Master Glide AI: Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Master Glide AI: Step-by-Step Tutorial

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Glide AI?
  3. Features of Glide AI
  4. Getting Started with Glide AI
    • 4.1 Setting Up Glide AI in Your App
    • 4.2 Leveraging Glide AI as an Action
    • 4.3 Using Glide AI as a Computed Column
  5. Pros and Cons of Using Columns vs Actions
  6. The Glide AI Suite
    • 6.1 Text to Choice Column
    • 6.2 Audio to Text Column
    • 6.3 Document to Text Column
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQ


In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of many applications and platforms. Glide AI is the latest feature introduced by Glide, aimed at providing users with easy access to AI capabilities without the need for complex configurations or external integrations. This article will explore the various features and functionalities of Glide AI and guide You on how to incorporate it into your Glide app effectively.

What is Glide AI?

Glide AI is a proprietary AI product developed by Glide, designed to leverage a combination of different AI models, platforms, and services. This innovative feature is seamlessly integrated into the data editor and actions within Glide apps, eliminating the need for configuring external AI services. With Glide AI, users can harness the power of artificial intelligence simply by typing in natural language queries, with the heavy lifting handled by Glide's AI algorithms. Glide AI is currently in its beta stage and available for users with Pro tiers and above.

Features of Glide AI

Glide AI offers several key features that make it an invaluable asset for app developers:

  1. Easy Integration: Glide AI is built directly into the data editor and actions within Glide apps, eliminating the need for complex setup or external integrations.

  2. Effortless Natural Language Queries: Users can leverage AI capabilities by simply typing in natural language queries, allowing for a seamless user experience.

  3. Rapid Response Time: In testing, Glide AI has demonstrated faster response times compared to other AI services, ensuring quick and efficient processing of user queries and actions.

  4. Multiple AI Models: Glide AI employs a conglomeration of different AI models, platforms, and services, providing users with a comprehensive and versatile AI solution.

  5. Beta Access: While still in beta, Glide AI is available for users with Pro tiers and above, allowing them to explore and utilize this cutting-edge AI technology.

Getting Started with Glide AI

To begin incorporating Glide AI into your app, follow the steps outlined in this section.

4.1 Setting Up Glide AI in Your App

  1. Open your Glide app and navigate to the team folder.
  2. Look for the "Introducing Glide AI" banner at the top, which highlights the availability of Glide AI for Pro plans and above.
  3. Click the "Explorer Glide AI" button to access the documentation, sample videos, and testimonials related to Glide AI.

4.2 Leveraging Glide AI as an Action

  1. Create a new app and name it.
  2. Proceed to the data editor and create the necessary columns for your app, including Glide AI columns.
  3. Configure the on-submit action to run Glide AI functionalities on user interactions, such as button clicks or form submissions.
  4. Utilize Glide AI actions to generate AI-powered outputs Based on user inputs or data in your app.

4.3 Using Glide AI as a Computed Column

  1. Within your app's data editor, create a computed column of the AI Type.
  2. Specify the input for the computed column, such as extracted text from an image or audio file.
  3. Define the desired AI function, like extracting the total amount from an invoice or transcribing audio notes.
  4. Use the output of the AI function to display the AI-generated results in your app's interface.

Pros and Cons of Using Columns vs Actions

When incorporating Glide AI into your app, you have the option to use Glide AI columns or actions. Both approaches have their pros and cons:

Using Columns:


  • Simplified layout and configuration
  • Easy adjustment of Prompts and data organization directly in the data editor
  • Data is readily available within the data editor
  • No need for additional API calls or complex external integrations


  • Requires more updates as column configurations or data change
  • Limited ability to edit AI-generated values directly

Using Actions:


  • Allows editing of AI-generated values through the Glide app interface
  • More versatility in generating and manipulating AI outputs
  • Greater control over the app's behavior and user interaction


  • Requires configuring the action editor for AI functionalities
  • Potential complexity in managing multiple actions depending on app requirements

Consider your app's specific needs and characteristics to determine which approach - columns or actions - is most suitable for implementing Glide AI.

The Glide AI Suite

In addition to the main Glide AI functionalities, Glide offers additional specialized AI capabilities through specific columns. Let's explore some of these below:

6.1 Text to Choice Column

The Text to Choice column in Glide AI allows you to categorize or provide predefined choices instead of free-text outputs. By specifying a series of keywords or categories, you can instruct the AI to output the most Relevant choice based on the input text.

6.2 Audio to Text Column

With the Audio to Text column, you can leverage AI to transcribe audio files into plain text. This functionality is particularly useful for applications that involve capturing voice recordings or generating text transcripts from audio content.

6.3 Document to Text Column

The Document to Text column expands the AI capabilities to multi-page documents. By uploading PDFs or other document formats, you can extract text data from the document and utilize it within your app. This feature enables a wide range of possibilities, including extracting information from invoices, contracts, or reports.


In this article, we explored the innovative features of Glide AI and its practical applications in Glide apps. By leveraging AI models, Glide AI offers users the ability to harness the power of artificial intelligence effortlessly. With rapid response times and easy integration, Glide AI opens up new possibilities for developers and enhances the overall user experience. Whether incorporated through columns or actions, Glide AI provides a seamless and efficient solution for integrating AI functionalities into your app.


Q: Can all Glide users access Glide AI? A: Glide AI is currently in beta and available for users with Pro tiers and above. Users on these plans can take advantage of the AI capabilities provided by Glide AI.

Q: Are there any limitations to using Glide AI columns? A: While Glide AI columns offer simplified layout and configuration, they may require more updates as column configurations or data change. Additionally, AI-generated values in columns are not directly editable by users.

Q: How can Glide AI be used in business applications? A: Glide AI offers specialized columns, such as Text to Choice, Audio to Text, and Document to Text, which are particularly useful in business applications. These columns enable categorization of data, transcription of audio recordings, and extraction of text from documents.

Q: Can AI-generated outputs be fine-tuned or modified in Glide apps? A: When using Glide AI actions, users have the ability to edit AI-generated values through the Glide app interface. This allows for greater control and customization of the app's behavior and user interactions.

Q: Does Glide AI require additional API integrations or setup? A: No, Glide AI is seamlessly integrated into the data editor and actions within Glide apps. There is no need for complex setups or external API integrations to leverage the AI capabilities provided by Glide AI.

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