Transform Your Teaching with Padlet

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Transform Your Teaching with Padlet

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Padlet?
  3. Benefits of Using Padlet for Remote Teaching
  4. Setting Up a Padlet Account
    1. Choosing a Format for Your Padlet
    2. Customizing Your Padlet
    3. Accessing the Settings Menu
  5. Creating and Customizing Posts on Padlet
    1. Types of Posts
    2. Adding Text-Based Posts
    3. Uploading Files and Media
    4. Using the Search and Draw Functions
  6. Sharing and Interacting with Padlet
    1. Sharing Padlet with Students
    2. Student Interaction and Commenting
  7. Using Shelf Bulletin Boards on Padlet
    1. Setting up Columns
    2. Using KWL Charts
  8. Conclusion
  9. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


In this article, we will explore how to effectively use Padlet for remote teaching. Padlet is an interactive online bulletin board that allows students to post various types of content and collaborate with their peers in real-time. We will discuss the benefits of using Padlet for remote teaching and provide step-by-step instructions on setting up a Padlet account, creating and customizing posts, and sharing and interacting with Padlet. Additionally, we will explore the use of shelf bulletin boards on Padlet and provide some example use cases. By the end of this article, You will have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilize Padlet for remote teaching and improve student engagement and collaboration.

What is Padlet?

Padlet is an interactive online bulletin board platform that allows students and teachers to collaborate and share various types of content in real-time. It provides a digital space where students can post text, files, images, videos, audio, screencasts, and drawings, making it a versatile tool for remote teaching. Padlet offers customizable settings, allowing teachers to Create a bulletin board that best fits their class's needs. With Padlet, students can engage with each other by commenting on posts and providing different types of reactions. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible for both teachers and students, making remote teaching more interactive and engaging.

Benefits of Using Padlet for Remote Teaching

Using Padlet for remote teaching offers several benefits to both teachers and students. Firstly, Padlet allows students to actively participate in sharing their ideas and work with their peers, fostering collaboration and community-building. By posting their responses and creations, students can receive feedback and support from both their teacher and classmates. Additionally, Padlet enables teachers to customize the settings, ensuring a controlled environment that aligns with their classroom needs. The platform's real-time interaction feature allows students to see each other's responses and engage in Meaningful discussions. Overall, Padlet enhances student engagement, promotes active learning, and creates opportunities for students to learn from and support each other.

Setting Up a Padlet Account

Before we dive into the features and functionalities of Padlet, let's first learn how to set up a Padlet account.

Choosing a Format for Your Padlet

When you create a new Padlet, you have the option to choose a format that best suits your needs. The available formats are the wall, the GRID, and the shelf. The wall format allows for free-form posting, while the grid format organizes posts in a grid-like structure. The shelf format, on the other HAND, allows for creating and organizing multiple columns for different purposes. Select the format that aligns with your teaching goals and create your Padlet accordingly.

Customizing Your Padlet

Once you have selected the format, it's time to customize your Padlet to make it visually appealing and Relevant to your students. You can start by giving your Padlet a name that reflects the topic or activity you will be focusing on. Next, provide a detailed description to explain the purpose of your bulletin board. This helps students understand the Context and expectations for their contributions.

You can further customize your Padlet by selecting a wallpaper. Choose a solid color, gradient, texture, pattern, or upload your own image. The wallpaper sets the background for your bulletin board and creates a visually engaging environment.

Post attribution allows you to see who posted each item on the Padlet. You can choose whether to turn on or off post attribution based on your preferences. Comments enable student communication, collaboration, and discussion. By turning on comments, students can provide feedback, ask questions, and engage with each other's posts. Another option is to enable reactions, such as 'likes,' which can encourage positive interactions among students. However, it is important to consider potential competition and distraction caused by reactions, so you may choose to turn this feature off.

Lastly, you can decide whether to require approval before a post appears on the Padlet. This feature gives you control over the content on your bulletin board and ensures that all posts meet the desired standards. However, note that requiring approval may delay real-time interaction among students, so it's essential to carefully manage and monitor the approval process.

