Mastering AI Text Generation Using MidJourney Tutorial

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Mastering AI Text Generation Using MidJourney Tutorial

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Why use a prompting tool?
  3. Features of Prompter Version 3 3.1 Main idea 3.2 Algorithms 3.3 Aspect ratios 3.4 Styles
  4. Saving and clearing Prompts
  5. Introducing random descriptors 5.1 Medium 5.2 Lighting 5.3 Color
  6. The potential of randomness in creativity
  7. Exploring new ideas and inspirations
  8. Conclusion


Welcome to the world of Prompter, the ultimate tool for creative brainstorming and idea generation. In this guide, we will explore the features and functionalities of Prompter version 3 and how it can assist You in coming up with unique and innovative prompts. Whether you are a Writer, designer, or artist, Prompter is designed to spark your creativity and help you break through creative blocks. Let's dive in and discover how Prompter can revolutionize your creative process.

Why use a prompting tool?

At first glance, you might wonder why you need a complex spreadsheet-like tool when all you do is Type. However, the beauty of Prompter lies in its ability to minimize typing and maximize creativity. By utilizing Prompter, you can effortlessly generate prompts with various options and styles, allowing you to focus on the Core of your creative process. Say goodbye to repetitive typing and let Prompter become your creative companion.

Features of Prompter Version 3

Prompter version 3 introduces a range of exciting new features that will take your prompt generation to the next level. Let's explore some of these features:

3.1 Main Idea

The main idea section is where the magic begins. Simply type your desired concept or image, and Prompter will start generating options Based on your input. For example, let's say you type "Mouse with cheese." Prompter will offer various options and styles for you to choose from, such as tile HD video, Stylize, and more.

3.2 Algorithms

In version 3 of Prompter, you can select different algorithms to enhance the prompt generation process. With the ability to choose from options like 4A, you can fine-tune the output to match your creative vision.

3.3 Aspect Ratios

When it comes to aspect ratios, Prompter provides a wide range of options. From the classic 16:9 to newer styles, you can choose the perfect aspect ratio to suit your prompt. Let your imagination run wild and explore the possibilities.

3.4 Styles

Prompter version 3 introduces the newest style, 4C. This style brings a fresh Wave of creativity, giving you even more options to experiment with. Combined with the diverse aspect ratios, you can Create prompts that are truly unique and captivating.

Saving and clearing prompts

Once you have crafted the perfect prompt, Prompter allows you to save it for later. With a simple click of a button, your prompt will be added to the saved prompts section. This feature is perfect for capturing any Memorable or inspiring prompts that you come across during your creative Journey. Additionally, Prompter offers a convenient clear button that allows you to start fresh and explore new prompt ideas.

Introducing random descriptors

One of the most exciting features of Prompter version 3 is the addition of random descriptors. These buttons, represented by dice symbols, allow you to generate random descriptors from each section of the prompt. Let's dive into each section and see the creative possibilities they offer.

5.1 Medium

Prompter offers a wide range of medium options to choose from. Whether you want to create a logo, a flat output like a billboard, or even an enamel Pin, Prompter has got you covered. Simply click the medium button and let the randomness guide your creative path.

5.2 Lighting

Lighting plays a crucial role in creating the right ambiance and mood for your prompt. With Prompter's random lighting descriptors, you can Instantly add a unique touch to your prompt. From fluorescent tube to volumetric lighting, let the randomness inspire your creativity.

5.3 Color

Color adds depth and dimension to any creative piece. With Prompter's random color descriptors, you can easily experiment with different color schemes. From black and white to a vibrant dark orange, let the dice decide the color palette for your prompt.

The potential of randomness in creativity

While some may argue that randomness is not creative, Prompter version 3 proves otherwise. The power of randomness lies in its ability to break Patterns and explore new territories. By embracing the random descriptors feature, you open yourself up to a world of unexpected combinations and fresh ideas. Let go of control and let Prompter surprise you with its infinite creative possibilities.

Exploring new ideas and inspirations

Prompter's approach to creativity is not limited to generating prompts—it is an invitation to explore new ideas and find inspiration. The prompts generated by Prompter can serve as starting points for your creative projects. Take the prompts beyond their initial form and transform them into unique and captivating works of art, design, or writing. The possibilities are endless, and Prompter is your guide in this creative endeavor.


In this guide, we have explored the features and functionalities of Prompter version 3. From the main idea to the random descriptors, Prompter assists you in generating unique and inspiring prompts. Embrace the power of randomness and let Prompter be your creative companion. Break through creative blocks, explore new ideas, and unleash your full creative potential with Prompter. Get ready to create weird and wonderful things and embark on a journey of endless creativity.


  • Prompter version 3 offers a range of new features to spark creativity
  • Effortlessly generate prompts with various options and styles
  • Save and clear prompts for later use
  • Embrace the power of randomness with random descriptors
  • Explore new ideas and find inspiration in unexpected combinations


Q: Can I use Prompter for different creative disciplines? A: Yes, Prompter is designed to cater to a wide range of creative disciplines, including writing, design, and art.

Q: Is Prompter suitable for professional use? A: Absolutely! Prompter can be a valuable tool for both professional creatives and hobbyists alike. It offers a unique approach to prompt generation, sparking creativity and inspiring new ideas.

Q: Are the prompts generated by Prompter unique? A: Yes, the prompts generated by Prompter are designed to be unique and offer fresh perspectives. The power of randomness ensures that each prompt is different from the previous one.

Q: Can I customize the prompt generation process in Prompter? A: Prompter version 3 provides various customization options, such as selecting algorithms and choosing aspect ratios. These options allow you to tailor the prompt generation process to your specific needs and creative vision.

Q: Can I share the prompts generated by Prompter with others? A: Yes, Prompter allows you to easily copy and paste the prompts into platforms like Discord for sharing with others. Spread the creative inspiration!

Q: Can I save prompts for future reference? A: With Prompter's save button, you can save your favorite prompts for later use. This feature comes in handy when you come across particularly inspiring or memorable prompts that you want to revisit.

Q: Is there a limit to the number of prompts I can generate? A: Prompter has no limit to the number of prompts you can generate. Let your creative juices flow and explore as many prompts as you desire.

Q: Can Prompter help me overcome creative blocks? A: Absolutely! Prompter's unique approach to prompt generation and the introduction of randomness can help break creative blocks and inspire fresh ideas. Let Prompter reignite your creativity!

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