Unlocking the Secrets of Quantum Interpretability

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Unlocking the Secrets of Quantum Interpretability

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. About Eric Michaud
  3. The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling
    • Small vs. large networks
    • Effect of scaling on neural networks
    • Mechanistic interpretability
  4. Grokking
    • Generalization in neural networks
    • Delayed generalization and grokking phenomenon
  5. The Power Law Distribution
    • Frequency of useful quanta in prediction
    • Power law and scaling curves
  6. Understanding Representation Learning
    • Structured representations in neural networks
    • Embedding space and organizing knowledge
  7. OmniGrok: Grokking Beyond Algorithmic Data
    • Observing grokking on tasks beyond math operations
    • Generalization on MNIST and other tasks
  8. Future Research and Collaboration
    • Mechanisms in neural models
    • Decomposing behavior and interpretability
  9. Conclusion


Neural networks have revolutionized the field of machine learning, but there is still much to understand about how they work and why they are effective. In this article, we will Delve into the concept of grokking and explore the quantization model of neural scaling. We will also discuss the impact of scaling on neural networks and the possibility of mechanistic interpretability. Additionally, we will examine the power law distribution of useful quanta in prediction and its relationship to scaling curves. Furthermore, we will explore the role of structured representations in neural networks and their impact on generalization. Finally, we will discuss the future of research in this field and the potential for collaboration in unraveling the mysteries of neural networks.

About Eric Michaud

Eric Michaud is a PhD student at MIT in Max Tegmark's group. His research focuses on neural networks and their behavior, specifically investigating what these networks learn and why they work well. In this interview, Eric will share his insights on grokking and quanta, scaling, and the importance of understanding neural networks.

The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling

The quantization model of neural scaling explores the difference between small and large neural networks and their learning capabilities. Eric Michaud's research paper, titled "The Quantization Model of Neural Scaling," delves into the impact of scaling on what neural networks learn and how it informs mechanistic interpretability.

Small neural networks and large neural networks have different learning abilities. Small networks tend to learn basic features and relatively simple tasks, while large networks have the capacity to learn more complex Patterns and perform advanced tasks. The quantization model aims to understand the difference between these networks and discover how scaling affects their learning abilities.

One key aspect of the quantization model is the concept of quanta. Quanta refers to the specific pieces of knowledge or computational abilities that neural networks need to learn to perform prediction tasks effectively. The research paper examines the frequency at which these quanta are useful for prediction and proposes a power law distribution to explain this phenomenon.

Understanding the difference between small and large networks and the impact of scaling can provide valuable insights into the mechanisms underlying the learning process in neural networks. It can also pave the way for more effective interpretability and understanding of these complex systems.

Small vs. Large Networks

Small neural networks are limited in terms of their learning capabilities compared to larger networks. They may be able to learn basic features and simple tasks, but they lack the capacity to perform more complex tasks and learn intricate patterns. In contrast, large neural networks have a higher capacity to learn complex patterns and perform advanced tasks due to their increased number of parameters.

Effect of Scaling on Neural Networks

Scaling plays a crucial role in shaping the learning abilities of neural networks. As networks Scale, their capacity to learn and generalize improves. Large networks have more parameters, enabling them to capture more intricate patterns and perform complex tasks. Scaling can lead to better performance and higher levels of generalization in neural networks.

Mechanistic Interpretability

Mechanistic interpretability is a fundamental aspect of understanding neural networks. It involves identifying the specific mechanisms or components within a network that contribute to its behavior and learning capabilities. By identifying these mechanisms, researchers can gain insights into how neural networks process information and make predictions.

Mechanistic interpretability is particularly Relevant when trying to understand the difference between small and large networks. By dissecting the mechanisms involved in learning and performance, researchers can gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of neural networks.


Grokking is the phenomenon where neural networks can generalize effectively long after they first overfit their training data. It was first discovered by researchers at OpenAI while training small transformer models to learn basic math operations. Initially, the networks would completely memorize the training data but fail to generalize to unseen examples. However, after continued training, the networks eventually exhibited effective generalization, showcasing the grokking phenomenon.

Generalization in Neural Networks

Generalization is the ability of a neural network to perform well on unseen data or tasks. It is a crucial aspect of machine learning and indicates the network's ability to learn and Apply its knowledge to new situations. Grokking goes beyond traditional notions of generalization by showcasing delayed generalization. Neural networks can eventually exhibit effective generalization even after initially memorizing the training data.