Accessing the Settings Menu

If you need to make any changes or adjustments to your Padlet settings, you can easily access the settings menu. Simply click on the settings icon at the top of your Padlet screen. This allows you to revisit and modify any settings as needed, ensuring that your Padlet remains personalized and adaptable to your students' needs.

Creating and Customizing Posts on Padlet

Now that you have set up your Padlet, let's explore how to create and customize posts to engage your students effectively.

Types of Posts

Padlet offers various options for creating posts, giving students the flexibility to express their ideas in different formats. Some common types of posts include:

  1. Text-Based Posts: Students can Type responses or answers to questions on the Padlet board, fostering written communication skills.
  2. File Uploads: Students can upload files, including documents, images, videos, audio files, and screencasts, to showcase their work or share relevant resources.
  3. Link to Websites: Padlet allows students to add links to external websites, facilitating collaborative research or sharing of useful online materials.
  4. Media Search: Students can search for images, videos, GIFs, audio, or other websites directly within Padlet to enhance their posts with visual or multimedia content.
  5. Webcam Photos: With the camera option, students can take pictures using their webcams and upload them to Padlet, promoting community building and personal expression.
  6. Drawings: Padlet provides a drawing function that allows students to create and share their visual representations, such as diagrams, illustrations, or mathematical problem-solving steps.

Encouraging students to use a variety of post types can enrich their learning experiences, promote creativity, and make their contributions more engaging for their peers.

Adding Text-Based Posts

One of the most common ways to use Padlet is through text-based posts. To create a text-based post, click on the "add" button located at the bottom right-hand side of your Padlet screen. A new post will appear on the bulletin board, and you can start by writing a title for your post. This helps other students and the teacher understand the content of the post at a glance.

Next, you can write the main body of your post, providing detailed information, explanations, contributions, or reflections. Text-based posts can be used for answering questions, sharing thoughts, providing feedback, or initiating discussions. Encourage students to express their ideas clearly and concisely, making their posts informative and engaging for others.

Uploading Files and Media

Padlet allows students to upload various file types, including documents, images, videos, audio files, and screencasts. This feature enables them to showcase their work, share digital artifacts, and collaborate with multimedia resources.

To upload a file, students should first download it onto their computers. Then, click on the "add" button and select the file from their device's storage. Once uploaded, they can provide a brief description or explanation of the file's content. This helps other students understand the purpose and context of the uploaded file.

Additionally, Padlet offers a search function where students can find and include media directly in their posts. They can search for images, videos, GIFs, audio files, or other websites by entering relevant keywords. This feature enhances the visual and multimedia elements of their contributions, making them more engaging and appealing.

Using the Search and Draw Functions

In addition to file uploads and media searches, Padlet offers two other useful functions: search and draw.

With the search function, students can find and include specific media content to supplement their posts. For example, they can search for images, videos, GIFs, audio, or other websites related to their topic or concept. This allows them to visually enhance their posts, creating a more dynamic and lively discussion environment.

The draw function in Padlet enables students to create and share their visual representations directly on the bulletin board. This can be useful in subjects such as art, design, or math, where students need to demonstrate their understanding through diagrams, illustrations, or problem-solving steps. By including their hand-drawn contributions, students can convey their ideas more effectively and creatively.

Teachers can provide examples or guidelines for using the search and draw functions to help students understand the range of possibilities and encourage them to explore different ways of expressing their thoughts.

Sharing and Interacting with Padlet

Once you have created and customized your Padlet, it's time to share it with your students and encourage interaction and collaboration.

Sharing Padlet with Students

To share your Padlet with students, you have several options. You can copy the link to the Padlet and distribute it through email, messaging platforms, or learning management systems. Alternatively, you can directly post the Padlet link on platforms like Google Classroom.

If you prefer embedding the Padlet link, you can do so by copying the embed code and inserting it into other digital platforms or websites where you communicate with your students.

Choose the sharing method that works best for your class and provides easy access to your Padlet.

