Unlock the Secret to Earning $300 Per Day with ChatGPT

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Unlock the Secret to Earning $300 Per Day with ChatGPT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started with AI Tools
  3. Asking Chat GPT for a Storybook Title
  4. Generating a Story Summary with Chat GPT
  5. Creating a Chapter Outline with Chat GPT
  6. Using Mid-Journey to Generate Artwork
  7. Signing Up for Mid-Journey
  8. Creating Artwork Prompts with Mid-Journey
  9. Upscaling and Customizing Artwork with Mid-Journey
  10. Organizing Artwork and Text in Canva
  11. Customizing the Pages of the Storybook
  12. Downloading and Exporting the Storybook
  13. Setting Up Your Online Stores
  14. Offering Customization Options
  15. Printing and Shipping the StoryBooks
  16. Conclusion


Have You ever wondered how your life would look like if you were making an extra $300 a day? What if there was an easy and passive way to achieve this, such as selling kids' storybooks? Well, in this guide, I will Show you how you can make a passive income by creating and selling storybooks online. And the best part? You don't need any prior experience. With the help of AI tools like Chat GPT and Mid-Journey, you'll be able to unleash your creativity and turn it into profit. So, let's dive into the step-by-step process and start your journey to financial independence.

Getting Started with AI Tools

To embark on your journey of creating and selling storybooks, you'll need to familiarize yourself with two powerful AI tools: Chat GPT and Mid-Journey. These tools will help you generate captivating storylines and stunning artwork for your books.

Asking Chat GPT for a Storybook Title

The first step in creating a storybook is to come up with an intriguing title. With Chat GPT, you can easily generate unique and catchy titles that will capture the Attention of young readers. By accessing the chat.OpenAI.com Website and signing up for a free account, you'll have the power of AI at your fingertips.

Generating a Story Summary with Chat GPT

Once you have the title of your storybook, the next step is to develop a summary of what the story will be about. With Chat GPT's language generation capabilities, you can quickly generate a concise and captivating summary that outlines the main plot points. If you're not satisfied with the initial story summary, you can always ask Chat GPT for alternative suggestions until you find the perfect storyline.

Creating a Chapter Outline with Chat GPT

Now that you have a compelling story summary, it's time to Delve deeper into the narrative by creating a chapter outline. Chat GPT can assist you in generating a list of bullet points that describe the scenes in each chapter. Each bullet point will represent a different page of your storybook, laying the foundation for an engaging reading experience.

Using Mid-Journey to Generate Artwork

With your story outline in place, the next step is to bring your book to life with captivating artwork. Mid-Journey is an AI Tool designed to generate unique and visually stunning art in under 60 seconds. By utilizing a text prompt, Mid-Journey will produce artwork that complements the story and captivates young readers.

Signing Up for Mid-Journey

To gain access to Mid-Journey's powerful art generation capabilities, you'll need to sign up for their beta version. Simply join their Discord server and begin your journey towards creating captivating illustrations for your storybooks.

Creating Artwork Prompts with Mid-Journey

Once you're in the Mid-Journey Discord server, you can start creating artwork by using text prompts. By pasting a bullet point from your chapter outline, Mid-Journey will generate four different pieces of art Based on your prompt. You can select and customize these art pieces to match the themes and characters in your story.

Upscaling and Customizing Artwork with Mid-Journey

To maintain a consistent and Cohesive style throughout your book, you can use Mid-Journey to upscale and customize the artwork. By selecting the desired image and using the appropriate buttons, you can upscale the art to a larger size and Create new versions in a similar style. This ensures that your illustrations are visually appealing and resonate with your readers.

Organizing Artwork and Text in Canva

Now that you have your artwork and story text, it's time to organize and combine them into a cohesive storybook. Canva, a free software platform, provides the perfect canvas for piecing together the pages of your book. By using pre-designed templates or creating a blank storybook, you can upload your artwork and add the corresponding text to each page.

Customizing the Pages of the Storybook

With Canva's user-friendly interface, you can easily customize the appearance of your storybook pages. From text formatting to background images, you have full creative control. By adding personalized touches and enhancing readability, you'll create a visually appealing and engaging reading experience for young minds.

Downloading and Exporting the Storybook

Once you're satisfied with the layout and design of your storybook, it's time to download and export it. Canva allows you to save your creation as a high-quality PDF file, ensuring that all the components of your book are preserved. This PDF file is the final product that you can upload and sell on various online platforms.

Setting Up Your Online Stores

To turn your passion for storytelling into a profitable business, you need to set up online stores where you can sell your storybooks. Platforms like Amazon and Etsy offer excellent opportunities for reaching a wide audience. By creating enticing listings and optimizing your store's visibility, you can attract potential customers and generate sales.

Offering Customization Options

One way to differentiate your storybooks from others on the market is by offering customization options. Allow customers to personalize the main character's name or other elements of the story. This personal touch not only makes your books stand out but also justifies a higher price point.

Printing and Shipping the Storybooks

Once a customer purchases one of your storybooks, it's time to fulfill the order by printing and shipping the book to them. Vistaprint is a popular website that offers a range of printing and shipping options at competitive prices. You can choose the size and format that best suits your book and deliver a physical copy to your customers' doorsteps.


Creating and selling storybooks online can be a fulfilling and financially rewarding venture. With the help of AI tools like Chat GPT and Mid-Journey, you can unleash your creativity and turn your ideas into captivating storybooks. From generating unique titles and story summaries to creating stunning artwork and organizing the pages of your book, this guide has provided you with a step-by-step roadmap to success. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey today and make your mark in the world of children's literature. Remember, your passion for storytelling can Ignite young minds and create a lasting impact.

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