Delayed Generalization and the Grokking Phenomenon

The grokking phenomenon challenges traditional notions of generalization in neural networks. It showcases that even when a network has completely memorized the training data, continued training can lead to effective generalization. This delayed generalization suggests that there are underlying mechanisms within the network that facilitate learning beyond mere memorization. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for gaining deeper insights into the behavior of neural networks.

The Power Law Distribution

The power law distribution is a fundamental concept in understanding the frequency at which specific quanta are useful for prediction in neural networks. Quanta refer to the individual pieces of knowledge or computational abilities that neural networks need to learn to perform prediction tasks effectively. The power law distribution captures the frequency at which these quanta are relevant in predicting certain outcomes.

The power law distribution follows the form of a power law function, where the probability or frequency of a quanta being useful for prediction decreases exponentially with its rank or frequency. This distribution highlights the importance of certain quanta over others and provides a framework for understanding the significant factors contributing to a network's predictive capabilities.

The power law distribution can be observed through scaling curves, which represent the relationship between network size (parameters) and performance (loss). The interplay between quanta and scaling curves sheds light on the dynamics of neural networks and influences their ability to generalize effectively.

Understanding Representation Learning

Representation learning plays a crucial role in the performance and generalization capabilities of neural networks. It involves the formation of structured representations within the network's embeddings, where specific information is organized and processed. Understanding these structured representations is essential for deciphering the network's behavior and its ability to perform prediction tasks.

Structured representations can be observed in the embedding space of small transformers, where relevant information is organized and associated with specific inputs. For example, when training a network on modular addition, the embedding vectors corresponding to each input (0 to 112 in the case of modular addition modulo 113) form a circle in the embedding space. This structured representation reflects the network's understanding of modular addition, showcasing its ability to grasp and organize specific knowledge.

Exploring the formation and utilization of structured representations can provide valuable insights into how neural networks learn and generalize. It offers a lens through which researchers can unravel the inner workings of these complex systems and decipher their mechanisms of learning and prediction.

OmniGrok: Grokking Beyond Algorithmic Data

OmniGrok is a research paper that expands the scope of grokking to tasks beyond algorithmic data. Traditionally, grokking has been associated with neural networks' ability to learn and generalize on specific math operations or structured tasks. However, the OmniGrok paper demonstrates that grokking can be observed in more conventional tasks like MNIST digit recognition and other standard deep learning benchmarks.

The study involved training neural networks on smaller subsets of the MNIST dataset, mimicking scenarios with limited training data. The networks initially memorized the training examples but eventually exhibited effective generalization when trained for an extended duration. This delayed generalization showcased the grokking phenomenon, challenging traditional notions of learning and generalization in neural networks.

OmniGrok opens up new avenues for understanding grokking beyond algorithmic data and exploring the mechanisms underlying effective generalization in various domains. It provides a framework for studying the interplay between limited data scenarios, learning capacity, and delayed generalization.

Future Research and Collaboration

The field of understanding neural networks, grokking, and quantization model of neural scaling opens up numerous opportunities for future research and collaboration. Researchers interested in delving deeper into the mechanisms and behaviors of neural networks can contribute to the development of interpretability frameworks, anomaly detection mechanisms, and Novel approaches to quantization models.

Future research directions may involve further exploring the relevance and frequency of quanta in neural networks, investigating the underlying mechanisms of grokking, and expanding the scope of grokking beyond algorithmic data. Collaboration between researchers specializing in deep learning, representation learning, and neural network interpretability can lead to significant advancements in unraveling the mysteries of neural networks and improving our understanding of their inner workings.


Understanding the functioning of neural networks is a challenging and complex endeavor. However, through research into grokking, quantization models, and representation learning, we can unravel the mechanisms responsible for the remarkable capabilities of these networks. The insights gained from grokking can contribute to advancements in interpretability, generalization, and learning capabilities, fostering a deeper understanding of neural networks and their behavior.

As the field progresses, collaborations between researchers in the deep learning community can drive further breakthroughs and pave the way for safer and more efficient artificial intelligence systems. With continued exploration and investigation, the mysteries of neural networks can be gradually unraveled, leading to advancements in machine learning, understanding human intelligence, and creating innovative solutions for a wide range of applications.

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