Student Interaction and Commenting

One of the key features of Padlet is the ability for students to Interact with each other's posts through comments. By asking questions, providing feedback, or engaging in discussions, students can actively participate in the learning process and connect with their peers.

You can enable comments on your Padlet to promote communication and collaboration among students. This encourages them to Read and respond to each other's posts, deepening their understanding of the topic and fostering Peer-to-peer learning. As a teacher, you can also actively participate in discussions by leaving comments or guiding the conversation.

However, it is essential to set guidelines and expectations for commenting, ensuring a respectful and inclusive online environment. Encourage constructive criticism, positive reinforcement, and thoughtful exchanges among students.

Using Shelf Bulletin Boards on Padlet

In addition to the wall and grid formats, Padlet offers the option to create shelf bulletin boards. Shelf bulletin boards allow for the organization of posts into different columns, providing a structured and focused approach to learning.

Setting up Columns

To create columns on a shelf bulletin board, follow similar steps to setting up a wall or grid format. Once your Padlet is created, you can add columns by clicking the "Add Column" option.

Shelf bulletin boards can be particularly useful when organizing discussions, research projects, or sequential learning activities. You can use columns to introduce different sections of a project, ask students to share their understanding at various stages, or track their progress throughout a unit.

For example, you can create a KWL (Know-Want to Know-Learned) Chart using columns. In the first column, students can write what they already know about a topic. In the next column, they can post questions or what they want to learn or find out. Finally, as the lesson or unit progresses, you can add another column where students can reflect on what they have learned. This helps students actively engage with the material and track their own growth and learning Journey.

By utilizing shelf bulletin boards, you can make Padlet a powerful tool for structuring and scaffolding student learning experiences.


In this article, we have explored how to effectively use Padlet for remote teaching. Padlet provides a versatile and user-friendly platform for creating interactive bulletin boards where students can collaborate and share various types of content. By setting up a Padlet account, customizing your bulletin boards, creating and customizing posts, and promoting student interaction, you can create engaging and collaborative learning experiences for your students. Whether you use text-based posts, multimedia uploads, or shelf bulletin boards, Padlet offers endless possibilities for remote teaching. Embrace this powerful tool and watch as your students actively participate, collaborate, and learn in a digital environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can students use Padlet without creating an account? A: Yes, with Padlet, students can participate and contribute to the bulletin board without creating an account. They can click on the provided link and directly post on the Padlet board. However, creating an account allows students to have better control and ownership over their posts, as their names will be associated with their contributions.

Q: Can I control who can access and participate in my Padlet? A: Yes, Padlet provides privacy settings that allow you to control who can access your bulletin board. You can choose to make it accessible only to specific individuals, such as your students, or share it publicly.

Q: Can I embed a Padlet in other platforms or websites? A: Yes, Padlet offers embed codes that allow you to seamlessly insert your Padlet into other websites or digital platforms. This enables you to integrate your bulletin board directly into your online learning environment or communication channels.

Q: Is Padlet suitable for all grade levels? A: Yes, Padlet can be used with students of all grade levels. However, it is important to consider the privacy settings and guidelines appropriate for each age group. Younger students may require additional support and supervision in using Padlet effectively.

Q: Can I use Padlet for formative assessments? A: Yes, Padlet can be used for formative assessments. You can ask students to share their answers, reflections, or projects on the bulletin board to gauge their understanding and progress. By providing feedback and engaging in discussions, you can guide students' learning and address any misconceptions or areas for improvement.

Q: Can I export or save my Padlet for future reference? A: Yes, Padlet allows you to export or save your Padlet as a PDF file, Excel spreadsheet, or image files. This enables you to keep a record of the students' contributions and use them for future reference or assessment purposes.

Q: Are there any privacy or security concerns when using Padlet? A: As with any online platform, it is important to consider privacy and security concerns when using Padlet. Make sure to familiarize yourself with Padlet's privacy policies and guidelines and communicate them to your students. Educate students about online safety, responsible digital citizenship, and appropriate behavior when interacting on Padlet.

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