Joining Chat Rooms
    • Step 6: Displaying User List and Messages
    • Step 7: Clearing Text Input
  5. Conclusion

Building a Chat Application with React and Node.js

In this article, we will be building a real-time chat application using React for the frontend and Node.js for the backend. The chat application will have different channels and the ability to send messages directly to individual users. We will start by setting up the backend and then move on to building the frontend.

Setting Up the Backend

To start, we need to set up the backend portion of our chat application. We will be using Node.js and to handle the real-time communication between the server and clients. Here are the steps to set up the backend:

  1. Create a new folder for your project.
  2. Initialize a new Node.js project using npm init.
  3. Install the necessary dependencies: express and
  4. Create a new file called server.js and import the required dependencies.
  5. Set up an Express server and initialize
  6. Implement the necessary event handlers for handling user connections, disconnections, and message sending.
  7. Start the server using node server.js.

Once the backend is set up and running, we can move on to building the frontend of our chat application.

Setting Up the Frontend

The frontend of our chat application will be built using React. We will use create-react-app to bootstrap our React project. Here are the steps to set up the frontend:

  1. Navigate to the client folder inside the project directory.
  2. Run npx create-react-app . to create a new React project.
  3. Install the necessary dependencies: and styled-components.
  4. Create a new component called Chat to house our chat application logic.
  5. Import the required dependencies and set up the initial state.
  6. Implement event handlers for handling user input, sending messages, and joining chat rooms.
  7. Create additional components for rendering the chat sidebar, user list, and chat messages.
  8. Style the components using styled-components for basic styling.
  9. Render the Chat component in the App component and export it.
  10. Start the development server using npm start or yarn start.

With the frontend set up, we can now proceed to build the chat application.

Building the Chat Application

In this section, we will create the chat application step by step. We will start with importing the necessary dependencies in the App component and setting up the initial state. Then, we will handle user input, send messages, and join chat rooms. Finally, we will display the user list and chat messages and clear the text input.

Step 1: Importing the Necessary Dependencies

In the App.js file, we need to import the required dependencies. This includes React, useState, useEffect, and the required components and libraries for our chat application.

Step 2: Setting Up the Initial State

Next, we will set up the initial state for our chat application. This includes the username, connected status, Current chat, connected rooms, all users, and messages. We will use the useState hook to manage the state in our functional component.

Step 3: Handling User Input

To handle user input, we will implement the handleInputChange function. This function will be called whenever the user types in the text input. We will update the message state with the Typed message.

Step 4: Sending Messages

To send messages, we will implement the sendMessage function. This function will be called when the user presses the enter key. We will emit the send message event to the server, passing the message content, receiver, and sender information.

Step 5: Joining Chat Rooms

To join chat rooms, we will implement the joinRoom function. This function will be called when the user clicks on a chat room. We will emit the join room event to the server, passing the room name.

Step 6: Displaying User List and Messages

To display the user list and chat messages, we will create separate components. The UserList component will iterate over the users array and render each user. The Messages component will iterate over the messages array and render each message.

Step 7: Clearing Text Input

To clear the text input after sending a message, we will use the useEffect hook. We will listen for changes in the messages array and set the message state to an empty STRING when the array updates.

Once we have completed all these steps, our chat application should be fully functional. Users will be able to send messages, join chat rooms, and see the list of connected users.


In this article, we have learned how to build a real-time chat application using React and Node.js. We started by setting up the backend using for real-time communication. Then, we set up the frontend using React and styled-components for basic styling. Finally, we built the chat application by handling user input, sending messages, joining chat rooms, and displaying user lists and messages.

By following this tutorial, You should now be able to create your Own Chat application with real-time functionality. This can be used for various purposes, such as team communication, customer support, or online communities.

Happy coding!


  • Building a real-time chat application using React and Node.js
  • Setting up the backend with for real-time communication
  • Setting up the frontend with React and styled-components for basic styling
  • Handling user input, sending messages, and joining chat rooms
  • Displaying user lists and messages in the chat application


Q: Can I use this chat application for customer support? A: Yes, you can use this chat application for customer support by customizing the user interface and integrating it with your customer support system.

Q: How can I add more chat rooms to the application? A: To add more chat rooms, you can modify the rooms array in the App component and update the logic for joining chat rooms.

Q: Can I customize the styling of the chat application? A: Yes, you can customize the styling of the chat application by modifying the styled-components in the Chat component and adding your own CSS styles.

Q: How can I deploy the chat application to a production server? A: To deploy the chat application to a production server, you can use platforms like Heroku or AWS. You will need to configure the server and client code to work with your hosting environment.

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