The Simplicity of Physics Explained in Just 5 Minutes

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The Simplicity of Physics Explained in Just 5 Minutes

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why Physics is Simple
  3. The Joke of the Physicist, Engineer, and Psychologist
  4. Understanding Scaling Principles
  5. The Area and Volume of a Sphere
  6. The Mass of a Sphere
  7. Super Cows: Scaling Up
  8. Pressure on the Surface of a Cow
  9. Maximum Size Limit for Cows
  10. Building an Approximation of a Cow
  11. Scaling Up a Cow with a Head and Body
  12. The Relationship between Head Size and Strength of the Neck
  13. The Implications for Dinosaurs
  14. Physics and Biology: The Connection
  15. Conclusion

Why Physics is So Simple

Physics, the study of the basic principles and laws that govern the Universe, is often perceived as a complex and daunting subject. However, beneath the surface complexity, lies a surprising simplicity. In this three-part series, we will Delve into the question of why physics is so simple and how this simplicity allows us to make astounding discoveries. We will start by exploring a set of examples that highlight the power of simplifying assumptions and reveal the underlying scaling principles that govern various phenomena.

The Joke of the Physicist, Engineer, and Psychologist

To illustrate the concept of simplification, let's begin with a joke involving a physicist, an engineer, and a psychologist who are called to evaluate a dairy farm. Each expert provides their unique perspective on improving the farm's production. The engineer suggests modifying the structures and systems, while the psychologist focuses on creating a better environment for the cows. When it's the physicist's turn, he starts by stating, "Assume the cow is a sphere." Though it may seem like a joke, there is a profound lesson Hidden within this statement.

Understanding Scaling Principles

The physicist's approach of simplifying the cow to a sphere may initially appear absurd. However, it allows us to disregard intricate details and focus on the general scaling principles. By assuming the cow is a sphere with a radius of one unit, we can explore how certain properties, such as area, volume, and mass, Scale with size.

The Area and Volume of a Sphere

With the assumption that the cow is a sphere, we can examine its area and volume. The area of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius, while the volume is proportional to the cube of the radius. These relationships mean that when the radius doubles, the area increases by a factor of four, and the volume increases by a factor of eight.

Super Cows: Scaling Up

What if we consider a "super cow" with a radius twice as large as the regular cow? In this case, the area of the super cow would be four times larger, while the volume would be eight times larger. This Insight demonstrates that as we scale up a cow's size, the surface area and volume do not increase proportionally.

Pressure on the Surface of a Cow

Considering the implications of scaling, we can examine the pressure exerted on the surface of a cow. Pressure can be thought of as the mass per unit area. As the size of the cow increases, the mass per unit area also increases. This means that larger animals, such as dinosaurs, face limitations on size due to the pressure their mass exerts on their surface.

Maximum Size Limit for Cows

Biologically, there is a maximum size limit for cows, beyond which they cannot be physically held together. This limitation is not determined solely by genetics but by the fundamental laws of physics. The mass of the cow increases as a cubic function of the radius, while the surface area only increases as a square function. This discrepancy results in an imbalance where the mass per unit area becomes too large for the cow to sustain.

Building an Approximation of a Cow

To further understand the relationship between size and structural integrity, let's consider building an approximation of a cow using a head connected to a body with a rod. Scaling up this cow would exhibit similar Patterns of increased volume and surface area. As the head of the cow becomes larger, the strength of the rod connecting it to the body does not increase proportionally.

The Relationship between Head Size and Strength of the Neck

When scaling up the size of the cow, the mass of the head increases at a faster rate than the strength of the neck that supports it. This relationship explains why larger animals, like dinosaurs, have relatively smaller heads compared to their bodies. It also offers insights into the limitations imposed by physics on the evolution and survival of certain species.

The Implications for Dinosaurs

By understanding the principles of scaling and structural integrity, we can gain insights into why dinosaurs, despite their massive bodies, did not have significantly larger brains compared to their body size. The limitations in neck strength would have made it challenging for dinosaurs to support large heads. This insight may shed light on their relative lack of intelligence compared to other species.

Physics and Biology: The Connection

These examples highlight the deep connection between physics and biology. By examining the scaling principles and understanding the inherent limitations imposed by the laws of physics, we can unravel remarkable insights into the natural world. Physics allows us to simplify complex systems and focus on the fundamental principles that govern them, leading to a deeper understanding of the universe and its inhabitants.


In conclusion, the simplicity of physics lies in the ability to strip away unnecessary details and focus on overarching principles. Scaling plays a crucial role in this simplification process, allowing us to make broad assumptions and uncover profound insights. By understanding how properties such as area, volume, and mass scale with size, we can gain a deeper understanding of the limitations and possibilities within the natural world. Physics not only provides a framework for understanding the simplicity of the universe but also offers a key to unlocking its mysteries.


  • Physics is often perceived as complex, but it is fundamentally simple when we focus on scaling principles.
  • The assumption of a cow being a sphere allows us to disregard intricate details and explore general scaling principles.
  • The area of a sphere is proportional to the square of its radius, while the volume is proportional to the cube of the radius.
  • Scaling up a cow's size leads to disproportionate increases in area and volume, imposing limitations on maximum size.
  • The limitations in structural integrity due to scaling provide insights into the relationships between head size and neck strength in animals.
  • Physics and biology are deeply connected, and understanding scaling principles helps unravel insights into the natural world.


Q: Why do physicists assume a cow is a sphere? A: The assumption of a cow being a sphere allows physicists to simplify the complexities of real-world objects and focus on the fundamental scaling principles that govern their properties.

Q: How does scaling affect the size of a cow? A: Scaling up a cow's size leads to disproportional increases in surface area and volume. As the size increases, the mass per unit area also increases, imposing limitations on the structural integrity of the animal.

Q: What are the implications for dinosaur sizes? A: Scaling principles help explain why dinosaurs had relatively smaller heads compared to their bodies. The limitations in neck strength prevented them from supporting larger heads, potentially impacting their intelligence and overall survival.

Q: How does physics contribute to our understanding of the natural world? A: Physics provides a framework for understanding the underlying simplicity of the universe and offers insights into the limitations and possibilities within the natural world. By focusing on scaling principles, we can uncover profound insights that transcend traditional discipline boundaries.

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