Install Ubuntu 20.04 on Intel: Step-by-Step Guide

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Install Ubuntu 20.04 on Intel: Step-by-Step Guide

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Installing Ubuntu on Windows 10
  3. Checking System Information
  4. Restarting and Selecting Ubuntu
  5. Trying Ubuntu
  6. Installing Ubuntu Completely
  7. Choosing Language and Internet Connection
  8. Choosing Installation Type
  9. Dual Booting Ubuntu with Windows 10
  10. Installing Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10
  11. Finalizing the Installation
  12. Exploring Ubuntu Features
  13. testing Ubuntu on Intel 64-Base Systems
  14. Checking System Specifications
  15. Using Terminal and Updating Ubuntu
  16. Exploring Office Suite Applications
  17. Shutting Down Ubuntu


In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing Ubuntu on your Windows 10 system. Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution that offers a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features. By dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows 10, you can enjoy the benefits of both operating systems on the same machine. So, let's dive in and explore how to install and use Ubuntu on your Windows 10 computer!

Installing Ubuntu on Windows 10

Before we begin the installation process, it's important to note that dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows 10 allows you to keep both operating systems intact. Your Windows 10 installation will not be affected unless you choose to erase it during the Ubuntu installation. Once you're ready, follow the steps below to install Ubuntu on your Windows 10 system.

Checking System Information

To ensure a smooth installation process, it's essential to check your system's information before proceeding. This step will help you verify the compatibility of your hardware with Ubuntu. We will guide you through the process of checking your system's specifications and ensuring that Ubuntu will run smoothly on your machine.

Restarting and Selecting Ubuntu

Once you have verified your system's compatibility, it's time to restart your computer and select Ubuntu as the operating system to boot into. We will walk you through the steps of restarting your system and accessing the Ubuntu installation media.

Trying Ubuntu

After successfully booting into Ubuntu, you have the option to try it out without making any permanent changes to your system. This allows you to explore Ubuntu's features and functionalities before committing to a complete installation. We will show you how to use Ubuntu in this trial mode.

Installing Ubuntu Completely

If you're satisfied with the Ubuntu experience and decide to proceed with the installation, we will guide you through the process of installing Ubuntu completely on your system. You will have the option to either install alongside Windows 10 or erase your old operating system and replace it with Ubuntu.

Choosing Language and Internet Connection

During the installation process, you will be prompted to choose your preferred language and configure your internet connection. We will walk you through these steps and provide guidance on how to proceed.

Choosing Installation Type

Once the language and internet connection are set up, you will come across different installation types. We will explain the options available to you, such as minimal installation or normal installation, and help you make an informed decision based on your needs.

Dual Booting Ubuntu with Windows 10

If you prefer to keep your Windows 10 installation intact and run Ubuntu alongside it, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to choose this option during the installation process. This will allow you to switch between the two operating systems whenever you want.

Installing Ubuntu Alongside Windows 10

For those who want to install Ubuntu alongside their existing Windows 10 setup, we will guide you through the necessary steps. This option is ideal for those who want to experience Ubuntu without compromising their Windows 10 installation.

Finalizing the Installation

Once you have selected your preferred installation type, we will guide you through the final steps of the installation process. This includes setting up your username and password and configuring additional options to enhance your Ubuntu experience.

Exploring Ubuntu Features

With Ubuntu successfully installed, we will take a closer look at its features and functionalities. From the user-friendly interface to the variety of built-in applications, we will explore what makes Ubuntu a powerful and versatile operating system.

Testing Ubuntu on Intel 64-Base Systems

Some users might have concerns about installing Ubuntu on Intel 64-base systems. In this section, we will address these concerns and provide assurance that Ubuntu is fully compatible with Intel 64-base systems.

Checking System Specifications

To ensure that Ubuntu is running optimally on your system, we will guide you on how to check your system's specifications within the Ubuntu environment. This will help you confirm that your hardware is being utilized effectively.

Using Terminal and Updating Ubuntu

The Terminal is a powerful tool in Ubuntu that allows you to execute commands and perform various tasks. We will introduce you to the Ubuntu Terminal and guide you through the process of updating your Ubuntu installation.

Exploring Office Suite Applications

Ubuntu offers a range of office suite applications that can serve as alternatives to popular Microsoft Office programs. We will take a closer look at these applications, including WORD processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software.

Shutting Down Ubuntu

When you're finished using Ubuntu, it's essential to know how to properly shut down the system. We will provide step-by-step instructions on how to shut down Ubuntu safely.


In conclusion, installing Ubuntu on your Windows 10 system can open up a world of possibilities. With its user-friendly interface and vast array of features, Ubuntu offers a powerful and versatile operating system that can complement your Windows 10 installation. Whether you choose to dual-boot Ubuntu or run it alongside Windows 10, this guide has provided you with the necessary steps to enjoy the benefits of Ubuntu on your computer. So, what are you waiting for? Begin your Ubuntu journey today!

How to Install and Use Ubuntu on Windows 10

In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing Ubuntu on your Windows 10 system. Ubuntu is a popular Linux distribution known for its user-friendly interface and extensive functionalities. By dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows 10, you can enjoy the benefits of both operating systems on a single machine. So, let's dive in and explore how to install and use Ubuntu on your Windows 10 computer!


Ubuntu is a widely recognized Linux distribution, known for its ease of use and vast community support. It offers a secure and stable operating system environment, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced users alike. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Ubuntu on your Windows 10 computer.

Installing Ubuntu on Windows 10

Before getting started with the installation process, it is crucial to back up any important files or data on your Windows 10 system. This ensures that you have a safe copy of your data in case anything goes wrong during the installation process.

Once you have backed up your data, you can proceed with the installation by following these steps:

Step 1: Create a Bootable Ubuntu USB Drive

To install Ubuntu, you will need a bootable USB drive containing the Ubuntu ISO file. You can create a bootable USB drive using software like Rufus or Etcher. Make sure to download the latest version of Ubuntu from the official website.

Step 2: Prepare Your Computer

Before you begin the installation, it is essential to ensure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for Ubuntu. These requirements typically include a processor with at least two cores, 4GB of RAM, and 25GB of free disk space.

Step 3: Boot from the USB Drive

Insert the bootable USB drive into your computer and restart it. During the boot process, access the BIOS or UEFI settings by pressing the designated key (e.g., F2 or Del) as displayed on the screen. In the BIOS/UEFI settings, change the boot order to prioritize the USB drive.

Save the changes and exit the BIOS/UEFI settings. Your computer will now boot from the USB drive, launching the Ubuntu installation.

Step 4: Install Ubuntu

Once Ubuntu starts, you will be presented with the option to try Ubuntu or install it. Select the "Install Ubuntu" option to begin the installation process.

Step 5: Configure Installation Options

During the installation, you will be prompted to choose your preferred language and keyboard layout. Select the appropriate options and click "Continue" to proceed.

Next, choose whether you want to install third-party software, such as codecs and drivers, for a better multimedia experience. Enable or disable this option based on your preferences and click "Continue."

Step 6: Allocate Disk Space

On the next screen, you will be presented with options for disk partitioning. Choose whether you want to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 or replace Windows 10 with Ubuntu.

If you choose to install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10, you will need to allocate disk space for the Ubuntu installation. Drag the partition slider to determine the amount of disk space you want to allocate for Ubuntu.

Step 7: Create a User Account

After allocating disk space, you will need to create a user account for Ubuntu. Enter your name, computer name, username, and a secure password. You can also choose to log in automatically or require a password for login.

Step 8: Begin the Installation

Once you have configured all the installation options, click "Install Now" to begin the installation process. Ubuntu will copy the necessary files to your hard drive and install the operating system.

Step 9: Restart Your Computer

After the installation is complete, you will be prompted to restart your computer. Remove the USB drive and restart the computer.

Upon restarting, your computer will Present you with the option to boot into either Ubuntu or Windows 10. Use the arrow keys to select Ubuntu, and press Enter to boot into Ubuntu.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Ubuntu on your Windows 10 computer. You can now enjoy the benefits of Ubuntu's user-friendly interface and extensive collection of software.


Installing Ubuntu on your Windows 10 computer opens up a world of possibilities. Whether you are new to Linux or an experienced user, Ubuntu offers a secure and stable operating system environment. By dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows 10, you can have the best of both worlds and enjoy the benefits of both operating systems on a single machine. So, why wait? Take the plunge and start using Ubuntu on your Windows 10 computer today!


  • Install Ubuntu on your Windows 10 system to enjoy the benefits of both operating systems
  • Dual-booting allows you to keep both Ubuntu and Windows 10 intact
  • Ensure compatibility by checking your system's information before installation
  • Select Ubuntu as the operating system during the restart process
  • Try Ubuntu before installing it completely
  • Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 or replace Windows 10 with Ubuntu
  • Configure language, internet connection, and installation type during the process
  • Explore the features and applications of Ubuntu, including its office suite
  • Shut down Ubuntu properly to ensure system integrity


Q: Can I install Ubuntu on my Windows 10 system without erasing my Windows 10 installation? A: Yes, you can install Ubuntu alongside Windows 10 using the dual-boot option. This allows both operating systems to coexist on your computer without affecting each other.

Q: Is Ubuntu compatible with Intel 64-base systems? A: Yes, Ubuntu is fully compatible with Intel 64-base systems. Even if the installation mentions "md64" instead of "Intel 64", there should be no issues with installing Ubuntu on an Intel 64-base system.

Q: Can I use Ubuntu's Terminal to update the operating system? A: Yes, Ubuntu's Terminal allows you to execute commands, including updating the operating system. By using the apt update command, you can keep your Ubuntu installation up to date with the latest software packages and security updates.

Q: What office suite applications are available in Ubuntu? A: Ubuntu offers a range of office suite applications as alternatives to popular Microsoft Office programs. These include word processing software (like LibreOffice Writer), spreadsheet software (like LibreOffice Calc), and presentation software (like LibreOffice Impress).

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